1 35 Nurses Open Special Course WARM SPRINGS Thirty five student nurses, enrolled in the cooperative training program conducted by Montana State College at Bozeman, Carroll College at Helena and affiliated hospitals with the Montana State Hospital Warm Springs, have, begun three months of training and study, in psychiatric nursing at the hospital. Further study leads to a bachelor of science degree in nursing. Mrs. Margaret Barkley is director of nursing education at the state hospital. Among the students are: From Butte Community--Mary Caroline Nicholes, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. A. S. Nicholes, Route 1, Deer Lodge; A. Darlene Olson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Emil W. Olson, Missoula, and Dorothy Marie Upton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Upton, 503 East Third Street, Anaconda.
From St. Patrick, MissoulaMargaret Carol D'Arcy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D'Arcy, 1619 Street, and Beverly Irene Seymour, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
M. A. Seymour, 3158 South Montana, both of Butte, and Marylyn Joyce shashafford, daughter of Mrs. Mary 401 Mt. Haggin Homes, Anaconda.
Their course include classroom studies, supervised administration of nursing care on the wards and participation in the activity, therapies program on the wards and at the locations of off-the-ward activities, including walks around the grounds, picnics and other outdoor activities in good weather, and games and other entertainment in the occupational therapy department nearly every afternoon. The students' training prepares them for registration with the board of examiners for nursing. Capt. Patrick Lynch Finishes Course in Ski Mountaineering Mrs. Hugh Lynch, 1107 W.
Park, has received military news coltcerning both her son and son-inlaw. Capt. Patrick H. Lynch, her son, presently assigned to the Univerof Southern California in graduate course of study in the guided missile field, recently completed an off course of study of instruction in ski mountaineering and avalanche control. He is president of the Hollywood Ski Club and will receive his master's degree in mechanical engineering from USC in June.
Mrs. Lynch's son-in-law, Capt. Vernon B. Grosvenor, husband of the former Eileen Lynch Butte, at Mather Air Base, near Sacramento, has been named command pilot in the jet training flight program. He has 5,000 hours in flight in 1 various crafts.
He served in the South Pacific in World War I and also served in the Korean conflict. He has seven battle stars in addition to numerous air medals. Virginia Wanecek Funeral Conducted Funeral services for Mrs. Virginia Wanecek were conducted Saturday afternoon in Richards Funeral Home by the Rev. Howard Y.
Williams. Margaret Melka, accompanied by Mrs. A. Berryman, sang, "'The Old Rugged Cross" and With Me:" Pallbearers were Alfred Lowery, William Beery, Samuel Schaf. fer, Jack Kristovich, Frank Kristovich and Gary Wing.
Burial was in Sunset Memorial Gardens. Hagerty to Kiev LONDON TAP)- C. Hagerty, White House press secretary and other Washington officials left for Kiev in the Ukraine Sunday, Radio Moscow reported. The Washington party arrived in Moscow Wednesday to make arrangements for President Eisenhower's June visit to the Soviet Union. DON'T THROW IT AWAY! Expert WATCH I I REPAIR ALL MAKES Prompt Service Reasonable Prices All Work Guaranteed SiS JEWELERS Rialto Cor.
Park Main Horse RAMSGATE, England (AP) MacMillan Pratt is suing the town council because, he alleges, its big bay drayhorse named Prince made a deep bite in the rear of his tiny, shiny new car and necessitated an expensive body redo. Transfer Group Meets in Butte Members of the Montana Transfer and Warehousem*n's Assn. held their annual meeting in the Finlen Hotel Saturday. Mrs. Agnes Calvin, Miles City, president, was in charge of the session.
C. J. Hansen, Butte attorney, hired by the association to rewrite the Motor Transport Act, discussed the act. Reports were made by the household goods pool operation committee and the committee on governstatement. William Blair, Missoula, and Fran Weber, Great Falls, led the Meaning of Passover Explained By Rabbi of Butte Congregation The meaning of Passover, the Jewish holidays which begin this week, are explained as follows by Rabbi Max H.
Kert of the Jewish congregation here: "Passover is the Festival of Freedom. Because religious observances of the 'Jew, follow the lunar calendar, its dates vary each year. This year, Passover begins on Monday evening and is celebrated for eight days. The significance of the festival is so great that its customs are differentiated from the daily routine. A specific regimen of diet and worship has been instituted, that the meaning, significance and principles of freedom and democracy will be engraved on the heart and mind of the Jew.
The Passover ceremonials are a cameo on the medallion of liberty. "Passover commemorates the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt in the 12th Century B.C., where they had been enslaved for over two centuries. Their slavery was not merely physical, but spiritual and psychological as well. Brainwashing is not a modern inven- Montana Standard, Sunday, April 10, 1960-9 a Community Seder at the Finlen tion. The significance of the dus is fold.
It redeemed the people as physical entities liberated them as spiritual and human beings. Moses' Mission "Moses was faced with the task of awakening the Hebrews realization of their individual worth. Before he could free their bodies he had to redeem their minds. He had to awaken them to a desire for freedom, to an awareness of the value of liberty and an acknowledgment of the value of independence. Having accomplished this Herculean taskfirst convincing the people of the and then rebreakings the yoke of right against tyranny Egyptian dictatorship, the pattern of democratic living was fashioned.
"Passover, in traditional Jewish theology, is the festival par excellence, for it was neither chauvenistic nor personalistic, but a universal inspiration for 'all who seek freedom and who value liberty under law. Many are the rituals and ceremonials associated with the festival. All are designed to capture the imagination, inspire the mind toward independence and direct the heart to the validity of the morality freedom. The most important of the rituals is the Seder. Literally, the word means procedure or table of contents, actually it refers to the Passover meal and the attendant ceremonials.
Feature of Seder feature of the Seder is the reading of the Haggadah, which tells the story of the Exodus and explains the rituals. Three ceremonials are central to the festival. First, the reading of the Haggadah, which stresses emphasizes the role of education. Without an understanding of the religious practices and an interpretation of ritual observance, our observance becomes perfunctory and even superstitious. Secondly, the emphasis on the santification of the wine, which points out the need for recognizing the value of optimism.
Judaism does not believe that this world is a vale of tears, but rather is life joyous fulfillment, that comes from the awareness that each one shapes destiny by living within the framework of law, acknowledging the sovereignty of God and by using and not abusing the multitude of blessings and opportunities within our reach. The third is, the three Words: "(a) Paschal Lamb or sacrifice. This is a reminder of our need for self- sacrifice on the altar of humanity. "(b) Bitter Herbs. The bitter herbs that are eaten during the service is to give the taste of actual bitterness of slavery.
Wafer Called Matzah "(c) Matzah. The thin wafer called matzah, symbolic of the unfermented dough of the exodus, really refers to the unleavened spirit of freedom, that was' expressed on the night of the departure. In traditional Jewish literature, it is called the "bread of affliction or the the bread Sisterhood of poverty." Monday gregation B'nai Israel will sponsor Hotel. Friday at 8 p.m., Rabbi Kert will speak on the "Modern Implications of the Ten Plagues" at the regular services at the Temple. Sunday at 10 a.m., the children of the Sunday school will conduct a Model Seder.
Mrs. M. F. Ehrlich and Ralpha Grodnick are in charge of the musical program and Mrs. Ernest.
Newton Ahrens Rudolph and Auron serve on Canty the teaching staff. Postal Building Bids Called FAIRVIEW (AP) Bids have been called for a new post office building in Fairview and will be accepted until May 9. The owner then will lease the building to the government. The present growth of the eastern Montana area, and need for better postal facilities prompted the government to order the new federal building in Fairview. ATTENTION! Trailer Hitches, Boat Trailers, Metal Garden Furniture MADE OR REPAIRED FOR SALE No.
44 Vehicle aluminum paint mix, $2.75 gal. Can also be used for Treating Wood Post. Melka Welding Service Phone 5882 Southeast of Butte SPECIAL OFFER! SAVE $25.00 on this Del lie Can Opener and Knife $29.95 Sharpener! Nationally Advertised Electric WEIGHT 113 1 02 America's newest kitchen convenience! CRANE 00 Saves you time and work -every day! Leaves a safe, smooth edge on cans! Steel cutting head guaranteed 10 years! Sharpens knives to factory-keen edge! CO Sturdy all-metal construction! IN HEAVY YOURS FOR ONLY 95 with purchase of any 1960 Admiral Quality Appliance, also at amazing savings! NEW 1960 ADMIRAL APPLIANCES Factory Fresh Finest Slimline Newest Features! ADMIRAL New Admiral Deluxe 11 cu. ft. Refrigerator New Admiral 13 ou.
ft. Custom Dual-Temp New Admiral 16 cu. ft. Upright Freezer Model cu. ft.
gross capacity. Four removable Model cu. ft. gross capacity in floor space of Model 16VF40-4 super strong shelves plus refrigerated top shelves. Butter and cheese chest.
ordinary 10-11 cu. ft. refrigerator. surface. 5 door shelves.
Built-in door SPECIAL OFFER PRICE SPECIAL OFFER PRICE SPECIAL OFFER PRICE 47 lbs. of frozen food. TRADE freezer. Full porcelain crisper. WITH TRADE 5-year food protection policy.
Full width crisper. Automatic interior "No Defrost" fresh food section. lock. True built-in design -fits flush light. Tall bottle space.
Park. Ave. SERVICE POST 15 E. Legion CAN.