Holly Potter and the Unicorn Hair - Iziscoolerthanyou - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter 1: The Giant

Chapter Text

The first owl came on a Tuesday, the week before Holly and her twin brother turned eleven. It slid two letters, identical in all but the names on the envelope, through the mail slot on the door just as Harry had been made to fetch the family's mail. In truth, Holly never even had the chance to see that first letter. She was stuck upstairs, scrubbing the toilet with a toothbrush because of her telling her horrible cousin, Dudley, that he looked like he brushed his teeth with toilet water earlier that July afternoon.

The next morning, during breakfast, another set of letters arrived. Harry tried to wrestle Dudley and their Uncle Vernon for it, but again, Holly did not even get to see. Aunt Petunia blocked the door to the hall, bony arms crossed, sour scowl painting her face, as always. “I think you best get a start on the yard-work, young lady.” she instructed, sending Holly off to pull weeds outside where she could be seen through the veranda windows.

The next morning Vernon nailed shut the mail slot. The following morning, twenty-four letters were shoved under the door, twelve for each twin. Holly nearly got one that time, as she was using the bathroom when a few were shoved through the window, but, no sooner had she stepped out into the hall, than Aunt Petunia patted her down rather invasively and stole back the letters Holly had shoved under her shirt.

On Saturday they arrived in double the amount as the day before, rolled up inside their daily delivery of eggs. That still did not work.

Sunday had the letters pouring in in immeasurable numbers through every possible opening in the house. Vernon decided then, that they were going away. He gave them five minutes to pack some clothes, tossed them all into the car, and began to drive, and drive, and drive some more.

They spent the night in a gloomy hotel, only to flee again in the morning when the letters arrived at reception, addressed now, to their hotel room. They found their way to a place Holly thought was best described as ‘wet’. Wet, and likely, unstable. It was an old house atop a sea rock that required them to borrow a boat even to get there.

Privately, Holly thought this would do nothing to deter the birds. They could fly, after all.

Evening came and went and the Dursleys were off to bed. “Tomorrow’s my birthday,” Harry whispered to Holly, once they were alone. They had been born fifteen minutes apart. That happened to mean that Harry was born ten minutes before the end of July, while Holly was born five minutes into August. It really meant nothing considering the previous year the Dursleys gave Harry a coat hanger and some old socks, while Holly received only a half-chewed pencil.

“Do you want me to stay up with you?” Holly asked, though she was exhausted from all their running from the owls.

Harry shrugged. “Nah, I’ll be fine.”

Holly rolled her eyes. “Uh huh.” she prodded him with her foot. “I don’t mind but you gotta stay up with me tomorrow night too, k?”

Harry brightened a bit. “Okay.” he promised.

Together they played silent games to pass the time, occasionally checking the clock until there was only five minutes left to go. Five minutes and a strange creak outside. “Hope it’s not the roof…” Harry mumbled. Holly couldn’t help the shiver that passed through her then.

“Well, maybe it’ll only land on them and then we can get our letters, somehow.” Holly suggested, with a smirk.

Harry snorted.

Holly glanced at the clock. Three minutes until midnight. The creaking had begun to sound like pounding. She huddled closer to her brother, determined to die with him if they were to die on his birthday.

Together, they watched the clock and counted, resolutely ignoring the scary sounds outside. Thirty-seconds… twenty… ten… five… four… three… two… one…


Holly spotted someone at the door, knocking. She shot to her feet an instant before Harry. They kept knocking. Dudley jerked awake. “Where’s the cannon?” their cousin asked, dumbly. Nobody ever said Dudley Dursley was smart.

A crash behind them drew Holly’s attention momentarily to Uncle Vernon, skidding into the room with a rifle. She wasn’t sure who was scarier at this point, Vernon, or the booming stranger knocking at the door…

“Who’s there?” Vernon shouted. “I warn you- I’m armed!”

A brief, terrifying pause, and then the stranger broke the door down.

The stranger - a particularly wild looking giant of a man, scanned the room with eyes that seemed somehow soft. He took in Vernon’s Riffle, Dudley’s bed-head, and Aunt Petunia’s severe looking face before finally spotting Holly and Harry.

He barreled straight over to them, minding his head against the rather low ceiling as he went. “Ah, there ye ‘re!” he said, smiling big under his untamed beard. “Ye look jus’ like yer parents.”

“I demand that you leave at once, sir! You are breaking and entering!” Vernon said, rather un-intimidatingly.

The Giant turned to their uncle. “Ah, shut up, Dursley, yeh great prune!” He scolded, snatching up the riffle and bending it into a knot as though it were nothing but a piece of string. Then he tossed the thing into a corner of the room, leaving Uncle Vernon to stand there, squeaking.

“How do you know us? Did you know our parents? Are you the one who sent all those letters?” Holly’s mouth began to say words without consulting with her better thoughts, for, if it (her mouth) had, she’d have told it to be quiet. If there was one thing she was sure of, it was that the less you speak, the less you're noticed, which would definitely be useful at a time like this.

“Ah, well… you see… actually…” the giant stammered a bit before seemingly realizing something. He patted down his infinitely pocketed coat until he found what he was looking for. He reached in. Holly held her breath, nervous, only to be overcome with excitement when two letters, just like the ones at home that Vernon had burned, were produced and handed over.

Holly hesitantly glanced at her aunt and uncle before snatching up her letter eagerly. Harry did the same, adding a quiet, “thank you” as he took his.

Miss H. Potter,
The Floor,
The Sea.

Holly pulled open her letter and read the heading: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She looked up at the giant. “Witchcraft and Wizardry? Are you with a prank show? Who are you? What was the point of chasing us all the way here for… this?!” she demanded, tossing her letter to the ground and crossing her arms, definitely. The Dursley’s had done some terrible things before but this seemed extreme even for them. Why would they - the most normal-loving people on the planet, sign the twins up for a prank show?

The Giant looked hurt. He bent down and plucked the letter off the dusty ground. He then took a deep breath and met Holly’s gaze. “Yer tellin’ me ye aint never been told about our world? Yeh must know ‘bout yeh mum and dad, at least-” he looked to Harry, almost searching for something, though, Holly couldn’t tell you what.

“Were our parents famous or something?” Harry asked, glancing over at Aunt Petunia.

The Giant rounded on their aunt and uncle.

“Stop right there, sir! I forbid you to tell them anything else!” Vernon commanded, seconds before the Giant turned his glare on him.

“You never told ‘em? Never told ‘em what was in the letter Dumbledore left fer ‘em? I was there! I saw Dumbledore leave it, Dursley! An’ you’ve kept it from ‘em all these years?”

“Kept what from us?” Harry wondered, glancing at his unopened letter, and Holly’s discarded one, now in the Giant’s massive hand.

“Stop! I forbid you!” Vernon shouted. Aunt Petunia gasped.

“Ah, go boil yer heads, both of yeh,” the Giant said, turning back to the twins. “Yer magick, both a yeh. A witch,” he nodded to Holly, “and a wizard.”

“I’m a what?” Harry gasped.

Holly fidgeted. Vernon and Petunia did seem genuine in their horror, so perhaps this was all true? Maybe… maybe she was a witch. Weird things were always happening to them. Like the zoo incident where Harry somehow set a snake on Dudley, or the time Holly swore their lawn gnome was following her around for a month and nobody believed her…

“A wizard, o’ course,” said the Giant. “An’ a thumpin’ good’un, I’d say, once yeh’ve trained up a bit. Yeh too, Holly. With a mum an’ dad like yours, what else would yeh be? An’ I reckon it’s abou’ time yeh read those letters.” he handed Holly’s back to her, looking at her meaningfully for a moment before letting go of the parchment.

“Who are you?” Holly wondered, sounding sort of far away.

“Names Rubius Hagrid,” the giant said, “I’m keeper of keys at Hogwarts

Chapter 2: Robes & Wands


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Morning came and went with owls carrying magick news papers and flying motorbikes and pubs full of people too interested in Holly and Harry and goblins with railways and bank vaults full of stacks of gold taller than even Hagrid.

By the time they found themselves back out on the street of Diagon Alley, it was nearing noon. Hagrid looked a bit green as he said, “might as well get yer robes… listen, yeh two, would yeh mind if I slipped off fer a pick-me-up and the leaky cauldron? I hate them gringotts carts…”

She exchanged a glance with Harry, holding a quick silent conversation, before nodding to him. “Sure thing, Hagrid.” Harry said, taking Holly’s hand and heading for the shop.

Madam Malkin, Holly thought, was quite inviting, with her broad smile and cheerful but muted Mauve robes. “Hogwarts, dearies?” She checked, when Harry opened his mouth. “Got the lot here, another young man being fitted up just now, in fact.” She told Harry, reassuringly. She looked at Holly and her smile softened just a fraction. “I'll grab the skirts for you, as well, hon.” She promised.

She scurried off to grab a pile of plain black skirts, before hurrying back and ushering them to the back, where another boy their age was stood upon a footstool. He was pale and sharp faced, with silvery hair.

“Hello,” said the boy. “Hogwarts too?”

“Yes.” Holly said at the same time as her brother. Then she added, “I’m not sure if I'm more excited or nervous, though.”

The boy looked at her in a strange way as if torn between a sneer and something else… something more open. “Well, I suppose it is rather unpleasant to think that you could be sorted into Hufflepuff.” He decided, in a tone of voice that was just as strange as his expression.

“Hufflepuff?” Harry asked.

“I know!” The boy agreed with an eye-roll. “I think I’d leave if I were sorted there.” He went on, “no, it's got to be Slytherin for me. My whole families been sorted there.”

Holly glanced at Harry, bewildered, and they exchanged confused looks. What was a Hufflepuff? What on earth was a Slytherin? Holly decided she’d ask Hagrid about it later.

Madam Malkin, who had finished with Harry and moved on to Holly, tutted. “You look just like your parents, you do, but quite a bit smaller than they were at your age. Best I leave an inch or so in the waist in case the kitchens can manage to get some meat on those bones” she muttered to herself. Then, stepping back to look from another angle, she asked Holly, “have anything for your hair?”

Holly shook her head. All she had was an old piece of string she used to tie it off at the ends when Aunt Petunia made her braid it while she did chores around the house.

“Follow me then,” Madam Malkin instructed. She led Holly back towards the middle of the shop where she had a section filled with accessories. All different colors and kinds. It was quite overwhelming, really. Madam Malkin seemed to know that though, because she never made Holly choose anything. She set three pairs of tights in Holly’s hands, a satiny black headband, a set of black hair ribbons and a little lilac bag labeled “witches only”. “That is in case you get your moon at school. Can't imagine anyone’s thought to pack you something like that, what with your mother being gone.”

Holly looked at the bag in confusion, not at all sure what a moon was. “Don't worry dear, there's a pamphlet inside.” Madam Malkin assured. “And if you have any questions you can always ask a female teacher, alright?”

Confused, but grateful, Holly nodded up at the shop-keep. “Thank you,” she said, taking in all the things Madam Malkin had rounded up for her.

Madam Malkin smiled. “Oh, I almost forgot, you’ll be needing these, as well…” she waved her wand, “acio!” She said, and a few satin bags floated over to them. “Considering the state of the clothes you two are wearing, I'd say you're in need of some new undergarments as well, but don’t worry, I’ll leave the pastels to you.” She said with a wink, setting the lavender, dusty pink, and soft yellow satin bags in Holly’s cart before waving her wand and sending the deep red, dark blue, and gray ones in Harry’s direction. “And that's you done, let's go get your brother and have you on your way, shall we?”

Holly and Harry paid for their loads, thanked Madam Malkin, and went to meet up with Haggrid for lunch. They told him all about the boy they’d met and Madam Malkin and how excited they were to have their school robes because they had only ever gotten to wear Duddly’s old clothes and-

They gathered the rest of their school supplies quicker than the robe fittings. Soon, they each had cauldrons, books, scales, crystal phials, and telescopes. All that was left was their wands and their familiars. “Tell yeh's what, seein’ as I still haven't gotten yeh’s yer birthday presents, I'll Get yer animals.” Haggrid decided. “Yeh go on an’ get yer wands. I’ll see yeh’s back here in an hour.”

Holly glanced at Harry, uncertain. “Are you sure, Hagrid? You don’t need to get us anything…” Holly said, cautiously.

Harry nodded beside her. “You don’t have to…” he tried.

Hagrid huffed. “I want ta, now, off with ya, ta Olivander’s. Ain't no place better!”

The wand shop seemed empty at first, until a bell chimed and an old man popped up out of nowhere. He had big, moon-like eyes that seemed just a little too intently focused on her brother’s scar. “Ah yes,” he said, drawing his eerie gaze over to Holly. “Yes, yes. I thought I’d be seeing the two of you soon. You are the spitting image of your parents. Seems only yesterday Lily and James were in here buying their first wands… Your mother carried a good wand for charm work. Ten and a quarter inches, swishy. Willow, I believe. Your father, on the other hand, favored a mahogany wand. Eleven inches. Pliable. A little more powerful and excellent for transfiguration. Well I say your father favored it - It's really the wand that chooses the witch or wizard, of course.

Holly blinked at the overload of information.

Olivandar nodded at her as though she had asked him something. “Yes ladies first, mmm.. yes, Holly for you miss Holly, I imagine… hmm… yes, yes, flexible, Indeed, like your mothers… hmm perhaps… hadn't planned on selling this one but I suspect it may be…” Olivandar wandered into the back, out of earshot, for a moment. He returned, carrying two dusty old boxes, one black and innocuous, and the other a faded blue. He opened the blue box, revealing a delicate looking wand of a near-white, but still natural color. It had a simple straight shape with a quartz hilt pointing up, into the wand. They blended together so seamlessly it was a wonder they had not grown together. Or, perhaps they had, in some rarity of nature. “Well, give it a whirl!” Olivander encouraged.

Holly picked up the wand. Immediately, she felt warm. It was as though all her bruises and scrapes hurt just a little less. She even felt more energized. And then, there came the soft, sweet melody from the wand, like a hymn sung on Christmas or a lullaby, long forgotten.

Olivandar beamed. “Indeed, I thought so.” He affirmed. “Holly. Ten and a half inches. Swishy, like your mother’s. The core is interesting as it's not one I would normally use. Truly I had just meant to experiment with it, but it seemed the one- yes, dittany stalk, amplified by a quartz hilt. Good for healing magic, and charms too, I imagine. It ought to be loyal, that wand.”

Holly ran her fingers along the wood. It was perfect, she thought.It seemed to think the same of her.

“And now you, Mr. Potter…” Olivander handed Harry at least a dozen wands, each with more violent effects than the last, until finally, he thrummed his hands over the black box from before. “Tricky customer, eh? I had a feeling. Come now, give this one a go.” He handed Harry the black box, a strange look on his face as he did so.

Harry opened the box to reveal a sturdier, more rustic style wand than Holly’s, with a branch-like hilt and light wood that matched her own. The wand emitted a bright glow at the touch of his hand, and a warm hum filled the room.

“Interesting, very interesting.” Olivandar said.

“Mr. Ollivander?”

“Holly, like your sister’s- same tree, too, I'm quite sure… eleven inches. Phoenix feather core, quite the unusual pairing for a Holly wand... it shares a brother, you know. The phoenix that gave that feather gave only one other - paired with yew, thirteen and a half inches… I’m sorry to say I sold it. Couldn't have known then of course… but yes, it is very interesting indeed, Mr. Potter, that the brother of your wand should be the one that gave you that scar.” Olivandar said.

Holly felt chills run down her spine. Harry had gone quite pale at the discovery.

“Yes, Mr. Potter, I think we can expect great things from you. After all, he-who-must-not-be-named did great things- Terrible! But great.” Olivandar continued.

Holly felt a little sick at that.

An air of uncertainty hung over the pair as they waited for Hagrid outside. “Do you… erm… that is… you don’t think it means i’ll be…” Harry looked down at his wand, clearly unsettled. Objectively, it was a handsome wand, strong looking in a way Holly’s just wasn’t, but that seemed right, in Holly’s mind. He was far more athletic than she was, and definitely nicer, too.

“No,” Holly said, thoughtfully. “I don’t know what it means, but I don’t think it means your evil.”

“Course yer not! Why would yeh ever think such a thing?” Hagrid boomed from just behind them, making both of them jump.

“It’s nothing,” Harry said, quickly, turning around to face the friendly giant. Holly followed suit.

In his right hand, Haggrid held a bird cage with a beautiful snowy owl, sleeping under her wing. He handed it to Harry. In his left hand, he cradled a small, fuzzy… thing. It wasn’t a kitten, Holly was sure of that. And seeing as the only other approved pets were toads and owls, she was fairly sure it was not something she could bring with her. “Hagrid,” she asked, cautiously, “what is that?”

Hagrid beamed. “‘Ts a puffskein. Don’ worry. They won't mind yeh havin’ ‘er. She’s harmless. Most magick folk grow up with ‘em.” Hagrid explained. He handed the little ball of fur to Holly. It had big green eyes, a cat-like nose, and a mouth. No body. No limbs. Jno ears that Holly could see… “I thought yee’d like ‘er.” Hagrid added, looking a bit uncertain now.

Holly took the Puffskein from him and held it up to her face so they were eye-to-eye. “Hello, PuffPotter. I’m Holly.” she said to it, not entirely sure if she meant to call it that or if she meant to call it puffskein or puffball or something normal(ish).

“Puffpotter?” Harry asked, incredulous. “PUFFPOTTER!” he hollered, laughing at her expense now.

Hagrid’s eyes danced with amusem*nt, and pride. “Harry,” he said, nudging Holly’s brother just a tad too hard, but meaning it goodnaturedly. “What’r ‘bout yer owl? What’r yeh callin’ ‘er?”

Harry contemplated this for a moment, looking at his new companion with wonder. “Mm… I need to get to know her, I think.” he decided.


More is coming!

Chapter 3: The Great Trainride Adventure


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The last month at the Dursleys was like living as ghosts, able to see and speak to each other, but completely unseen by anyone else. They spent it reading ahead in their school books and playing with their new pets. Harry named his owl Hedwig, after something he read in their history book. Holly thought it was a stupid name for a bird, and much preferred fluffy little PuffPotter over an owl anyway.
On the night before, Harry and Holly had gone to ask for a ride to the station, and though Uncle Vernon had agreed, he insisted that there was no such thing as platform nine and three quarters. Said it was barking mad, actually. But, earlier that morning, he had driven them in. He had made a show of pointing out that there was in fact, nothing in between platforms nine and ten.

Then he had just left them there.

Worried over the time (10:52 am), Harry asked an adult where their platform was, but the man only scoffed at them and shooed them off, declaring them both ‘times wasters’. At a loss for what to do, the pair of them hovered about, hoping to see any strangely dressed people going to some unseeable place. It seemed rather hopeless, actually.

Then Against all odds, they spotted exactly that. Five- no, six, redheaded, strangely robed, rather loud people sauntered up to the wall between platforms nine and ten. “-Packed with muggles of course-“ the oldest of them - a middle aged woman who was as squat as she was ginger, told the rest.

Holly exchanged a quick glance with her brother, deciding that it was now or never, before running up to them. Holly stopped clumsily and nearly toppling her crate. The woman reached out and caught PuffPotter’s cage before it could fall. “My, careful with that deary.” She chided, but her smile was warm.

“Sorry.” Holly said, then remembered she had meant to ask them something. “Um, are you going to platform nine and three quarters? My brother and I heard you say something about muggles and-“ She glanced at Harry, feeling suddenly that all her earlier nervousness was back, and what if they misheard her? What if they were-

“Ah,” said the Woman, patiently. “It’s Ron’s first time too.” She nodded at a freckly boy with ears and hands too big for him, who looked to be about their age. He waved awkwardly.

Holly felt herself sag in relife.

“Mum, can’t I go….” A little girl sitting atop a cart of luggage, begged.

“You aren't old enough Ginny, now be quiet.” The woman said, then turned to the oldest boy. “Alright Percy, you first.” She encouraged. The lanky, curly haired boy took his cart and plunged through the pillar that separated platforms nine and ten.

The woman turned to the next two boys, who, Holly realized, were also twins. The woman made eye contact with one of them and said “alright Fred, you next.”

“I'm not Fred, I'm George!” The older boy cried, indignantly. “Honestly woman, you call yourself our mother. Can’t you tell I’m George”

The woman threw her hands up in exasperation. “Oh, sorry dear.” She said as the first boy lined his cart up with the pillar.

“Only joking,” he called over his shoulder with a cheeky grin. “I am Fred.” And then he disappeared through the brick. The woman rolled her eyes and shooed George up to the pillar. The little girl hopped off his cart and George ran on through after his brothers.

“Um…” said Harry, smartly.

“How do we do that?” Holly wondered.

The woman smiled kindly at them. “All you do is walk straight at the barrier between platforms nine and ten,” she explained. “Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous.” She added, with a wink.

Holly looked at her brother one last time, before steering her cart towards the wall and running through.

Beyond was an older but far more grand platform with a gleaming red train that read “Hogwarts Express” in shining golden letters.

”woah.” Harry said, having come through just after her.

There were owls flying and families hugging each other goodbye. Holly even thought she saw a frog hop on up into the train all by itself, but surely if one got loose it wouldn't know to do that… would it?

Harry reached for Holly’s hand and nodded at the nearest train door. She offered him a nervous smile in return, and they made their way over, but it was far too packed to climb on, so, together, they wove their way through the crowd until they reached an empty compartment near the back of the train. Harry set Hedwig inside first, then reached over and plucked PuffPotter off of Holly’s cart and set him inside too. Then he reached for her chest. He took one side and she took the other, but try as they might, they just couldn’t seem to lift it into the train. It was far too heavy.

“Need a hand?” It was one of the twins from earlier. Holly couldn’t say which one though.

“Yes please,” Harry said at the same time as Holly said “We would love one!”

“Oy, Fred! c’mere and help!” George called. Fred jogged over and together they made quick work of loading the luggage inside.

“Thanks,” said Harry once their luggage was tucked neatly in a corner of the compartment.he pushed his sweaty hair out of his eyes and Holly saw the older twin's eyes widen in surprise. She was used to people looking at their scars strangely, it was why Aunt Petunia made them grow bangs, but Fred and George looked at Harry’s the way the people at the leaky cauldron had looked at them. Hagrid had explained why, but still, it made Holly uncomfortable.

“What's that?” one of the older twins asked, pointing at Harry’s lightning scar.

“Blimey,” the other one said, “are you-”

“They are,” the first one said, looking also at Holly now. “Aren't you?”

“What?” Harry wondered, smartly.

“The Potter twins.” Fred and George said, together.

Holly bit back a rather rude response, reminding herself that Fred and George had been nothing but nice and helpful and they weren't gawking nearly as much as the people in the Leaky Cauldron had. She was just so used to being invisible, especially after this past month where the Dursleys pretended that she and Harry didn’t even exist rather than giving them endless jobs to do.

Instead, she said, “that's us,” and forced herself to smile.

Just then their mother called for them to come say goodbye, and Fred and George hurried off, leaving Holly and her brother alone in their compartment. Holly looked around the little space, still feeling a bit itchy from the way the two older boys had looked at them, and decided, “I’m gonna walk around, I’ll be back in a bit.”

She took PuffPotter out of her cage and placed the little fuzzball on her shoulder. Then, excitedly, she began to travel up the train compartments. They were all mostly the same, though most had quite a few more people than hers and Harry’s did and as the final whistle blew and the rest of the students climbed on, that only became more true.

She had never been on a train before. The sounds and the look was all so strange… She hardly noticed the train moving until it picked up speed and she fell. On top of someone.

PuffPotter squeaked and rolled away, nearly getting trampled in the process. The person Holly fell on squirmed out from under Holly, reaching behind Holly and calling, “Lulu!” Just as Holly chased after PuffPotter, calling the little puff’s name.

Holly collected her familiar and turned to see if the other girl was okay. She was tall, with thick dark curls braided and pinned to her head, and her skin was a pretty medium color. She was chasing a particularly ornery looking cat around the compartment, never quite succeeding in catching it. Eventually she just stopped, put her hands on her hips and told the cat, “fine then, have it your way!” The cat looked immensely pleased at that, wandering off with its tail puffed up proudly. The girl caught Holly watching, saying, “He’ll be back. He always does this.”

“Oh.” Holly said, not knowing enough about cats to know if that was normal or not. “Erm… are you okay? I think I fell on you…”

The tall girl shrugged. “I’m fine, you weigh like, nothing. I just wish I could find a place to sit!” She sighed. Then she stuck out her hand. “I’m Tracy,” she said, brightly, “Tracy Davis.”

Holly took her hand, hesitating a moment before she introduced herself. “I’m Holly.” She said, hoping against hope that would be enough.

Tracy squinted at her. Eyed her up and down, narrowing her eyes even further when she teached Holly’s head. But, instead of loudly pointing out Holly’s scar, Tracy just reached out and pushed Holly’s disheveled bangs back over her forehead. “There,” she said, “a bit tangled still but… yeah, less of a rat's nest for sure.”

Holly touched her hair, confused. “Rats nest?” She wondered, under her breath.

“Yeah,” said Tracy, “like when you have a bunch of frizzy tangles sticking up in weird directions, you know?”

Holly didn’t know. All she knew was Aunt Petunia never bothered to cut her hair and so rarely did she comb it that Holly barely even knew how. She just kept it out of the way and that had always been good enough. “No?” She said, but before Tracy could go on any more about her hair, she decided to change the subject. “You said you needed a place to sit? I was walking around because the train is pretty cool, but now it's moving. I think I’m gonna go back to my brothers and my compartment. Do you want to come? We’ve got loads of space.”

Tracy beamed. “Sure!” She said, grabbing her cart and pulling out a little pouch of something and shaking it around. “C’mere Lu, come get your treats!”

The ornery cat scampered over, jumped onto Tracy’s shoulder and began attempting to walk along her arm to the treat bag. Holly watched, fascinated for a moment, before remembering she was meant to be taking Tracy back to her compartment. “Erm… right, this way,” Holly said, awkwardly.

Holly found Harry and the youngest of the redheaded boys from the platform, sitting in the back compartment, absolutely covered in strange looking candy. Holly wondered where they'd gotten so much, and when. She'd only been gone a few minutes…

“Ooh! Barty Botts Every Flavor Beans!” Tracy squealed, “you mind?” she asked Harry, who shook his head, startled, and handed her a box of what looked like jelly beans.

“They mean every flavor,” said the boy from the platform, as though he had been personally victimized by the candy. “Anyway, who are you?” he asked Tracy.

She offered her hand for him to shake, saying brightly, “I’m Tracy Davis.”

“Oh,” said the boy, smartly, “I’m Ron. Ron Weasley.”

Tracy turned to Harry and held out her hand to him as well. “And you?” she asked, though Holly was pretty sure she already knew.

Harry smiled. “I’m Harry Potter,” said Harry.

Tracy dropped down on the seat Ron was occupying, but stuck closer to the aisle, leaving him room. “Cool.” she said. “Hey, what's your pet's names? This is Lucus. He’s a kneazle.” Tracy introduced, holding up her very large, fluffy cat.

“Kneazle? That's lucky! I’m stuck with dumb old Scabbers!” Ron held up a rat that looked like it had survived a round in the washing machine. Harry winced in sympathy. Holly wondered if it was for Ron or the rat.

“This is Hedwig,” Harry held up his bird cage, proudly showing off his owl. She was beautiful, Holly had to admit, but she just didn’t like birds, especially owls, after the whole fiasco with the letters. Harry, on the other hand, seemed enthralled by them since the incident. Especially Hedwig.

Holly held out her little Puffskien. “This is PuffPotter. Isn’t she the cutest?”

Tracy reached out to scratch PuffPotter’s head/body (Holly didn’t know if there was a difference, actually). “We used to have a puffskein when I was little,” she said, wistfully. “They’re really resilient.”

The rest of the ride went by much the same. Then, not too long before they were to deboard, a bushy-haired girl came in searching for a toad. “A boy called Neville’s lost one,” she said, then spotted Ron trying to turn scabbers yellow and seemed to forget all about the toad. She sat down beside Tracy “Are you doing magick? Let's see it then.”

“Er-” said Ron, uncomfortably, “Alright. Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow.” He recited, with a wave of his wand. Nothing happened.

The bushy-haired girl looked down her nose at him. “Are you sure that's a real spell?” she asked, “Well, it's not very good, is it? I’ve tried a few simple spells just for practice and its all worked for me. Nobody in my family’s magic at all, it was ever such a surprise when I got my letter, but I was ever so pleased, of course, I mean, it’s the very best school of witchcraft there is, I’ve heard- I’ve learned all our course books by heart, of course, I just hope it will be enough- I’m Hermione Granger, by the way, who are you?” said Hermione, very fast.

“I’m Holly- have you really learned all our course books? I’ve tried to memorize what I can - it’s all so new to Harry and I too. We live with our Aunt and Uncle. They're as un-magickal as you can get!” Holly explained, somewhat excited to find another person she could relate to.

“Holly and Harry, Potter?” Hermione asked. “I’ve read all about you of course-”

Tracy jumped up then, spinning to face Hermione, blocking the twins from view slightly. “I’m Tracy, that's Ron. It’s really good to meet you, but we still need to change… you should see if Nevile found his toad.”

Hermione blinked a few times, then shrugged and got up. “Alright,” she agreed, easily, “see you.” she waved them goodbye and left the compartment.

“Uh.. thanks,” said Holly.

Tracy looked kind of confused. “For what? C’mon, we need to change.” Tracy said, grabbing one of her suitcases and heading for the little bathroom in their compartment.

Holly looked at Harry and Ron, who just shrugged. Oh well, she thought, and grabbed her own suitcase, trailing after Tracy.


Is Tracy shielding Holly from unwanted attention? Not on purpose! lol

Chapter 4: The Legendary Hat Stall Of '91


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Everything up until this point, in Holly’s at least, book had been strange. The people. The currency. The places. The pets… all of it, strange. But then the sun went down, the moon and the stars came out, and Holly began to feel the Magick.

When they stepped off the train the older students went down a wide, beaten path, while Hagrid held up a lantern and gathered all the first years to him. His smile was as bright as Holly remembered, like the stars above them. “Firs’ years! Firs’ years over here! All right there, yeh two?,” he called, beaming even brighter when he spotted Holly and Harry among the crowd. “C’mon, follow me - any more firs’ years? Mind yer step, now! Firs’ years follow me!” Hagrid led them down a steep, narrow, muddy path. “Yeh’ll get yer firs’ sight o’ Hogwarts in a sec,” He told them after they had been stumbling down the path for a while. “Jus’ round this bend here.”

The narrow path opened to a lake that looked like it was melting into the night sky. But, across it was a great castle, high up on a mountain. It looked as much a part of the night sky as the lake below it, with the way the lights in its windows danced and twinkled. “Oooooh!” said the crowd, Holly along with them, as they marveled at the sight.

There were boats lined up along the water's edge. They weren’t very large, or fancy. But, Hgrid pointed to them and called “no more ‘an four to a boat!”

Harry and Ron seemed to find the same boat as Hermione and a boy clutching a toad that Holly guessed was Nevile. He looked back at her, worried, but she wasn’t bothered. She waved him off and hurried over to the boat Tracy had found instead. They were joined by a very, very tall girl with long blond hair tied up high on her head and steely blue eyes, and a girl of a similar complexion to Tracy but with straightened hair and a mean look to her. She seemed to size them up and down, then decided to introduce herself. “I’m Pansy Parkinson. This is Daphne Greengrass. You’re the Potter girl, aren’t you? Well, you should stick with us. You need the right kind of friends. Weren't you raised by muggles?” she turned her nose up at the thought. “Disgusting.”

To be fair, the Dursleys were never very pleasant, but Holly didn’t think that was actually what Pansy meant. And besides, plenty of muggles were better than the Dursleys. Like Mrs. Figg across the way, or her grade two teacher, Ms. Colton, who always baked the class treats.

Holly scowled. “As if,” she muttered.

Tracy said at the same time, “and weren't you raised by pigs?” In an equally disdainful tone as Pansy.

“No,” Pansy said, snapping her attention to Tracy. Pansy looked at her like she was gum on the bottom of her shoe.

Tracy shrugged. “Oh,” she said, blandly, “could've fooled me with a snout like that.” Holly snickered, and Daphne eyed Pansy’s nose before reaching up and touching her own delicate nose as if reassuring herself that she at least, did not look like a swine.

Pansy narrowed her eyes at Tracy, opening her mouth to respond, but was cut off by Hagrid calling, “everyone in? Right then - FORWARD!”

They all stopped and looked as the boats began to float across the glossy lake, unaided by any ores or engines. It was too captivating a sight to ignore, so that was where the conversation - if you could call it that, died.

They drifted along for a while, a little ways ahead of the other boats, before nearing a cliff below the castle. “Heads down!” Hagrid called, as they crept closer to the ivy covered cliff. The four of them ducked and sailed right through the ivy, not into rock, but into a narrow tunnel. They were carried along it for a time, passing under the castle itself, before the water ended onto an underground dock.

Tracy and Holly left their boat as quickly as they could and scurried over to Harry and Ron, absolutely eager to get far away from Pansy. “Are you okay? I saw you looking upset…” Harry asked, quietly.

Holly scoffed. “Upset? No. Just stuck in a boat with a pig is all.”

Tracy let out a loud, rather bizarre sounding laugh. “And a loud one, at that!” she added, seemingly delighted that Holly had adopted her insult.

“Someone brought a pig? That's bloody disgusting!” said Ron, sending the girls into another round of laughter.

“Oy,” shouted Hagrid, not so far from them. “You there, is this your toad?”

“Trevor!” cried neville. Harry and Ron both rolled their eyes at that, making Holly and Tracy laugh even harder.

Hagrid gathered them and lead them through a small, rocky passageway and up a stone staircase, depositing them in front of a massive wooden door. “Everyone here?” you there, still got yer toad?” Hagrid checked, before knocking.

The opened to an entryway so large, Holly wondered just how many houses could fit inside it. Apparently, Harry was thinking the same thing, because he leaned in and whispered, “our whole house could fit in there!”

Holly just nodded.

“The firs’ years, Professor McGonagall,” Hagrid said, drawing Holly’s attention back down to the tall, stern looking woman who had opened the door.

“Thank you, Hagrid. I will take them from here.” She led them through the hall, drawing them nearer and nearer every step, to a cacophony of voices that must have been every other student in the school. And the teachers. But, before they could join them, Professor McGonagal brought them to a cramped little room just off to the side. “Welcome to Hogwarts. The start of term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory and spend free time in your house common room.

“The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours.

“The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarted yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting.” Holly felt suddenly very aware of her tangled hair and creased robes - a result of not knowing how best to pack them. She dusted herself off as best she could, and hoped it would be enough.

“I will return when we are ready for you,” said Professor McGonagall. “Please wait quietly.” and then she was gone and the first years were all left alone in the little room.

“So it’s true then,” said a somewhat familiar voice. Everybody turned to see the pale, silver-haired boy from Madam Malkin's. “The Potter twins have come to hogwarts.” he looked meaner here. He’d looked mean there, too, but here it was worse. Holly hadn’t really minded him when he was alone but now he had goons. Like actual goons. They were first years too, of course, and about as smart looking as a doorknob, but still. “This is Crabb, and Goyle. And I’m malfoy. Draco Malfoy.”

Ron snickered.

The pale boy, Draco, sneered at him. “Think my name is funny, do you? No need to ask for yours - red hair, and a hand-me-down robe… you must be a weasley.” Draco said it like it was poison, then turned his attention back to Holly and Harry. “You’ll soon find out some wizarding families are better than others. You don’t want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there,” Draco concluded, holding out his hand to shake.

Harry said, “I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks.” and looked at Draco’s hand like it was month-old moldy cheese.

Draco cut his glance over to Holly, who turned to Tracy and said, “look, another pig! This place is starting to smell like a barn!”

Before anyone could react though, Professor McGonagall returned. “We’re ready for you.” she said. “Form a line please, and follow me.”

They were led from their little waiting room, out into the vast entry hall, and then to a second set of very large doors. They opened to the most spectacular place Holly had ever seen! The Great Hall had a starry night sky and floating candles and four great long tables with students, each table seemingly a different color group, and at the far end, there was a dais with one more great table, this one, with adults. In front of that, there was a stool with a very, very old witches hat on it.

“It’s bewitched to look like the night sky,” Hermione whispered from somewhere behind Holly. “I read about it in Hogwarts: A History.”

Then, strangely, the hat began to sing.

“Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,
But don't judge on what you see,
I'll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me.
You can keep your bowlers black,
Your top hats sleek and tall,
For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
And I can cap them all.
There's nothing hidden in your head
The Sorting Hat can't see,
So try me on and I will tell you
Where you ought to be.
You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart;
You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil;
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
If you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;
Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folk use any means
To achieve their ends.
So put me on! Don't be afraid!
And don't get in a flap!
You're in safe hands (though I have none)
For I'm a Thinking Cap!”

The whole hall erupted in applause.

More whispering.

Professor McGonagall stepped up “When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted,” she said. “Abbott, Hannah!”

A girl with blond pigtails stumbled out of line and up to the stool. She put on the hat, which paused only a moment before calling out “Hufflepuff!” one of the tables began to cheer loudly, and Hannah darted over to them, disappearing into a crowd of yellow and black robes.

“Bones, Susan.” called Professor McGonagall.

Another girl went up, and again the hat called “Hufflepuff!”

The names went on, some going to Ravenclaw, some to Slytherin, and some to Gryffindor. Holly tuned out until she heard the professor call out, “Davis, Tracy.”

Tracy waved Holly goodbye and headed up to the dais. She sat on the stool and fit the hat over her head, and closed her eyes. The hat did not take long before it called out, “Slytherin!” Holly watched as the green-robed students welcomed her new friend among them.

More names slid by. Hermione went to Gryffindor after nearly four minutes of thought on the hats part. Daphne to Slytherin, Neville to Gryffindor, having stalled the hat for a minute or two himself, and lastly, Draco went to Slytherin. Finally, they had reached the P’s.

“Parkinson, Pansy.” said Mcgonagall.

Holly couldn’t resist snorting like a pig as Pansy passed her. Pansy ignored her, walked to the stool on the dais, sat, and placed the old hat on her stupid pig face. She smiled serenely, as though she knew already that the hat was about to call out “Slytherin!”

It was as if every unpleasant person that Holly had come across was sat at that table. But so was Tracy. And Tracy seemed pretty cool to Holly. Surely, she wasn’t evil, was she? Holly couldn’t help but glance over at her, sticking mostly to herself among the green-robes, and pointedly ignoring Pansy’s sneering. No, decided Holly, there was absolutely no way Tracy was evil.

Next were another pair of twins, the Patil sisters. One went to Gryffindor, and the other to Ravenclaw. And after, a girl called Sally-Anne (what a stupid name, Holly thought).

And then it was Harry’s turn.

He stopped very briefly beside Holly, taking her hand and squeezing it. “I’ll see you soon,” he promised, and then went along up to the dais. He sat rather nervously on the stool and placed the hat on his head with shaking hands. The hat began to murmur, but it did not call out. Harry murmured along with it, as though arguing or, possibly, begging.

The hall went quiet, everyone watching, waiting. For several minutes, it was as though everyone was holding their breath in anticipation. And then the hat said, “well, if you’re sure, better be… Gryffindor!”

The red-dressed table erupted in cheers and applause, eagerly welcoming Harry among their numbers. As he sat, he made eye-contact with Holly, but quickly the other students blocked him from view and she was left alone.

“Potter, Holly.” said Professor McGonagall.

Holly felt like her hands were so sweaty she could wring them out and fill the Great Lake. Even so, she lifted her head up high and went to the dais. She did not shake or wince or tremble as she sat and set the hat onto her own head. Nor, did she dare look at either her brother or her new friend. Instead, she closed her eyes and waited.

“Another tricky one,” the hat said, “a sharp mind, yes, and a thirst for knowledge… hmm and courage, too… ambition, I see…” the hat deliberated.

Holly found herself thinking, What's that got to do with anything?

“Ah, but everything is connected, my dear. Tell me more about what's on your mind. Perhaps it reveals something about the house that best suits you.” Said the hat, patiently.

Holly opened her eyes, looking now, between Harry, surrounded by red-headed boys who smiled and spoke kindly to him. Harry whom she had never been apart from. Not truely, anyway. Harry who was all she had ever had… and Tracy. Holly had never had a friend before, ust her brother. But Tracy seemed like the type of person she’d like to have as a friend…

The Sorting Hat hummed. “I see,” it said, thoughtfully. “This is a predicament of loyalty! I can see your mind swirling, torn between the familiar bond with your brother and the budding friendship you’ve found. Don't fret Miss Potter, for Hogwarts houses value both! Gryffindor, for instance, cherishes bravery and standing by those you care about... and there’s Hufflepuff, of course, known for loyalty and hard work… they would understand the pull of family there...

Holly Thought about that. Gryffindor was the house Harry was in. That definitely seemed the simplest… especially since she didn’t know anyone in Hufflepuff. Nevermind the way her gaze kept wandering towards that far table in green… Sticking with Harry seemed the simplest indeed!

“But remember, my dear, your own qualities are what truly matter.” Said The Sorting Hat, kindly. “Do you yearn for adventure and standing up for what's right? Perhaps Gryffindor would be a fit then… hm… no? Or Ravenclaw, with their thirst for knowledge, would be a good fit. I promise you that!”

What did she want? She didn’t know. How could she? She knew next to nothing about this world… She glanced once more at the Slytherin table. Not at Tracy this time. The hat was right, this decision had to come from her. She looked at the older students, proud and strong. Not in the way the Gryffindors were. No, these witches and wizards clothed in green looked… actually, Holly didn’t have the word for it, but the hat understood.

“Ah, I see your eyes drawn to the emerald table. Slytherin, eh? A house known for its ambition, cunning, and resourcefulness.” it paused for a moment, and Holly felt eager and antsy, waiting for it to continue. She had always been rather clever, maybe even cunning, and certainly she was resourceful! This sounded a far better match already than nose-in-other-peoples-business Gryffindor, or loyalty-is-everything Hufflepuff… Ravenclaw did still sound interesting though… “There's much to be said for Slytherin. They value greatness, yes, but also a certain finesse in achieving it. They are loyal to those they consider worthy, and their determination is unmatched.” continued the hat, giving itself a soft tap in thought as it went on, “But tell me, what truly draws you to the green and silver? Is it the thirst for knowledge and power, or perhaps a more subtle desire – a sense of belonging, a place where your sharp mind and ambition will be valued?”

Holly felt her heart quicken at the question. Both, she thought, Both sounded good!

But, out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Draco Malfoy, and suddenly the comments he and Pansy Parkinson had made regarding ‘the right type of friends’ came flooding back into her mind.

“Remember, my dear, Slytherin is not just about blood or lineage (though some might boast otherwise). It's about the choices you make. Do you crave a challenge, a chance to prove yourself? Are you willing to work hard and strategize to achieve your goals?” The hat said, patiently, seeming to pull her reservations fully out of her head. Nothing could possibly sound a better fit. Not even Pig-face one and two could detract from the allure of Slytherin House now. “Alright then,” said the hat, sounding somewhat pleased. “Slytherin!”


That was an absolute bitch to write *sigh*
worth it tho ts way better than the old version

Chapter 5: Dungeons! Dungeons! Dungeons!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“I knew you’d be sorted into Slytherin!” Whispered Tracey, excitedly, when Holly took her seat at the green and silver table.

` An older boy scoffed, “not with a hat-stall like that, you didn’t.” he hissed,but he smiled at Holly and held out his hand. “Simon Lofthouse, second year. Welcome To Slytherin.”

Holly took his hand across the table and shook. “Thanks,” she whispered. She caught sight of a ginger mop of hair heading for the dais then and craned her neck to see where Ron would end up. It was no surprise when the hat called out “Gryffindor!” almost as soon as it touched his head.

Finally, Professor McGonagall called the last name. “Zabini, Blaise.” and he was just as quickly sent to the Slytherin table. The table erupted in cheers, just as it had for her, and all the other first year Slytherins, but this time, she got to join in with them.

Blaise sat down across from her and Tracey, introduced himself politely, and then turned his attention to the dais, where Headmaster Dumbledore now stood. “Welcome,” he said. “Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!

“Thank you.” Dumbledor sat back down. The Hall erupted in cheers.

Holly blinked a few times, trying to figure if she’d missed something important or something… “He’s just as daft as my father said!” Draco cried, at the same time as a distinctly unpleasant-looking girl that McGonagall had called, Millicent Bullstrode, wondered, “was that meant to mean something?”

“Probably not,” said an especially large and mean looking older boy with a perfect badge on his chest. “Dig in,” he added, when mountains and mountains of food suddenly appeared on the table.

Holly had never seen so much food in her life! Petunia always made enough for around three (unless they had guests) and beyond that, Duddly always stole at least some of what she and Harry did have to eat. But, here there was everything she could even think to eat! Roast beef, pulled pork, chicken, peas, carrots, potatoes, roasted zucchini, grilled mushrooms… even, for some reason, peppermint humbugs.

Holly had never really had enough to eat to even know what she liked. She just ate what little she was given and kept on living until the next day. That was just how her and Harry had lived their life. Until today, she supposed.

She served up a small portion of everything, but went ahead and added extra peppermints to her plate. She knew she liked those from the train. They reminded her of the soft mint chews Mrs. Figg always gave them when the Dursleys didn’t want to be seen in public with them and so pawned them off onto their senile neighbor.

She ate a peppermint or two before even touching her food, but, when her stomach rumbled, she abandoned the candy for dinner.

The table was alight with chatter. Holly learned that Blaise lived with his mother, and Tracey’s father was a muggle, and that all the others already knew each other. That was a bit daunting. She already didn’t like them, but for them all to know one another? Mostly though, She just chatted with Tracey.

All too soon, their feast had ended and Marcus Flint, the big mean looking older boy with the badge on his chest, was leading them from the Great Hall, down Several flights of wide stone steps, winding further and further down, until at last, they came upon a wide open space with several beautiful, shimmering serpents twined around each other etched into the floor. They moved slightly, as though they were slithering, but never did they unravel from their place as a giant Slytherin house crest.

Flint stopped in front of the far wall, gathered all the first years to him, and said to the empty wall, “Legacy, Forged.” The snake floor nearest the wall lifted, becoming thick and multidimensional, as it arcked high along the wall, framing the ornate ebony door that had appeared there.

The first years all gasped at the sight. “That was so cool,” Tracey said, as Draco said, “my father never told me it would do that!” and Pansy added, “I’ll bet the other houses don’t even have locks on their doors…” and the tall boy called Nott, agreed that, “this is an entrance fit only for the best. Which we are.”

Flint pushed the door open, leading them into a tall entryway decorated by a glass ceiling that glowed blueish-green from the lake above, and an old, beautiful statue of two mermaids looking up at the water. He let them ‘ooh’ and ‘awe’ for a moment, before herding them to the right where another stairwell spiraled even deeper into the depths. Along the walls there hung five great, green tapestries, each of great legendary water monsters.

The stone stairs ended, in a large middle-space with a small statue and a large bulletin board framed in mahogany, the both of which came out to around the same size. That space opened into a far larger, more fanciful sort of room. The stone floors became green and silver serpent mosaics, covered, in some areas with the fanciest rugs Holly had ever seen in her life! There were sofas and sitting chairs with fine china tea cups and older students littered around the main space, as well as a few secondary spaces framed by massive green marble columns, some of which boasted magnificent floor-to-ceiling windows looking out into the lake. Holly thought she glimpsed a mermaid swimming past, but it came and went too quickly to know for sure.

“Oy, over here, firsties,” called Flint, pulling the group over to a wide set of stairs that split into two halfway up, one going right, and the other left, but in the center of the landing there stood a statue of a man in robes, surrounded by candles, almost like a shrine. The statue seemed to watch them with cautious intrigue. “Welcome to the house of greatness! Above me is Salazar Slytherin himself! Boys dorms this way,” he pointed with his right hand towards the right-sided stairwell. “Girls dorms that way,” he lifted his left hand now, pointing to the other set of stairs. “Meal times, passwords, and quidditch game schedules are posted on the bulletin board. Professor Snape will bring your class schedules to you tomorrow morning at breakfast - so don’t oversleep. Alright, everyone got that? Good, now scram!”

“What about our things?” asked Pansy.

“I said SCRAM!”

The first years all jumped a little at that, and hurriedly made their way upstairs. The top of the stairs saw the hall split in two, again, with the first year dorm being the only one on its side, though, there was another watery window with two armchairs and a small coffee table below it just passed the door to the dorm.

Daphne opened the door, holding it open while the rest of them stepped inside. Holly half expected her to slam it in her and Tracey’s faces once Pansy and Millicent were inside, but she didn’t. She actually offered them a small smile as they entered, closing the door gently behind them. Holly and Tracey exchanged confused glances as the tall blonde girl floated off to the bed in the center of the room, where her luggage already sat.

The room was big and octagular, with five beds all pushed against its own wall, feet pointing in towards the center where a small sitting area and fireplace with another beautiful rug layed out over the floor to keep their feet warm, sat invitingly. Each bed was a four-poster canopy bed with dark green crushed velvet curtains and matching bedspreads. The sheets were silvery silk, and the vanities beside each bed were green marble top, with ornate silver legs and mirrors. There were no windows in this room, but the massive alcove framing each bed was lined with perfectly fitted tapestries, depicting woodsy escapes and meadow daydreams and great green hilly fields. Holly wondered if those were all places she could find on the grounds.

There was a soft mewl that drew her attention to the bed on the far rightmost bed, where the milky longhaired, very Ornery cat she’d met on the train, stretched itself out and batted its silly eyelashes at Tracey. Holly’s new friend ran over to the cat, flinging herself down onto the bed and gathering him up with all the gentleness of a tornado. Lu didn;t seem to mind, though, because he quickly started purring and chatting as though telling her how he had spent the last few hours. Tracey, for her part, nodded along, scritching his ears and saying, “I know, I know, you're very angry.”

Holly glanced around, finding Milcent rummaging through her chest on Daphne’s left, and Pansy primly unpacking her accessories and skincare onto the vanity beside the far leftmost bed. That left just one bed, and Holly felt herself sag in relife at where it was. Between Tracey and Daphne’s beds, she found the one with her chest at the foot and PuffPotter sleeping in her cage on top of the luggage.

Holly had never had a bed really. In the cupboard she and Harry slept on a soft(ish) mat thing on the ground, and when they moved to Duddley’s second bedroom, they’d agreed to take turns and Harry took the first one, so she slept on the floor for the one week and then they fled the letters and she didn’t really sleep at all for two days… When they got back, Holly and Harry dragged the old mat up from the cupboard and put it in the corner of the room for Holly to sleep on. She didn’t mind. It at least was familiar, and she liked familiarity.

Now, she had a big wonderful bed all to herself, and she decided that it would be kept clean and safe from the outside world. So, she carefully removed PuffPotter from her cage, setting her on one of the big fluffy pillows. She set the cage on the floor under her bed so that she could grab some clean clothes from her chest and take a shower before bed.

“Is that your pajamas?” Daphne asked, when Holly pulled one of Duddly’s massive old shirts and a pair of his old gym shorts from her chest.

Holly felt her cheeks heat up with embarrassment. “I…” she began, but she didn’t know what to say that would make the way Daphne was looking at her clothes any less humiliating.

Everyone was looking now, even Tracey was scowling. “"Wow, you must be really close with your brother to share clothes… Most twins I know have a bit more individuality than that, though- oh my gosh, guys, look how old they are!” Pansy said, with a laugh. Millicent laughed along, but Daphne just stared.

“Wow,” Tracey drawled. “I thought Slytherins were supposed to be smart! Obviously their trunks just got mixed up. C’mon, Holly, I don’t want to waist another minute with these useless idiots.” Tracy said, taking the bundle of clothes and tossing them back on top of the chest before dragging Holly into the Hall by the wrist.

It wasn’t until they had reached the girls showers that either of them spoke. “But, Tracey, those were my pajamas!” Holly whisper-shouted, just outside the door to the locker room, in a relatively empty in between sort of space.

Tracey stopped and stared at her, surprised at first, and then understanding settled into her hazel eyes. “On the train you were… I just thought those were like old travel clothes or something!”

Holly shuffled her feet. “No, I just have my school robes and our cousins' old hand-me-downs. I mean… is that bad?”

Tracey frowned. She opened her mouth, then closed it again when an older student walked by. When the alcove emptied out again, Tracey spoke. “There’s nothing wrong with hand-me-downs, Holly, but the ones you have are tattered! They aren't even girls' clothes!”

Holly shrugged. “Sure, but they're just pajamas. I’ll wear my school clothes the rest of the time! What does it matter?” she was getting tired now and really just wanted to take her shower and go to bed.

Just then, a soft thing hit Holly in the face. She pulled it down from on top of her head to find it was a raspberry colored nightdress that was just about her size, and Daphne was standing rather primly by them now, holding a tray of toiletries and a set of blue nightclothes of her own. “Our house elf must have packed my little sister’s nightgown along with mine by mistake, she’s about your size. Anyway, just say you got it sorted out with a teacher if Pansy asks.”

“I… thank you.” Holly said, surprised.

Daphne shrugged. “I still think you’re foolish for turning down Draco. His father owns most of the school board. And Pansy always gets what she wants.” She turned and sauntered into the girls bathroom, leaving Holly and Tracy with nothing left to do but follow her.

Pansy never asked about the nightgown. She just sneered at Holly when she returned out of sheer dislike, and spent the rest of the evening pretending Holly and Tracey were invisible. That suited them just fine, though. And, when Holly finally did drift off to sleep, her dreams were as wonderful and as enchanting as the school itself.


comments are always welcome!

Chapter 6: Potions, Pigs, and Peregrination for the Precious Possessions.

Chapter Text

Holly had hardly seen Harry all week. He and Ron were routinely late for meals so even though seating wasn’t as strict for breakfast and lunch, Holly had spent every meal with the Slytherins thus far. As for their shared classes - of which there were only two - Holly had missed the first one, Defense Against the Dark Arts entirely because of Peeves, the problematic poltergeist prankster, chasing her through the castle. Eventually, The Bloody Baron, Slytherin’s house ghost, had chased him off and helped her find her classroom, just as the class ended. She explained to Professor Quirrell what had happened and luckily he had taken ten points from Slytherin, but had not given her any detention.

Profesor Snape began his class with a roll call. Not every teacher had, but Flitwick did, and Professor Sprout. She suspected McGonagall of taking count of them as well, though she did it silently. Boring Professor Bins certainly had not. He just jumped straight into the lesson, droning on and on with absolutely no engagement from the rest of the class. It had been a great disappointment to Holly, who wanted to know everything she could about her new world.

“Ah, yes,” said Professor Snape, when he reached Harry and Holly’s names on the list. He looked up, a strangely sour expression on his face. “The Potter twins. Our new - celebrities." He said this as he looked across the aisle at Harry, as though her brother had somehow personally offended him some time during the last six days. That seemed more Holly’s deal than Harry’s, but she didn’t completely dismiss the thought.

Draco and his goons snigg*red from the back of the classroom, and Pansy mutters something along the lines of “princess of tatters” from her place just behind Holly.

Professor Snape, head of Slytherin house, looked at Holly for the first time and instantly his sour expression twisted into something she could not name, but definitely did not like at all. “....Slytherin…” he muttered, to himself. Then, even quieter, he said what sounded like her mother’s name.

Snape snapped himself out of it and finished out of it, finishing attendance hurriedly. Harry and Holly exchanged a glance, but snapped their attention back to the front when Blaise’s name was called, marking the end of roll.

“You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion making,” began Professor Snape. He spoke softly, but even so, he easily commanded the attention of everyone in the class. “I don’t expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses … I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death — if you aren’t as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach.”

` his little speech concluded and still, nobody spoke at all. Tracey nudged Holly, and when she looked, she found her friend mouthing ‘what was that about?’ BBut Holly could only shrug and wonder the same thing.

“Potter!” Said Snape, instantly snapping Holly’s attention up to the front. He was currently staring down Harry, sour expression back on his face. “What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?”

Harry looked completely lost, though Hermione had her hand up. “I don’t know sir,” Harry said, quietly.

Snape’s sour expression turned to an all-out sneer. “Tut, tut - fame clearly isn’t everything.” He drawled. “Let’s try again. Potter, where would you look if I told you to find a Bezoar?”

Draco’s stupid little gang were laughing loudly now, and Hermione looked like she might explode from not answering the question.

“I don’t know, sir.” Harry said again, flushing pink.

Holly decided then, that this had gone on long enough. “Draught of Living Death.” she blurted. Snape’s eyes snapped to her, and narrowed, making him resemble a beetle somewhat. “Powdered root of asphodel and infusion of wormwood make Draught of Living Death. A sleeping draft so strong that you will appear dead. As for the bezoar, it’s a stone taken from a goat. It works against most potions.” she paused there for a moment, meeting his gaze. “Anything else?” she asked, innocently.

Tracey snigg*red and Hermione dropped her hand.

“Fifteen points to Slytherin.” Snape finally decided, thus earning them back the points Holly had lost them, and then some.

The rest of class went much the same, with Harry making innocent mistakes and Snape docking him point after point, while Crabb and Goyle made even more mistakes than even, admittedly very smart Draco could fix, and yet, Slytherin only seemed to gain points. It wasn’t because of Holly’s studiousness, either, because the Gryffindors had Hermione but Snape seemed to hate her just as much. One top of that, he kept looking at her strangely and muttering “Lilly, Lilly Lilly” when he thought she couldn’t hear him.

In short, Potions class was awful.

When it was finally over, Harry wouldn’t even talk to her. But, at least, she seemed to have earned some tentative respect from most of her classmates. Draco didn’t so much as snigg*r at her the rest of the day, and even Pansy was quiet, while the rest seemed pretty happy with all the points they had earned from their head of house, most of which came from Holly and Draco.

The next few weeks went by much the same, until one Monday morning, they found a notice on the bulletin board, announcing the start of flying lessons on Thursday afternoon, with the Gryffindors. They found that that week could not go by fast enough, they were all so excited.

Draco would not shut up about how good he was at flying. “Not like you’d know anything about that, Potter! Bet you’ve never even seen a broom!”

“Oh, she’s seen one. She’s like a servant or something, aren't you, Holly?” said Pansy, sneering.

Holly shrugged. “Whatever you say, Pig-Face.” she said, and snorted for good measure.

“How dare you!” Draco cried, “you stupid half-blood!”

Holly snorted again, very much enjoying the shade of red Draco’s face was turning. “We must be having pork for dinner, because why else would there be pigs running around the castle?” she said, wickedly.

“You’re right,” agreed Tracey, “I’ll tell the house elves they got out.”

Draco stormed off, screeching “my father will hear about this, Potter, just you wait!”

Thursday finally came. The week had seemed slow already, but the morning was by far the slowest.

The Slytherins arrived first, finding twenty or so broomsticks laid out in neat lines for them, but as yet, no teacher or Gryffindors. “These brooms are ghastly!” Draco sniffed. “If I had my broom-”

“Oh can it, will you?” Tracey snapped, and, surprisingly, he did.

Their Gryffindor counterparts came not long after, smiling and chattering happily amongst themselves as though getting along with ones housemates was the easiest feat of all. Holly didn’t mind Slytherin in the least, but she wished getting along with her peers was just a little less taxing. More than anything else though, she hoped that maybe Harry’s athleticism (and her lack-there-of) might put them on more even footing again. She missed him.

That… wasn’t what happened.

The lesson began with Madam Hooch, their teacher, instructing everyone to stand by a broomstick, stick their right hands over their brooms, and say “up”.

“Up!” shouted all twenty students.

Holly’s broom, an old knobby looking thing, floated into her hand almost like a feather. When she looked around, she found that Harry had a twiggy looking one, firmly gripped in his hand tightly. Tracey’s broom, a stubby thing, was shaking in her grip, but she was laughing so Holly wasn’t too concerned. Daphne had not managed to call her broom from it’s place in the grass, and neither had Hermione or Neville. Draco held his with a smirk as if he were entirely convinced that only he had managed to get a broom off the ground.

Madam Hooch instructed them on how to mount their brooms without risk of falling off, then came around to inspect their grips. When she came around to Draco and told him he’d been holding his broom wrong all his life, Holly, Tracey, Blaise, and most of Gryffindors laughed, which earned them a glare from their teacher, but cost them no points.

“Now, when I blow my whistle, you kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your brooms steady, rise a few feet, and then come straight back down by leaning forward slightly. On my whistle - three - two -”

Madam Hooch stopped counting when Neville Longbottom floated off the ground and began to rise straight up.

“Come back, boy!” Madam Hooch demanded, but it was no use, because the moment Nevile looked down, he fell straight off the broom and landed on his arm twenty feet bellow. Their teacher ran over to check him, helped him up, and turned to the rest of the class. “None of you is to move while I take this boy to the hospital wing! You leave those brooms where they are or you’ll be out of Hogwarts before you can say ‘Quidditch.’ Come on, dear.” she led Neville inside.

Draco immediately burst out laughing. “Did you see his face? The great lump?” most of Holly’s house joined in, laughing along and calling Neville names behind his back. Holly was a firm believer that any name calling should be done in front of peoples faces, so they can at least try to defend themselves.

“Shut up, Malfoy,” said one of the Patil twins. Holly could not tell you which was which beyond the house they were in.

“Ooh, Sticking up for Longbottom?” Pansy sneered. “Never thought you’d like fat little cry babies, Parvati.”

“He’s still less of a pig than you,” Tracey spat.

Pansy snarled back at her, but Draco called out, “Look! It's that stupid thing Longbottoms gran sent him.” before she could say a word. They all turned to see Draco holding the remembrall he’d tried to steal from Neville at breakfast that morning, glinting like silver in the sun.

“Give that here, Malfoy.”

Holly looked to see her brother starring Draco down, jaw set and ready for a fight.

“I think I’ll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find - how about - up a tree?” Draco said, with a horrible sort of smile. He grabbed his broom and pushed off the ground, rising easily to the treeline or a little above.

“Give it here!” Harry yelled, saddling his broom.

“Come and get it, Potter!” Draco taunted fro the air above them.

“No!” Hermione shouted at Harry. “Madam Hooch told us not to move - you’ll get us all into trouble.”

Harry ignored her, and took flight.

Holly very calmly set down her broom, and walked over to a dry spot in the grass, where she sat and began to plot. So far, her success in classes had only served to drive a wedge between her and her brother, so much so that now he was willing to risk expulsion - risk leaving her completely without him.

Absolutely not.

By the time Harry had won the remembrall back from Draco and landed securely on the ground, Holly had decided on how she’d get back at him. She was just starting to check her Charms textbook for something that could help her along to her goal, when Professor McGonagall came running out of the building.

This was it. Harry was getting sent home!

“HARRY POTTER!” she shouted. Actually shouted. Holly had never thought that McGonagall would raise her voice if she was mad. She must have been furious! “Never - in all my time at Hogwarts -” she began, nearly speechless with rage. “- how dare you - might have broken your neck -”

“It wasn’t his fault, Professor-”

“Be quiet, Miss Patil-”

“But Malfoy-”

“That's enough, Mr. Weasley. Potter, follow me, now.”

Holly abandoned her plans. What good were they anyway if he was gone? She did make sure to tuck them into her bag though, lest Draco and his goons find them and steal her idea just for laughs after Harry's been sent home. “Are you alright?”

When Holly looked up, it was Daphne she found, holding out a hand to help her up. Holly took it and let her housemate help her to her feet. “I’ll be fine.” she said, though, she really didn’t feel it.

“Some people put their own impulsiveness over success,” Daphne said, softly. Holly didn’t miss the way she looked not at the Gryffindors, but at Draco when she said it. “It’s a shame about your brother though, Holly.”

Holly dusted herself off. “Yeah,” she agreed, “thanks.”

Daphne nodded, and headed back over to the Slytherins, most of whom were too busy laughing about their success to even notice Daphne had left them at all. Holly found Tracey in the crowd of Gryffindors, chatting with Ron and Parvati worriedly. Though she didn’t particularly want to talk to anyone else right then, she found herself walking over to them anyway.

“You don’t really think he’ll be sent home, do you?” Parvati was whispering.

“Not without sending Malfoy home, and that’ll never happen. His father’s too powerful. He’ll probably have detention into next year though, and I’ll bet we’ve lost any chance at the house cup…” Said Ron, miserably.

“Ron’s right,” said Tracey, looking at Holly as though trying to convince her. “It’s like Daphne said, Draco’s father owns most of the school board. If he can’t be sent home, Harry can’t either.”

Holly looked more at her feet than at her friends. “I hope so,” she whispered.

Chapter 7: Samhain in the Castle


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“In the days of old, Halloween was sacred to witches and wizards.” Professor McGonagall began. “To this day, many still practice the old Samhain traditions. That is why, today, we will be transforming our parchments into candles, like so,” she flicked her wand at her parchment and it transformed into an ornate candle, sporting the words she had written into rather ornate, moving designs in the wax. “Remember, hateful words become hateful fires. Choose wisely.”

Holly thought a long while before marking her page.

My wand is made of Holly, just like me.
Her heart is braided Dittany,
Her hilt, a great clear crystal,
Unusual and beautiful
I wonder what spells she can conjure?
Will they be of soft meadow flowers?
Or cunning crystalline?
Could they prick and prod like winter thorns?

Satisfied, she waved her wand and turned her parchment into a candle. It was Thick and short, with a bluish-white quartz crystal base structure, and little flowers of all sorts of colors and shapes, as well as the distinct dark greens and reds of holly berries and leaves sitting between the sharp edges.

Holly looked over at Tracey’s candle, letting out a gasp when she saw it. “That’s incredible!” she breathed. Everyone stopped to look at Tracey’s creation, leaving half finished papers or simply carved candles in their wake. Even Professor McGonagall abandoned what she was doing to come and admire it.

Standing about two-and-a-half feet tall, was a wax sculpture of a ferris wheel. It was a soft blue, but all ten seats were light pink and the well of votive-like wax inside the seats - the parts that actually had wicks to light, were a sunny yellow. There were little balls of a strange greenish hue down every support beam, and the whole thing moved when she pushed its wheel.

Professor McGonagall smiled at Tracey. “Well done, Miss Davis. That is some of the finest work I have seen from a first year. Five points to Slytherin for this extraordinary example of what hard work and dedication will bring you.

“The rest of you have ten minutes remaining to finish your candles if you have not already done so.”

They were on their way to lunch and passed the Charms classroom just as the Gryffindors were getting out of class. Holly still was not talking to her brother, who had been made seeker for the Gryffindor quidditch team of all things, rather than being sent home. As soon as she had learned he was not expelled her misery turned to anger again and now it was like they were both too proud so neither one of them had apologized and they hadn’t spoken in almost two months.

Holly understood that it was stupid. She did. But she just couldn’t bring herself to go first. Apparently, neither could he.

So, she stuck with her classmates and he stuck with his and Ron said to Harry “it’s no wonder no one can stand her, she’s a nightmare, honestly.”

Holly saw Hermione run off moments later, tears in her eyes, and rounded on her brother and his friend. “Oh, coming from the guy who still can’t find his way to Potions on his own? Maybe Hermione's just a bit too advanced for you, Ron.” She snapped. “And you, Harry, you act like I'm the problem. I was put in the ‘bad’ house. Pft! At least I don’t keep awful friends like him!” Holly spat, pointing at Ron.

“I never said it was the ‘bad’ house!” Harry argued, indignant and offended.

“No, you just never said anything at all!” Holly cried.

Everyone had gathered around them, and were saying “oooh”. It’d be a little embarrassing if it weren't so vindicating.

“That’s not true-”

“Yes it is.” Tracey cut in, stepping up beside Holly, arms crossed over her chest.

Everyone “oooh”’d louder.

“Well it’s not like she’s said anything to him!” Ron argued, looking self-satisfied at his rebuttal.

“Oh snap” said someone in the crowd.

“Well, what am I supposed to say when you don't even care if you get expelled! Some brother you are!” Holly seethed.

At this, the entire group went quiet. Harry stared at Holly. Holly glared at Harry. Ron looked at his feet, Tracey looked anywhere else but them, and Draco… Draco whistled. “The famous Potter twins - what a shame you two can’t get along,” he said, feigning sympathy. “Don’t you two have something better to do? Like kiss babies or sit for interviews with the daily prophet?” He drawled, grinning somewhat wickedly when everybody looked his way.

Holly noticed that most of the Slytherins had gone. It was just Blaise, Daphne, and, of course, Draco. She wasn’t terribly surprised to see Daphne and Blaise. They weren't exactly her friends, but they had always seemed to respect her as their housemate. But Draco? She had no idea why he’d even stuck around when his cronies had all gone. Maybe to gawk. Probably to gawk.

“Shut up, Malfoy” all the Gryffindors seemed to say at once.

Draco went pink.

“Yeah, Draco, this isn’t about you. Shut up or leave” Tracey said, coldly.

“No,” said Holly, “Draco’s write. I do have somewhere better to be - far away from you!” She spat, glaring at Harry a second or two longer before storming off.

She got about half way to the library before she heard the footsteps racing after her. Truthfully, she expected Tracey, or maybe even Daphne, but when she turned, it was Harry she found instead. “I don’t want to talk to you anymore.” She said plainly, and turned around, intent on marching the rest of the way to the library alone.

“I miss you.” He said, giving her pause. “You’re all I’ve got, really, and I’ve let all the talk about Slytherin get between us.”

Holly turned around to face him, still quite angry, but also, desperate to have her brother back. “I miss you too.” She said, and took a deep breath. “You’re still daft, and impulsive, and gullible, and selfish, and completely blind.” She couldn’t help but Add.

Harry smiled. “Anything else?”

“Hot-headed, stubborn, indignant, foolish, lucky.” Holly concluded, and returnned the smile a little shyly.

Harry closed the distance between them by interlocking their arms and starting to lead her out to the fields where they could walk together. “So how has Slytherin been treating you?”

By dinner, Holly and her brother were back to their old dynamic, and completely caught up on each other's lives, but she found she was more than happy to sit at her table while he sat at his. She had missed him. But, she had to admit, getting to be her own person, away from him, away from their old cupboard… it was an amazing feeling.

They feasted on pumpkin soup and butterbeer and stuffed acorn squash and, even, roast pig, complete with an apple in its mouth and everything. “See, Draco,” teased Tracey, “this is what’ll happen to you you you don’t stop snorting and honking everywhere you go!”

Draco looked about as pink as the soap flavored jelly bean Holly had just put in her mouth. It was funny enough that most of their end of the table laughed. “My father will hear about this!” Draco grumbled, but it only made the rest of them laugh louder.

Well, the rest of them except for Pansy, who kept her scowl firmly in place. “You should know your place, half-blood!” She snarled at Tracey. “Are are you just too dumb to-”

“Yeah, yeah, you're better than everyone else blah blah blah. Will you all please just shut up for once? I am trying to enjoy the feast!” said Blaise, boredly.

Holly was about to retort that she was enjoying herself very much, thank you, when Professor Quirrl came bursting into the Great Hall, sweaty and frantic. “TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!” he cried, then went very suddenly pale, adding faintly, “thought you ought to know” before promptly passing out of sheer fright.

Everybody began to scream, run around in aimless fear, or cry. For twenty herring seconds, it was sheer anarchy. Then- “SILENCE!” everybody stopped. Everybody turned. Everybody stared at the headmaster. “Everybody will please, not panic. Now, prefects will lead their house back to the dormitories. Teachers, will follow me to the dungeons.”

“But our dorms are in the Dungeons!” cried Draco, loudly.

“Shut up, Firsty. All of you, shut up! Keep an ear out for the troll, and be quiet!” commanded Flint, with an especially mean smile. Holly thought that might have just been the way his face looked, since this really was no time to be smiling.

The Slytherins made their way down to the dungeons very quietly, stopping around every corner to check, and then continuing on to the next passageway. About halfway there, or maybe a little passed - Holly heard what sounded like a sniffle coming from one of the bathrooms. It was small, and not like how she'd think a troll would sound at all.

She turned to Tracey and pointed at the bathroom, and then at her ear, gesturing for her to listen. Tracey’s eyes widened when she heard it, and she mouthed ‘Hermione!’

Holly’s heart sank. Had Hermione really been down here crying since that morning? Had nobody thought to check on her? She had picked a fight over what Ron had said, but she hadn't even bothered to check on Hermione.

Without really thinking, Holly darted over to the bathroom.

“Holly, wait!” Tracey hissed, but when Holly didn’t stop, she followed.

Hermione was tucked inside an old grubby stall, whipping her eyes furiously. “Go away!” she snapped, from behind her door.

“Hermione, you have to come out now! It isn’t safe!” Holly hissed, trying not to make too much noise. “Theres a-

Just then the door burst open and the troll barreled inside. It was massive and uglier than a toad, with lumpy, slimy skin, a misshapen face, and a big club in its hands that had just as many nobs and bumps and slime as he did.

Hermione crept out of her stall just in time to see it, and immediately screamed.

“-troll…” Holly finished, in a small voice.

Hermione ducked under a sink, Tracy hid in a stall at the end of the row. Holly looked at the troll. Looked at Hermione, and finally decided that the sinks were horrible cover. She grabbed her friend’s wrist and dragged her towards the stall beside Tracy’s.

The troll swung and hit the sink when they left it, smashing the thing in one go. It would have killed Hermione.

Something hit the wall opposite them, and then they heard, of all the people in the school that it could have been, Ron’s voice shouted “Oy, Pea-Brain!”

Holly and Hermione still hadn't managed to get to the stall. In fact, Hermione was frozen in fear and Holly, trembling, had stopped and turned to look.

She watched as Ron threw a metal pipe at it. It didn't seem to hurt the thing, but it *did* get it’s attention.

Harry took the opportunity to rush over to them. “Run! Hide! Get out of the way!” He shouted, nudging them, but it was no use. Hermione still couldn’t move and Holly was too terrified to know where to go.

The troll charged at Ron, who was backed into a corner.

Harry looked at his sister only briefly, as if to say I’m sorry. I have too… before running at the troll, jumping on its back, and wrapping his arms around its neck.

“Harry!” Holly screamed. The troll reared in pain and began to flail. Holly saw that her brother had stuck his wand up the beast's nose.

Hermione sank to the floor. Holly grabbed her friends arm and tried to pull her back to her feet, desperate to get her to move.

“Wingardium Leviosa!” Ron cried, and Holly turned to see the trolls club rise high above its head and then fall straight back down, cracking its skull. The troll fell face forward on the ground and lay there, motionless.

Everyone stood still for a moment. Then, all together they seemed to unfreeze. Ron and Harry stepped up to the troll. Hermione finally let Holly pull her up off the floor. And Tracy crept out of the bathroom stall she’d been in.

“Where’d *you* come from?” Ron asked.

“I've been here the whole time. I just know what's good for me and hid unlike the rest of you.” Tracy said, with a roll of her eyes.

They looked down at the troll. “Is it dead?” Holly asked, a little hopeful.

”Don't think so,” said Harry, bending down to pull his wand from the beast's nostril. It came out goo-y and green. “Urgh- troll boogers!” He cried, flicking his wand to rid it of the nasty stuff. He wiped the rest off on the troll’s pants.

“That's disgusting.” Tracy muttered. Holly could only nod in agreement.

The door banged open and Professors McGonagall, Snape, and Quirrell came into the destroyed bathroom.

Snape knelt over the troll while Professor McGonagall turned her cold fury on them. “What on earth were you thinking of? You're lucky you weren't killed!” She said. “Why aren't you in your dormitories?”

Snape had turned his gaze on them now, too. He looked sharply at the boys, but then quickly turned his attention to his own charges, Holly and Tracy.

“Please, Professors - they were looking for me!” Hermione said, having finally unfrozen and come back to herself.

“Miss Granger!” Professor McGonagall breathed, baffled and still furious.

“I went looking for the troll because I had read all about them and thought I could handle one on my own. Holly and Tracey were trying to convince me to go back when it caught up to us, and Harry and Ron saved us. They just didn't have time to tell anyone, it was about to finish us when they came.”

“Well - in that case…” McGonagall stared at Hermione. “Miss Granger, you foolish girl! How could you think of tackling a mountain troll on your own?” She stared until Hermione hung her head in shame. “Five points will be taken from Gryffendor for this. I'm very disappointed in you. If you're not hurt at all you'd better be off to Gryfendor tower. Students are finishing their feasts in their houses.”

Hermione nodded at the floor and left.

McGonagall turned to the boys. “Five points. Each. I will inform the headmaster of this. You may go.” She said.

Harry looked at Holly and a quick, silent conversation passed between them. She forgave him. They understood one another better now. She would be fine.

Harry and Ron scurried away.

Snape, who was still staring holes into Holly and Tracy, squinted slightly harder. “Am I to believe that miss Granger’s account is correct?” He drawled, piercingly.

“Yes, sir.” They both said, gazes turned towards the floor.

“You were lucky indeed, then. Five points for you as well. And detention. I will not have my students behaving so foolishly.” He declared.

“Yes sir.” They said again.

“Go.” Ge told them, and they did.


I noticed that somehow in both of my drafts I forgot about Quittich so I'll be posting that and then re-posting the holiday chapters shortly after. Sorry for my scatterbrain lol

Chapter 8: Hermione Lights a Teacher on Fire


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Quidditch began on a frosty Saturday in november. Holly and Tracey climbed up the steep stairs to the Slytherin stand with the rest of their house shortly before eleven, but almost as soon as they were up they saw Hermione and Neville holding up a great poster that read “Potter for President”.

“I don’t know who to root for.” Tracey whispered, excitedly.

Holly sighed. “I don’t like sports.” she muttered. The last time she had watched Harry play football at recess at their old school, she’d been hit in the face with the ball. Still, Ron had been sure to impress upon her the gravity of Harry being made seeker in his first year. Apparently that had not happened in the hundred years. She was very proud of Harry for this, if not still a bit miffed over how it came to be.

Most of the school cheered for Gryffindor when they stepped onto the field. Holly didn’t make a sound. She rather wanted to keep her bed free of worms that night. But, she watched her brother intently. When her own house’s team stepped out of the locker room, she found that their stand was the only one cheering. She couldn’t quite bring herself not to cheer along with them, though she felt sort of bad for it, seeing Harry down there, looking like he was going to be sick… it just seemed like her house needed more enthusiasm.

Madam Hooch gathered the two teams together, said something, blew her whistle, and sent them off.

“And the Quaffle is taken immediately by Angela Jonson of Gryffindor - what an excellent chaser that girl is, and rather attractive, too-” the announcement was interrupted by Professor McGonagall snapping,

“JORDAN!” at his inappropriate comment.

“Sorry Professor…”

“Wasn’t he the one with the tarantula on the train?” Tracey wondered, mildly.

“Jordan? Yeah. I heard it was really big, too!” Theodore Nott agreed from a few seats over, just passed Daphne and Blaise.

“A tarantula?” Holly asked, feeling suddenly a bit faint. “It’s not… in the school, is it?” but she was never answered because that was when the commentary picked up again.

“And she’s really belting along up there, a neat pass to Alicia Spinnet, a good find of Oliver Wood’s, last year only a reserve - back to Jonson and - no, the Slytherins have taken the Quaffle, Slytherin Captain Marcus Flint gains the Quaffle and off he goes - Flint flying like an eagle up there - he’s going to sc- no, stopped by an excellent move by Gryffindor Keeper Wood and the Gryffindor’s take the Quaffle - thats Chaser Katie Bell of Gryffindor there, nice dive around Flint, off up the field and - OUCH - that must have hurt, hit in the back of the head by a bludger - Quaffle taken by Slythrins - that’s Adrian Pucey speeding off towards the goal posts, but he’s blocked by a second bludger - sent his way by Fred or George Weasley, can’t tell which - nice play by the Gryffindor beater, anyway, and Jonson is back in possession of the Quaffle, a clear field ahead and off she goes - she’s really flying - dodges a speeding Bludger - goalposts ahead - come on, now, Angelina - Keeper Blethchley dives - misses - GRYFFINDORS SCORE!”

Holly’s stand erupted in moans and growls, and a few profanities from the older students. It was almost loud enough to drown out the rest of the school’s cheering on of Gryffindor’s team.

Holly watched her brother, floating on his nimbus two-thousand a little apart from the action. He was squinting and scanning the air in all directions, but he so far, had not moved. Now he was doing loop-the-loops, as if to cheer on his team.

The match went on, and soon, Harry seemed to have spotted something. He darted after it, but he wasn’t alone. The Slytherin seeker was on his tail, but slower than he was. And Flint…


Marcus Flint had blocked Harry, throwing him off course. Holly watched with bated breath - ignoring all other commentary or comments from her housemates - as Harry struggled to regain control of his broom, only to lose it again mere moments after. In fact, now it was jerking around dangerously. He didn’t seem to have control of it at all.

Holly grabbed Tracey’s arm and began to tear through the stands towards the teachers section, hoping to get one of them to stop this madness. No game was worth Harry’s life!

“Look!” Tracey panted, pointing across the way to where Hermione seemed to be doing the same thing. Only… her wand was drawn and ready. Had she seen something Holly hadn’t? What was happening to Harry? Why hadn’t anyone intervened yet?

Holly ran faster, losing Tracey somewhere in the crowd but keeping pace with Hermione across the way. Holly was about to run into the teachers stand when Hermione caught her eye from the other side of the teachers section and shook her head, a finger pressed to her lips. She pointed down and Holly nodded in understanding.

Hermione crouched low, so Holly did the same, creeping along until they met each other on the back side of the stand, just under the steps. “It’s Snape!” Hermione hissed. “He’s cursed Harry’s broom!”

Holly did not like her head of house much at all, and he did seem to really hate her brother for no reason at all, but would he really try to kill him? “Are you sure?” she hissed back. Hermione squinted at her, tilting her head in confusion. Holly figured she hadn't heard and said very lowly, “are you sure?”

“Yes!” Hermione insisted. She turned towards the gap in the steps and pointed her wand at Professor Snape’s recognisable black cloak. She muttered what Holly recognised as the bluebell flames spell, and Snape’s cloak erupted in flames. Chaos ensued in the teacher’s section as the all tried to put out the fire. Chaos that Holly and Hermione used to slip away.

Tracey was just passed the section, waiting for one or both of them to emerge - which, they did just as Harry managed to climb onto his broom. Only, he immediately began to dive for the ground. Actually, Holly thought he looked like he was about to be sick…

Harry fell to the ground on all fours and coughed. Out came the Golden Snitch. “I’ve got the snitch!” he cried, dancing around on the ground, waving it around above his head.

Holly sagged with relief.

“So what happened?” Tracey asked, leaning over the railing to watch Harry dance around with his prize.

“Hermione lit a teacher on fire.” Holly said, not worried about being overheard. Everyone was screaming around them.

Tracey whipped around to look at them, incredulous. “She WHAT?”

Hermione had the decency to look at least a little sheepish. “He was cursing Harry’s broom! I’m sure of it!”

Tracey looked very impressed. “Remind me not to get on your bad side, Hermione.”


Sorry I forgot about this one :) I'll re-post the others later today so don't worry!

Chapter 9: The First Snowfall


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Holly had decided to accompany Hermione to the library the Saturday after Samhain, and it had since become a bit of a weekly ritual. They always tucked themselves into the same secluded corner with big fluffy seats and big windows and did whatever homework they had left over from the week.

This particular Saturday, it seemed like the whole school was in the library. It was bitter cold, but no snow had fallen yet, so the only people crazy enough to be outside were Hagrid, and the Gryffindor quidditch team. Apparently, their captain was a bit of a nut.

“I’m so excited for break,” Tracey was saying from the nearby chess table she shared with Ron, “my mom makes the best holiday biscuits and I can’t wait for presents!”

“Oh, I know!” Agreed Hermione. “I’m ever so excited!”

“Mum and Dad haven’t decided if they're going to stay home or go visit my older brother, Charlie. He works with dragons in Romania.” Explained Ron, as he slid his knight another square closer to Tracey’s king. “Anyway, I’m hoping to stay in the castle with you and Harry, myself. Then I won’t have to wear one of Mum's jumpers. They’re bloody hideous!” Said Ron. “Check mate.” He added, and his knight promptly beheaded Tracey’s king.

Holly was immensely relieved when she learned that Hogwarts allowed students to stay for winter break. Especially because the Dursley’s had sent her and Harry a rather unpleasant letter, detailing how very unwelcome they were. “It would be nice to have some company,” Holly admitted, “but mostly I’m just glad to spend the Holiday away from the Dursleys.”

“Those muggles you live with? They sound like right nasty pieces of work!” Said Ron, lining up the chess board again.

“What do you mean?” Hermione asked, “my parents are muggles and-“

“It’s not like that,” Tracey cut in. “I’m sure your parents are great. My dad’s a muggle too, I know they aren't all bad.” She paused, glancing hesitantly at Holly, who didn’t really know how to react. Hermione though, looked much more relaxed. “It’s just…”

“Harry said they used to make them both sleep in a bloody cupboard - ‘till their letters came. Couple of gits, if you ask me.” Said Ron, tactlessly.

“Oh.” Said Hermione, quietly.

“They did what?” Tracey hissed, a horrified look on her face. “Holly, is that true?”

Holly looked away. She didn’t much like the feeling of being put on the spot like this, and she really did not enjoy her friends prying about her childhood. She had never been particularly happy at the Dursleys, and certainly, she was far more comfortable here, at Hogwarts, but still, she felt as though her privacy were being trampled on.

“No!” Tracey shouted, shooting to her feet, arms crossed over her chest. “Absolutely not!” And with that, she stormed out of the library, leaving about a hundred other kids staring at them, some snigg*ring, some whispering, and some - the closer ones - looking equally concerned.

When Holly caught Daphne among the camp of more worried observers, she snapped shut the tome she’d been reading before all of this and fled the library.

She found herself following Tracey. At first, she didn’t even know why. She didn’t think that she actually wanted to, but her feet kept moving as if tied to Tracey’s with an invisible string. It was when they reached the bottom of the icey steps up to the owlery that she finally understood why she’d even followed her friend in the first place after being so thoroughly humiliated by her. “What are you doing?” She cried, desperate for - something.

Tracey jumped a little, and whirled around, relaxing only a fraction when she saw who had spoken. “It’s not right that you should spend your first Christmas away from those people alone at the school. I’m going to write my mum and dad about you staying with us for the holiday. We have tons of space. I’m sure they’d be happy to have you. Both of you.”

Holly felt tears prickle in the corners of her eyes. She blinked several times fast to try and clear them, but it was no use. “Really?” She asked, all too hopeful.

Tracey stepped closer and used her sleeve to wipe Holly’s tears, then she offered her a small smile. “Of course. Now go find your idiot brother. He’s probably half-frozen by now anyway.”

Holly did exactly that, finding Harry just as practice was ending and telling him the news. He looked unsure, but hopeful. A bit like how she felt.

The next few days went by slowly. Slow and very, very cold. In Herbology, one of Holly’s favorite subjects, they had to spend the entire class battening down the greenhouses for the impending storm, rather than getting to learn about the magick of snowdrops, like Professor Sprout had planned, and Holly was so disappointed by this, that their teacher actually gave her an entire tome on winter plants. It was called Winter Botany: How Magickal Plants Kept Early Humans Alive During Cold Months, & How To Use Them Today! Holly was absolutely extaticked to begin reading it.

On Thursday, after flying lessons and Quidditch practice let out, Holly and Harry decided to go for a walk. They started somewhere in the middle of the castle and wound and wound and wound their way around it until finally coming to one of the more popular courtyards. It was empty today, because of the cold, but that just made it more inviting to Holly.

“I can’t believe the term is almost over!” Said Holly, settling onto a slightly slippery and very cold stone bench. “It’s like one of these days I’ll blink and then poof - I’ll be a real witch!”

Harry laughed. “You are a real witch!”

Holly rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean!” She said, just as the very first snowflake landed on the tip of Harry’s nose. “Ah! Look, snow!” She said, jumping up excitedly to spin in the early snowfall.

“Uh-huh.” Harry agreed, sticking out his tongue to taste the falling snow.

As they stared up at the powdery sky, spinning around with their tongues out, the snowfall went from light flurries to heavier, stickier snow. Within a few minutes the icey ground had become mostly white, and all the edges off the castle sported dustings of white, as though baking flower had been spilt along them.

“Oh there you two are!” They both stopped to see Tracey, standing just inside the covered hallway, looking eagerly out at the snow. She closed her eyes, hiked up her skirts, and stepped into the outside world, only opening her eyes once she was passed the barrier of the arched beams that seperated dry from wet, and warm from cold.

“What are you doing?” Harry wondered, when Tracey settled back into something that resembled normal.

She grinned. “It’s the first snowfall of the year. It’s magickal. And powerful magick at that. I was making a wish!” She explained, as though it were completely obvious.

Holly and Harry glanced at each other, then both of them closed their eyes and turned their heads up to the sky.

Don’t let me be alone in my dorm on christmas! Don’t let me be alone in my dorm on christmas!

Tracey giggled a little at the sight of them, when they both started spinning again. “You guys can't even see each other and you're still doing the same thing!” She laughed. “I’d think a Slytherin and a Gryffindor would think less alike, twins or no.”

“I was almost sorted into Slytherin.” Harry said, simply.

Holly stopped and opened her eyes to look at him. He seemed to sense the shift in mood he had brought on though, and did the same. “You never told me that. I assumed it was one of the other houses or something.” Holly said, quietly. She remembered their fight in the beginning of the year and wondered, not for the first time, if he really had thought badly of her for choosing Slytherin. Especially if it was his choice not to be in her house.

He shrugged a little uncomfortably. “You werent there yet, Holls. All I knew was what I’d heard. Besides, your hat stall was even worse than mine, was Gryffindor really not an option for you at all?”

Holly mulled that over. “It suggested Gryffindor in the beginning, and I tried to choose that to be with you, but it - the hat - told me not to base my decision on anyone else. After that we both pretty much ruled Gryffindor out as an option. It was between Slytherin and Ravenclaw for me.” She explained. “Slytherin is a little bit of everything, you know, we’re just slower to trust is all.” She added, thoughtfully.

Harry looked a little skeptical. “If you say so, miss ‘I’ll get revenge for things nobody else even remembers doing’.”

Tracey laughed again. “Now don’t you two start fighting again! The letter’s just come from my parents and your both staying with us for the holiday. I wont have you two spoiling your first real christmas over something so petty!” She teased, and thrust the letter out for them to read.

Dearest Tracy,
We are so excited to be having you and your friends home for the holidays. Remember to dress warmly and study hard these next few weeks until then. I know it can be difficult with christmas so close…
Love, Mum and Dad

Holly squealed in delight, but Harry only smiled apologetically. “Thanks, Tracey, really, but, well… Ron’s parents decided to visit his brother in Romania. He asked if i’d stay and explore the castle with him.” He explained, sheepishly.

Holly’s heart sank a little, but she hugged her brother and told him, “don’t get into too much trouble without me, alright?”


That night, before they fell asleep, Holly rolled over to face her best friend. “Pst, Tracey,” she whispered. Tracey hummed, but kept her eyes tightly shut and snuggled Lucus the cat even closer than he already was. “I just realized, my wish already came true!” Holly whispered, excitement for the coming week setting in.

“Told ya,” said Tracey, smiling, but still not bothering to open her eyes.


Comments welcome.

Chapter 10: The Davis'

Chapter Text

Harry walked with them all the way to the train early that morning, leaving Ron tucked up in bed still. The walk seemed long, but before she knew it, she was standing on the platform, hugging her brother goodbye. “Please be careful,” she told him, “Don’t go looking for trouble, alright?”

Harry smiled. “Why would I look for it when it always seems to find me so easily on its own?” he joked, and she laughed, but she still made him say the words ‘I promise’ anyway.

The whistle blew. It was time to go.

“I have something for you,” Holly told him, pulling out the carefully wrapped magickal photo that Tracey had somehow snuck of them, spinning in the snow. Holly suspected her of taking it first and then hiding her camera away before they noticed her… Holly had framed the picture with some protective herbs she’d braided together and bound with a simple chord. She had thought it looked stupid, until Tracey showed her how to transfigure it into a proper metal frame that would still hold the pattern of the braid. “Tracey took it, but I added something to it, so I guess it’s from both of us.”

“Oh, yeah, I have one for you, too…” He patted his pockets down until he found what he was looking for, and produced a slightly smaller, somewhat lumpy bundle of newspaper. She couldn’t guess what it was because it was no particular shape, but she was sure she’d love it when the time came.

The whistle blew again, and Holly hugged her brother goodbye. She boarded the train, found the little compartment Tracey and Hermione had claimed as theirs, and settled in for the long ride.

Hermione gave each of them a small parcel, Holly’s was wrapped in silver, while Tracey’s was wrapped in green.

They had one for her two, of course. They’d actually worked really hard on it, wanting to make sure she knew that she was not a nightmare and that she was actually quite enjoyable to be around. It was a notebook, of a sort. They had asked Professor Flitwick to help them charm it so that it always had room for more notes without ever getting any heavier, and it always had room for pens and pencils, too. He’d given them the spells they would need, and pointers along the way, but insisted it would work best if it came from them. Holly had to agree. It had taken them several tries, but the end result was magnificent!

Soon enough, the train was pulling into Kings Cross Station. Hermione had changed from her school robes into a nice looking sweater and jeans, while Tracey looked somehow even more of a witch than she did in her school robes. Holly just kept her uniform on. It was all she had, since Tracey had made her get rid of all Duddlys old clothes.

The three of them hopped off the train, helping each other with their carts and keeping track of the gifts they now carried, then Holly and Tracey hugged Hermione goodbye. “Happy Christmas!” Hermione squealed when they both squeezed her at once.

“You too,” said Holly, when they pulled apart.

Hermione smiled one last time at them, and then turned to find her parents in the crowd.

Tracey took Holly’s hand and led her through the maze of people, stopping in front of a rather strange looking couple. The woman was almost six feet tall, pale, and ebony haired. She had Tracey’s hazel eyes, and clearly Tracey got her height (second only to Daphne in their year), from her mother because her father was a stout dark-skinned man with warm brown eyes and almost no hair at all. To make the contrast even more extreme, Mrs. Davis sported a dramatic set of floor length witching robes and matching hat, while Mr.Davis wore trousers and an egregious Christmas sweater.

“Oh it’s good to see you, Trace!” Mrs. Davis cooed, pulling Tracey into a tight hug. “School is good? You’re doing well in all your classes? Eating enough?”

Mr. Davis smiled fondly at his wife’s barrage of questions, then turned his smile on Holly and it became as bright as Tracey’s. “You must be Miss Potter! We are so thrilled to have you joining us this Christmas!” he told her, earnestly.

“Oh absolutely!” agreed Mrs. Davis. “And we are so pleased to see Tracey’s made some good friends! I know how… unpleasant some of Slytherin House can be. I’m glad you’ve found each other.”

Holly was a little confused. “I like being in Slytherin,” she said, awkwardly.

“Oh, “ said Mrs. Davis, lightly, “as did I, my dear. And I’m better for it, but there are some in the community who hold some rather… archaic views, shall we say?”

Mr. Davis grinned up at his towering wife. “They sure weren’t happy about me, that's for sure!” he said, but didn’t sound too bothered by it. He looked back down at his charges and waved them towards the barrier. “Come on girls, let's go home.”

Holly felt as though she were being warmed from the inside out.

They had quite a drive, getting all the way to Cardigan, in Wales. Holly had never been to Wales before, but she was excited to explore it with her friend.

Tracy had said her mum’s family came from there, but there weren't many of them left, so it was just the three of them living in a big house by the sea.

Holly found this to be true when they arrived. It was an old house, but not rickety at all. There was quite a lot of yard before the ocean touched the grass, but all of it was theirs. And the garden, even in the winter cold, was like something out of a fairytale… “it’s my dads,” Tracy explained. “Mum keeps telling him to stop calling it a fairy garden because we don't want any here - they're a pain, but he still does.”

Holly was enchanted by the wonder of it all.

“Come in, come in,” Mrs. Davis said, beckoning Holly inside. “I’ve got a room ready for you right next to Tracy’s. This way,” she said, leading Holly upstairs and down the hall to a small room that was still definitely worlds larger than the cupboard. It had a little window with the prettiest view, and a closet stacked with spare blankets and pillows. The bed was long and narrow, not like any bed Holly had ever seen, but it was comfortable and really, more than she could ever ask for.

“Thank you,” Holly said, a little meekly. “Really, thank you so much for having me.”

Mrs. Davis hugged her. It was such an unfamiliar and wonderful thing, being hugged by an adult... “You and Harry are always welcome here, okay? It's a big house that's not at all as full as it should be. We’re always happy to have anyone as wonderful as you here with us.”

Holly felt tears sting the corners of her eyes, but, not wanting to cry in front of her host, she forced them back and did not dare speak. Instead, she nodded, and ducked into the room.

“Alright, I’ll let you settle in. Dinner’s at six.” Said Mrs. Davis, an echo of understanding in her smile.

After dinner, as Holly was settling in for the night, there came a knock on the door of the guest bedroom the Davis’ had given her. Holly went to answer it, finding Mr. Davis standing in the hall with a friendly smile and a box full of cloth. “I keep meaning to take these to the little thrift shop up the way,” he said with a nod past her window, “they haven't fit Tracey in ages but I haven't gotten around to it. Why don’t you try some of them on? If they fit you like them, you can keep them.”

“Oh,” said Holly, unsure. “I- that is- you don’t mind? I don’t want to take Tracey’s clothes away from her..?”

Mr. Davis shook his head softly. “Nonsense!” he said, “they haven’t fit her since she was much younger. She’s so tall, you see, like her mother. I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to see they've gone to a good home.” He reassured her, setting the box just inside her room. “It’s up to you. I’ll just leave them here for you to look through.”

The box was left, the door was closed, and Holly heard his footsteps retreating down the hall. She stared at the box for a long while, trying to figure if it was some kind of trap. Mr. Davis had not sounded too terribly like he was planning to trick her. There was nothing for it, she decided, and sat down in front of the box.

Inside were five or six sets of clothes. Some were witching robes, some were regular muggle clothes (something Holly had never actually seen Tracey wear, but she imagined she might need to to visit her dads family). She tried on a pair of jeans and a pink and blue knitted jumper first. They fit her surprisingly well, though the jeans ran a little too long, so she had to roll the cuffs, and the jumper was big enough to curl her whole body into, but she was used to that. These were far nicer clothes than she had ever worn at the Dursleys.

Holly carefully folded both items and set them in her travel bag. She found also, a pair of leggings that went part way down her calf and had little bows on the ends, and a t-shirt with butterflies all over it, and a hoodie that zipped in the front. It was a bit worn, but stitched in some places with embroidery threads of different colors woven together, making interesting contacts. Tracey must have really loved that sweater for so much care to have been put into it. Holly set it aside to ask Tracey about in the morning.

Holly moved onto the witching robes. There were four, all of a similar size, but no two were the same in either color, nor shape. Holly liked them all, to be truthful. And, upon trying them, she found that while they were all a bit big on her, they were all infinitely comfortable. And pretty.

Chapter 11: Yuletide Givings


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The next few days went by too quickly. Holly wanted to keep soaking up all the warmth the Davis’ had to offer her, but before she knew it, it was Christmas morning. She rose early, like always, picking a set of robes from the box of hand-me-downs. It was like a simple long dress with a sewn-in cloak and matching brimmed pointy hat - white, with green and red plaid. It had a belt with a pouch for your things, as it had no pockets, and a skirt hike that she made ready use of. She was particularly proud of herself when she managed to tie her hair into two, mostly neat low pigtails and sit her had on her head without it falling over her face.

She caught up with Tracey in the hall on their way downstairs. Tracey’s dress was a silvery crushed velvet, with puffed sleeves and little ribbons tied in bows all over it. She had a dark green robe and matching hat in her hands, for later. “You look so cute!” Tracey told her, playfully.

Holly scowled a little, feeling heat rush to her cheeks. “Shut up!” She muttered.

Tracey laughed. “Okay, sorry. But that dress really does look nice on you, Holly.”

Holly peered up at Tracey from under the brim of her hat. “You really think so?” She asked.

“I wouldn’t say something if I didn’t mean it, Holls.” Tracey promised. “Now come on, I wanna open presents!”

The pair of them made their way downstairs. The christmas tree was a modest one, a little shorter than Mrs. Davis, and decorated in popcorn strings and pinecones and woolen ornaments and actual candles, rather than string lights. Underneath it was a pile of presents so large that it would make spoiled Dudley throw a fit had he seen it. Even the Dursleys would not buy this many for him.

“Good Morning girls!” Chirped Mrs. Davis, from the loveseat by the fireplace. “Would you like anything to eat while we wait for your father?” She asked Tracey, holding out a tray of cookies.

“Nah, I’ll wait.” Said Tracey, sitting down in front of the tree, practically bouncing with excitement.

“How about you, Miss Holly? Would you like a cookie?” Holly was happy to take as many sweets as she was offered, so she plucked a few from the plate.

Just as she was sticking the first one in her mouth, though, there came a Tap. Tap. Tap. From the window behind the sofa Mrs. Davis was on. All three of them looked to see a distinctly familiar white owl, pecking at the glass.

“Oh,” murmured Mrs. Davis. She reached behind her to push open the window pane, letting the snow-white bird and several flakes of actual snow into the house. “Well hello there,” she said to Hedwig.

Hedwig flew inside, dropped two packages and a letter into Holly’s hands, stole a biscuit, and some shiney thing from the window sill, and flew off again.

“Was that a bird either of you know?” Mrs. Davis wondered, sounding wholly unbothered by it.

Holly nodded. “That was Hedwig, she’s Harry’s owl. I don’t really like birds much though, so she doesn’t usually stay long.” She explained.

Mrs. Davis nodded in understanding, but before much else could be said, there came a clap from behind them. Holly turned to find Mr. Davis rubbing his hands together looking just as thrilled for christmas as Holly. “Let’s get this party started!” He said, eagerly. “Where do you suggest we start?”

“I’d say with the packages the girls are already holding, dear,” Mrs. Davis said, nodding towards the small stack hedwig had brought on moments before.

Holly sat down next to Tracey and opened the note and read aloud:

Dear Miss Potter,
I used your brother’s owl as I have heard from Hagrid you are not the most fond of the creatures. I myself find them quite fascinating.
Enclosed is a package for you and Miss Davis sent from Mrs. Weasley in thanks for being a friend to her sons (the bigger), and a gift from your mother, that I have held onto until the right time, in hopes that it keeps you safe on all your future endeavors.
Albus Dumbledore

Holly stared down at the letter for several long seconds before setting it aside and picking up the smaller of the two packages. She unwrapped it carefully, revealing a silver locket with a small moonstone carved in the shape of a lilly, inlaid onto a black onyx backing and framed in silver. When she opened it, she found two photos, one of her father and one of her mother - she knew because they looked just like Harry and her. Holly shut the locket and hung it around her neck. It felt too private, in a way… she only wanted to share her parents with Harry.

“Is that a lily I see?” Mrs. Davis asked, looking at the stones on the locket. “I never had the pleasure of meeting her, but I’m sure she would be very proud of you, my dear.”

Holly couldn’t think of what to say to that other than a whispered, “thank you”. She desperately wanted their attention off of her, and off of her mothers locket. “Here,” she said, awkwardly, “this ones for both of us.” she set the larger package on Tracey’s lap and let her open it.

“There’s a note! It says; thank you for keeping my ron in line. We look forward to meeting you, Mr. & Mrs. Weasley.” Tracey set the little card aside and unfurled the wrappings to reveal two massively oversized dark green knitted sweaters, one with a silver “T” on the chest, and one with an “H”. They were kind of ridiculous, but Holly liked them even more for it!

Holly was shocked to find the Davis’ had gotten her gifts. Like, multiple gifts. She had kind of thought that between giving her all those hand-me-downs and the little package Tracey had carried on the train with them that she knew was for her, that would be it. They had already given her food and opened their home to her, after all. That was more than she could ever have asked for, especially when she’d hardly done anything for them except maybe help with the dishes, since she'd been there.

They gave her clothes, and lots of them. None were as complete as the four sets of witching robes from the box, but they were all quite beautiful. There were two puffy, layered corduroy skirts with ruffles at the bottom and flowers embroidered along the hem. There were also four blouses - all of them white and lacey but no two the same, another few nightgowns and recognisable satin baggies like the ones Madam Malkin had picked out at the start of the year, there was a couple of pairs of frilly wool socks that Mr. Davis may have made, and a shawl that seemed to be woven out of every color in the rainbow that he said he found at the farmers market. Tracey got a matching one.

She was also given an ink and quill set that Mrs. Davis said would never need replacing or refilling, so long as she cared for it well. The quill was blown glass, milky lilac in color, but charmed to not ever break. The ink was a deep, deep purple that could pass as black in class, but if held up to the light, it would shine its true shade. Tracey got the same thing, but her set was a bright, barbie pink and she most definitely could not get away with writing with it in class. She seemed thrilled by it anyway.

Tracy got a whole new wardrobe, it seemed. Full of color and texture. Stuff Holly was sure Tracy would wear like it was *made* for her. Just like all their Slytherin classmates, who wore even more extravagant robes outside of class…

“We got some basics for Harry, as well. We’ll send them back with you.” Mrs. Davis told her. “Now, last gift, I think you’ll really like these…” She handed them each an identical box.

Holly opened hers to find a silver snake. When she reached down to touch it, it slithered up her arm and tied itself around her wrist, securing itself there by flicking the end of its tail into its mouth. Holly held her wrist out, turning it over in the light. The snake seemed to watch her with its emerald eyes. “It’s an Ouroboros.” She said, recognizing the symbol from one of her school books.

“Yes it is, Miss Holly. So you’ll always remember to keep growing and changing.” Said Mrs. Davis, with a wink.

“Thanks mom!” Tracey said, leaning up to hug her parents, who were now done opening their gifts and happily cuddling on the sofa with warm mugs of eggnog.

Finally, there were the gifts from their friends and Harry left to open.

They opened the ones from Hermione first - finding a shimmery pallet of paints that advertised a never ending ink supply similar to their quill sets, as well as the ability to be applied to anything with no added ingredients needed. It seemed like a gimmick, and maybe it was, but Tracey didn’t seem to care. She ran and grabbed her school boots and started painting little flowers and snakes. They showed up surprisingly well, and, to Holly’s amazement, they even shifted slightly as though Tracey had created a real medow.

Holly couldn’t resist taking a break to paint her boots as well. Holly painted a little star, and then another, and another. She connected some, left others. She even fit made one that shot across the sky from the back of one boot to the other. When there was no more space left, she laughed in delight at her work. “I think I’ve just done our astrology homework on my shoes!”

Tracey lagued along with her, holding up her own boots. “And I’ve done Herbology’s!” She concluded.

Ron had sent them each with chocolates, they discovered, happily.

That left Harry’s gift. Holly opened it with about as much care as a lion might have with its dinner, and found inside, a stash of dried flowers and herbs, all labeled with the seal of an apothecary that she recognized the name of from their ads in The Daily Prophet. “Ooh,” she murmured, “I can’t wait to read up on these.” She glanced back down at the package, finding a little figurine with a note tied to it that said “Tracey”. Holly passed it over, eager to see what it was.

Tracey peeled back the label, revealing a little Lucus the cat staring up at them. “Oh my gods, mom, dad, look! Its lulu!”

They spent the rest of the day just enjoying their treats and gifts and each others company, but when evening came, they all bundled up and headed out to go caroling. Holly loved every minute of it. She had never had a better holiday!


Holly (and Harry) deserve the world. the Davis' agree.

Chapter 12: Back

Chapter Text

Two days after Christmas - the day they would be heading back to Hogwarts - Holly rose early and dressed. The three sets of witching robes that weren't christmas plaids still seemed a bit too dressed up for a long day in the car and then the train, so she chose instead, one of her new skirts - a frilly sage colored one with lots of different colored ruffles peeking out the bottom, white knit tights with lace running up the sides, one of her new blouses, the Weasley jumper for warmth, and the rainbow shawl she used to push back her long dark red hair.

She shoved the rest of her things back into her travel bag and said goodbye to the cozy room she’d spent the last week-and-a-half enjoying. When she was ready, she stepped out into the hall, bag and PuffPotter’s cage in hand.

Tracey had just left the bathroom, still in her nightgown, and looking entirely like she did not want to be awake, which Holly thought was fair. It was 4:30 in the morning. But, they had a long drive to Kings Cross. Mrs. Davis had said that Mr. Davis never really grew accustomed to witching transport so they drove, and Mrs. Davis had found that it grew on her.

Tracey blinked at Holly a few times, groggily, and disappeared into her room. Holly shrugged it off and headed downstairs. Mr. Davis was seated at the table, looking more awake than anyone should that early in the morning, serenely sipping on his coffee and reading the muggle news.

Holly set her bag down by the door and joined him at the table. She wasn’t hungry yet, but she did accept his offer of orange juice. It was quiet for a while, until they heard a loud thud and then several more, smaller thuds, like pounding footsteps. Holly looked up to see Tracey running down the stairs in a perfectly matched outfit to Holly’s, holding her own travel bag and a very disgruntled looking Lucas the cat.

The drive back was quiet for the most part, but they spent the last hour or so telling the Davis’ the story of the Troll. Soon enough though, the story had ended and so had the drive.

Mr. And Mrs. Davis helped the girls get their things out of the car, and walked with them into the station. They hugged them both goodbye, reminding Holly that she and Harry were always welcome, and then, just like that, the trip had ended.

Holly and Tracey ran down the train's compartments, checking every one for Hermione, until they eventually found her, also wearing a Weasley sweater in red with a golden H on it, sitting with Neville near the back of the train. They clambered into the compartment and settled in just as the train began to move.

“So, how was Christmas?” asked Hermione, eagerly.

Tracy jumped into a long winded retelling of their holiday, and all the presents they got, while Holly listened contentedly. She bought them trolly snacks when it came around, and they opened chocolate frogs while they all listened.

Then it was Hermione’s turn. “We went skiing and I read loads of things about mountain magic. It’s really very interesting. My parents got me so many new books! And some clothes. I really loved the gift you two gave me! It’ll be really useful. And yours Neville. That bookmark is really majestic.” Hermione said. Holly thought that was a rather strange way to describe a bookmark. “What did you think of my gifts?”

Holly kicked her feet up onto Hermione’s lap with a cheeky grin, turning them about in the light to show off her starry-sky boots. “I’d say those paints worked as advertised. What do you think?”

“Those are incredible!” breathed Hermione.

Tracey hoisted her feet up, knocking Holly’s back onto the floor. “Not as incredible as THESE!” she squawked, flashing her breezy meadow boots for Hermione and Neville.

Holly rolled her eyes, grinning wide. “Whatever, Davis.”

“I wish I could paint like that. You two are so creative!” Hermione said, wistfully. “Your spells always come out so beautiful, that's why I got you paints, you know?”

“Thanks, Hermione,” said Tracey, genuinely. “How about you, Neville? How was your Christmas?”

Neville looked a little green. “My gran and I always go to visit my parents… in st. Mungos… I got a new plant though!” He pulled a small green spindly thing from his pocket. “It's a mugwort - well, a baby one. I’ve named it Muggy. Is that stupid? I know it is…”

“Ooh! Can I see?” Holly asked, making grabby hands at Muggy. Neville handed over his plant, nervously. Holly gingerly took the plant, tenderly touching the small leaves. “Muggy’s a bit small for this time of year, yeah? I wonder if it needs some fresh air… do your dorm rooms have windows that open? Or we could charm it, possibly… hmm…”

“Y-you like plants too?” Neville wondered, as Holly handed him back his struggling new buddy.

“Yeah! Herbology is my best subject! Though, I’d really like to learn about wands…” Holly enthused. Truthfully, she couldn't remember ever talking to Neville, though he had always seemed to orbit Harry, Ron, and now Hermione… “hey, you should come with us to the library on saturday! Hermione and I like to read together and Professor Sprout gave me a book on magickal winter plants just before break that I’ve almost finished. You could read it after me.”

“Really?” Neville looked so hopeful, like he’d never actually been invited anywhere before. Kind of like Hermione had looked after Halloween… and Hermione was beaming so bright and wide now…

Harry had dragged Ron to come meet them off the train. The pair were clad - you guessed it! - in Weasley jumpers as well. Harry was grinning ear to ear, while Ron looked mortified that Tracey and Hermione also had jumpers from his mum. “You too? Why you two?” he griped.

Harry clapped him on the shoulder. “Look up, mate, now you haven’t got to worry that all our friends will make fun of us for them!” He said, and Ron sort of nodded along in acknowledgement.

Holly ran to Harry and thanked him for the herbs. She pulled him a little bit away from the rest of the group, and showed him her necklace. “It was mum’s,” she whispered, “Dumbledore sent me it Christmas morning. Look,” Holly clicked open the locket so Harry could see their parents too.

“That's them?” Harry echoed, touching their fathers smiling face gently. “They look so… young.”

Chapter 13: The Dragon & The Unicorn Hair


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Hermione dropped a color-coded study schedule down on the floor of the library ten weeks before finals, found on it the current day and time, and quickly produced her potions textbook. Holly, drowning under her own pile of books, eyed the neatly organized guide. “Did you make that?” she wondered.

“Mm-hmm” said Hermione, distractedly.

“Do you mind if I copy it? I’m drowning over here.” Holly asked, already craning her neck to try and see it better.

Hermione shoved it towards Holly and refocused herself on her potions homework. Holly made a crude copy that she could expand on, and then pulled her own potions book out. When her eyes had gone bleary from reading the next three chapters, she switched to writing essays, and when that nearly drove her mad, she moved to filling out assigned worksheets.

Over the coming days and weeks, they managed to convince (bribe) the rest of their little group to join them, for the sake of passing first year. Neville was easy, and all it took to bring Tracey up from the perfectly good studying spots in the Slytherin common room was a simple scheme to get away with chocolates in the library. The boys though, needed more… convincing.

Easter came and went. They were still in the library.

Then, on the first nice day of spring, buried in books, Holly suddenly felt that she would rather die than study another minute for tests that were still weeks away. Besides, she had completed all of her homework, reading, and suggested extra credit assignments and was only reading what she thought might help her on her end of year exams.

“I’ll never remember all of this!” Ron cried, throwing down his quill.

“Hey, Holly, doesn’t your wand have a dittany core? Weren't you interested in learning more about that?” Harry whispered, nudging a copy of One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi in her direction.

“I’ve already read that one, it didn’t say much, see,” she pointed at the single paragraph written about the plant.

“Hagrid! What are you doing in the library?” Ron squawked, and the whole group looked up to see Hagrid standing awkwardly in the nearest row of shelves, and was clearly hiding something behind his back.

“Jus’ lookin’…” he said, shiftily. “Whatr yeh lot up ta? Not still on about-“ but he broke off, looking from Ron to the rest of them. Holly had a sinking feeling that her brother was up to something, yet again, but at the moment all she had time for was studying. Hagrid’s gaze settled on her, and he changed the subject. “How comes I never sees yeh? Would love to have yeh visit from time ta time.”

Holly blinked.

“She’s always up here, reading.” Ron said.

Holly rolled her eyes. “I didn't know I could visit you. I thought students weren't allowed that close to the forest.” She said, and shot her brother a glare for never inviting her or even mentioning it before now.

“We’ll come and see you later. Holly too, Hagrid. I promise.” Harry smiled sheepishly at Holly in a way that had her fooled for exactly no seconds.

“You’re up to something, aren't you?” she hissed, narrowing her eyes at him.

“No idea what you’re talking about.” said Harry, perfectly smooth.

Just after dinner, Holly and Tracey met Harry, Ron, and Hermione by the Herbology classroom. “You're really sure this is fine?” Holly wondered, eyeing the darkening sky.

Harry shrugged and took Holly’s hand. “Come on,” he prodded, “it’ll be fine.”

“...Famous last words…” muttered Tracey, but, as usual, where Holly went, Tracey followed.

Hagrid greeted them at the door wearing an apron and cooking mitts. “Come on in,” he said, warmly. “Hurry now!” they crowded inside his hut, all of them taking immediate notice of the stifling heat radiating through the small space. There was also a strange noise coming from the pot hanging over the old wood fire stove that Hagrid had hurried over to as soon as they were all inside. As the noise grew louder, however, Hagrid fished out the contents of the pan and rushed them to the table, huffing, “oh. Oooh. ah. Ooooooh…” as he went.

Hagrid set a massive metallic, scaly egg-looking thing down on the small round table. “Hagrid,” asked Harry, “what exactly is that?”

“And why was it in a pot?” Tracey added.

“Oh that?” Hagrid began. The egg rattled around, making the same strange noise it had in the pot. “That's um…”

“I know what that is!” breathed Ron, “but Hagrid, how did you get it?”

“I won it! Off a stranger I met down at the pub… seemed rather glad ta be rid a it as a matter a fact…” Hagrid said, with a puzzled look as though he could not conceive why the big weird egg wasn't wanted. The thing was practically vibrating off the table now, as if it were about to-


Everyone ducked as the egg burst open, sending eggshell shards in all directions, then, just as they had stood back up, a tiny little winged-claw reached out of the remains of the egg. A its touch, the rest of the egg crumbled, revealing a tiny slime-greed dragon.

“Hagrid… is that…?” hermione began to ask, only to interrupted by Tracey half screaming,

“A dragon! Are you mad?” She looked incredulously at Hagrid, half horrified and half thrilled. Holly was a little scared by the mix in her expression, actually.

“That’s not just a dragon!” Ron was still speaking of, looking at, and generally behaving like, the dragon was the greatest thing he had ever seen in his entire life. “That's a Norwegian Ridgeback! My brother, Charlie, works with them in Romania.

“Isn't he beautiful?” Hagrid asked, choked up at the sight of the new life. The little lizard turned and cooed up at Hagrid. “Oh, bless him, look, he knows his mummy.” Hagrid chuckled heartily at the sight.

Holly wasn’t quite sure what to think. Dragons were, admittedly, pretty cool. But… weren't they dangerous? She didn’t know but she figured that surely, this wasn’t legal. Would they all get in trouble?

Almost as soon as Holly had thought that, Tracey was nudging her and pointing at the window where a very familiar mop of silvery blond hair could be seen peeking through.

“Oh no…” Holly ran out of the hut, trying to stop Draco, but he was too fast. Even when the others followed her out, none of them could catch up to him. In fact, by the time they reached the castle, Draco was standing smugly beside Professor McGonagall.

Holly glared at Draco the entire time the professor was lecturing them, only stopping when she heard her say, “the six of you will receive detention.”

Six? Not five, six?

“Excuse me Professor,” Draco still sounded all too smug, “Perhaps I misheard you. I thought I heard you say the six of us..?”

Professor McGonagall glared down at him. “No, you heard me correctly, Mr. Malfoy. You see, honorable as your intentions were, you too were out of bed after hours.” At this, Holly felt at least a little vindicated, though, truthfully, it made no difference. They were all still in trouble.

On the night they were to serve detention, they all met up after dinner to head down to filches together. Well, everyone but Draco, who none of them wanted anywhere near them.

“None of the quidditch team will speak to me.” Harry said. “They just call me ‘the seeker’ when they make game plans.” He looked miserably down at his shoes. Nobody seemed to know how to respond.

They fell into a silent procession the rest of the way. Filch met them on the back steps, Draco already waiting beside him. He led them down towards Hagrid. The sight of the burly man seemed to brighten Harry’s day a bit, until Filch noticed and said “bet you think you’ll be having fun, off with that oaf - not tonight Potter! It’s to the forest you lot’ll be going and I wouldn’t be so sure of your chances of coming back in one piece!”

Draco stopped dead in his tracks. “We can’t go in there!” He protested. “There are all sorts of things - werewolves, I heard!”

Once Hagrid had taken them off of Filch's hands and led them to the edge of the forest, he split them into groups. It took a minute, with Draco arguing the safety of it and Hagrid having to put him in his place, reminding him that his father would rather he did this then get expelled.

Hagrid split them by house, meaning that Tracy and Holly were stuck with pg-face, cowardly Draco, and fang, the useless dog. Wonderful.

They followed the trail of unicorn blood for a while, in silence, until finally, Holly couldn't stand it. “What is your problem, Draco?! Are you stupid? This goes beyond whatever beef you have with my brother, you just screwed our house over as well!” Holly snapped. Draco and Tracy both stopped.

Tracy looked a little impressed.

Draco looked like a beetroot.

“How dare you speak to me like that, Potter!” Draco spat her name like venom, but it wasn’t like was a fool-hardy Gryffindor.

Holly crossed her arms. “How dare you - going around acting like you're better than everyone! You think I don’t know you were too much of a coward to duel my brother even after you challenged him? You think I don’t know you pushed my friend down the stairs the other day? What did Neville even do to you? You’re so bloody worthless, Draco!” She snapped. It was as though all the things she’d been bottling up over the year just came spilling out.

Draco looked murderous.

Tracy smirked. “You’ll never amount to anything if you keep running off like the coward you are and making your daddy fight all your battles for you!” She taunted. “Honestly your lack of personal drive makes me wonder if you were even sorted into the right house.” She continued, nastily.

Holly snorted. “Bravery and stupidity might be the same, Draco, but no snake should never be as much of a wuss as you.” She said, with a sneer.

Draco had gone entirely silent. And pale, too. Or, well, paler than he already was.

Holly gestured for him to lead the way. She wasn’t dumb enough to turn her back to him now, after all.

Swallowing thickly, Draco began to walk. Tracy followed after him. Holly was about to do the same, when she saw the glint of something long and silver laying in the brush. Curious, she wandered over to it, kneeling down to inspect it.

Unicorn hair.

“Holly, come on!” Tracy called from up ahead. They were getting a bit too far away with the lantern for her to be safe.

Holly snatched up the unicorn hair and hurried after her housemates.


Thanks for baring with me shuffling chapters around today! here's a brand new one!

We are very near the end now. I will be posting the next "book" separately but under the same series so keep your eyes out these next few days!

Chapter 14: It Starts Here.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Tracey sat in the courtyard with a book on unicorns splayed open. Exams had finally concluded the day before, and now they finally had time to pursue their own interests in their downtime. In this case, that meant Tracey was reading aloud all the properties Holly’s unicorn hair possessed, while Holly played with it. First, she had simply meant to try different spells on it, but that had become boring after she put it in her pocket next to her wand earlier that morning and it had fired off while she was walking to lunch and burned a hole through her pocket.

Holly wrapped the hair around the want and waved it about, imagining no spell in particular. Several puffs of smoke and a wilted flower shot out the end.

“Some potions, such as the Beautification Potion, use Unicorn hair as ingredients…” Trracey looked up from the book to squint at Holly. “You know, I don’t think it making your wand explode is a good reason to be experimenting like this… you could get hurt.”

Holly shrugged. She unwrapped the hair and breaded it around the crystal hilt instead. “It didn’t explode. It just fired, was all.” she said, and waved her wand again. This time, a knot of string popped out the end, along with several more wilted flowers. “Hmm… maybe it’s too crowded… is it in a straight line when it’s used as a wand core, or is it chorded somehow?”

Tracey sighed. Grumbled. Read from the book. “It’s straight - but Holly I really don’t think you should-”

Holly had already unraveled the hair and wrapped it around her wand the long way so it would be straighter. If this worked, she might consider cutting it to size…

“Holly, please don't-”

Holly ignored her friend and waved her wand. She wasn’t exactly sure what had happened there, only that there was a loud pop, and she was knocked to the ground. Holly huffed at her failed experiments as she picked herself up and dusted off her robes. “I wonder if I-” she decided to try the straight hair once more, but this time, she took care to pack sure the ends of the hair lined up with the tip of the wand, and the hilt of its crystal. She used a simple sticking charm to keep it in place, since she couldn’t rely on her grip or her wrappings as she had on previous tries.

“This is a bad idea…” Tracey muttered.

Holly took a moment to inspect her work before finally deciding it was straight enough, and giving her wand another wave.

Holly felt herself falling - she heard the scream…

The last thing she was was the setting sun, and then everything went black.

When she woke, it was morning and she was in the hospital wing. She sat up slowly to find Harry was completely unconscious in the cot beside hers - that was strange. Hadn’t he run off with Hermione and Ron several minutes before… she looked around frantically for her wand and unicorn hair, sighing with relief when she found them on her bedside table.

“Ah good, you’re awake.” Holly looked up to find Madam Pomfry, the school healer, walking towards her. “Drink this.” Holly was handed a potion that tasted like swamp water.

“What happened?” she asked, trying hard not to gag.

“You were found at the bottom of a flight of stairs by your friend. She brought you here. You must've hit your head.” Madam Pomfry answered, but she was staring at Holly as if she knew exactly what had happened and that it had nothing to do with a stairwell.

Holly looked away. Her gaze caught on her brother, still asleep, and she couldn’t help but wonder, “And Harry? What happened to him?”

He was covered in get-well-soon cards and chocolates and flowers. Holly’s bed was empty of such things, so he must have done something extraordinary to have all of those goodies. “It seems he managed to discover a plot by Professor Quirl and stop it. Your classmates have been filtering in all morning, leaving him gifts.”

Holly stared at Harry. He would need to do some serious explaining once he woke, but for now, Holly would let him rest. “How long do I need to stay here?” she asked, eyeing her wand.

“At least overnight. I suggest you get some rest, dear.” Madam Pomfry said.

Holly did try to sleep, truely. She wasn’t not tired. But her mind was restless.

Sometime in the afternoon, Professor Dumbledor came to the infirmary. Harry was still asleep, but starting to stir, so he sat between them and spoke with Holly. “That was very risky, Holly. Wands are fickle things.” he told her, by way of hello.

“Sir?” Holly was surprised, though, perhaps she shouldn’t be. The headmaster did seem rather omnipotent…

Dumbledor smiled at her. “Ah, indeed. I studied wand lore in my youth, you see? I can’t say I ever experimented with one though, the way you and Miss Davis were doing. May I?” he nodded at her wand, picking it and the unicorn hair up gingerly. “Interesting… what is your core, if you don’t mind me asking?”

Holly hesitated, scared she may be in trouble. But the headmaster hardly looked angry… “Dittany Stock, Sir.”

“Fascinating!” Dumbledor enthused. “I did hope you would be joining your brother, I must admit. He would have fared far better with you by his side, I’m sure. But I can see why you did not. A Unicorn Hair is a rare find indeed.” he lifted the hair to view it in the light. “Yours is not a wand made for strength, it would seem. I do think you were on to something though, Holly.”

Harry blinked open his eyes, looking between them in confusion.

“Holly, would you mind waiting with Madam Pomfry in the office? I think Harry and I need to have a little chat.” Dumbledor said, not unkindly.

To be honest, Holly was glad for the excuse to get out of bed. Her head only barely hurt and she was bored. So, she did as she was asked with little more than a shrug. “Um,” she said, as she slipped inside the little office that overlooked the hospital wing. “Professor Dumbledor asked me to wait here. Is… is there anything I can read? I’m really bored.”

Madam Pomfry glared mildly out the window at the headmaster. “See if I let him in again next time…” the healer muttered under her breath. She came around the table and pulled out her wand. “Lumos” she said, and the tip of her wand lit like a torch. “Follow the light please, dear.” she instructed, and moved the wand slowly across Holly’s field of vision. Satisfied, she let the light go out. “Any dizziness? And be truthful, now!”

“No, Ma’am.” Holly shook her head.

“Headache?” Madam Pomfry checked.

Holly shrugged. “Like two out of ten. It hurt worse for exams, to be honest.”

Madam Pomfry considered this for a moment, and then nodded to herself. She rummaged around the shelves behind her old desk, passed the supplies and ingredients, on to a lower shelf. “Ah!” she breathed, and straightened, handing a book over to Holly. A Beginner’s Guide To Healing Potions And Spells. “I keep it around for any interested students. Why don’t you give it a crack and then tell me how you like it.”

Holly nodded, found a seat on the floor in the corner of the room, and began to read.

By the time Holly was allowed to return to her bed, she was half way done with the book. And entirely invested in it. But, she was happy to put it aside if it meant finally getting to talk to her brother. “So what happened, then?” she asked, sliding under her covers and laying on her side to face him.

“Well, do you remember when we went to Gringotts and we went to that other vault and Hagrid wouldn’t tell us anything about it?” Harry began.

Over the course of the next hour he proceeded to recount a tale of magick immortality stones, mystery, three-headed dogs, and the man who had killed their parents ten years earlier being defeated by the power of love for a second time. Oh, and Professor Quirl was dead.

Their friends came to see them that evening. Tracey threatened to take Holly’s Unicorn Hair and hide it somewhere it would not be found, but she never moved to touch it. And, when they went, and Harry drifted off, and Madam Pomfry went to her own quarters (just next door) for the night, Holly took out her wand and her hair and thought over what the headmaster had said.

“Yours is not a wand made for strength, it would seem. I do think you were on to something though, Holly.”

Holly cast the sticking charm upon the hair once again, closed her eyes, and began to lace it around her wand by what felt right. When she opened her eyes, she found a crude sort of latus work and a soothing sort of warmth coming from her wand. She knew then that she was on the right path, but the rest of her experiments would have to wait until she got out of the Hospital wing.


And so begins Holly's Journey

Chapter 15: Goodbyes


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Holly sat on her bed with her wand, wrapping the hair around it and slowly brushing small amounts of candle wax over it to hold in place a little more permanently than the sticking charm could. It wasn’t perfect, but it was all she could think of for the time being. She was very near the end of her project when Tracey burst into the room, sobbing.

Holly set aside her tools and went to her friend, steering her to sit on her bed and drawing the curtains closed for privacy just in case anyone else came in. “Hey, Tracey, what’s wrong?” Holly had never really seen Tracey sad before. She was always either happy, or angry for other people’s sakes, or unbothered entirely by the troubles of the world around them.

Tracey curled into a ball, dropping an open letter on the bed between them and crashing sideways. Hesitantly, Holly picked up the letter and read. It wasn’t good. It wasn’t good at all.

“Oh Tracey…” she murmured. “I’m so sorry…”

For a while, Tracey cried and Holly sat with her. Eventually though, she fell off to sleep and Holly was left to wonder what exactly Dragon Pox was and if it had a cure. She got her chance to ask when Tracey refused to eat and Holly went to bring Harry up some dinner later that evening.

“Oh it’s nasty stuff, that. Wiped out a large number of witches and wizards during the war - on both sides…” Madam Pomfry explained when Holly dared to ask. “Heard there was a small out-break in Wales recently… those poor souls.”

Holly felt a little sick hearing that.

“Why are you asking about that, Holls? Is everything okay?” Harry wondered, having finished one chicken leg already. He held another in his hand, but he looked more interested in Holly’s questions than his food.

“It’s… nothing. We can talk about it when you’re out of hospital, I promise. Eat.” She told him, and he did. She knew it was important they ate as much as they could before leaving Hogwarts for the summer.

She did bring Tracey some food too, though she wasn’t at all surprised when it wasn’t even touched. The same was true the next day, but by the final feast, she did manage to drag Tracey up to the Great Hall for dinner.

The next morning, as they packed up the last of their things, Holly asked her who she’d stay with, and Tracey almost started sobbing again as she answered, “my muggle grandparents. They just think I go to a fancy private school in Wales…” she looked lost. Holly really felt for her, but it wasn’t like she could do anything. She had her own hell to go back to.

“I’ll write you every week,” Holly promised, “and we’ll see each other again before you know it!”

Tracey nodded along.

“Keep… Keep me updated?” Holly asked, afraid to make Tracey start crying again, but also, afraid for the first adults to have ever truly shown Holly affection. The couldn’t die too… could they?

“Of course I’ll keep you updated, Holly.” Tracey promised around a sniffle.

The train ride back was subdued. Ron and Hermione seemed to just be sad to see their friends go, but the rest of them were dreading their homecomings for one reason or another. They didn’t even bother with trolly snacks when it came around. They just tried to enjoy the last fleeting moments they had together.

When, eventually, the train did stop, and they were let off, they said their goodbye with hugs and tears and more promises to write to each other. Then, when their friends' parents came to collect them, Holly, Harry, and Tracey passed back through the barrier, said one final goodbye, and went their separate ways.

“It’s only three months,” said Harry, reassuringly.

“Yeah, I know.” Holly agreed.

School would be back in session before they knew it.


and that's the end of book 1 folks! hope you enjoyed.

Holly Potter and the Unicorn Hair - Iziscoolerthanyou - Harry Potter (2024)
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