The Other Potter - Kiragirl23 - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter 1: Trip to the Zoo

Chapter Text

It was early in the morning, my twin brother and I had been resting comfortably in our make shift room under the stairs. As squished as we could get sometimes it made do for a place we could somewhat call our own.

My blissful sleep was interrupted by the loud thudding of those who walked up and down the stairs. My brother had scrunched his nose and rolled over trying to get a few more minutes of sleep before we would be woken.

I wasn't sure what he'd been dreaming about but it looked like a good one. I know mine was. Dragons flying through the bright blue sky's high above the white fluffy clouds, colorful beams of light danced beside the creature. It was one of the few times I actually got to enjoy the idea that magic was out there.

Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon hated the idea of magic or unworldly creatures being real, they would go into a fit scolding everyone around that it was rubbish, Uncle Vernon would scream till he was red in the face and his voice was horse. Anything that wasn't normal could set off my aunt or uncle.

I laid awake waiting for the constant pounding of the closet door to wake us. I didn't have to wait too long, "Up! Get up! Now!" Aunt Petunia's shrill voice shrieked through the thin door. Harry moaned not wanting to wake up just yet. It wasn't often that the two of us could get a decent night's sleep.

The mattress was lumpy and had springs sticking out in the ends or middle. It was always one of us who didn't get any sleep, so it was very rare to sleep through the night.

"Up!" Aunt Petunia shrieked again before walking off toward the kitchen. We were left with a few moments of silence. Harry rolled back onto his back staring at the slanted ceiling tiredly.

Aunt Petunia wasn't gone long. She was back much too soon returning to a rapid pounding on the door. "Are you two up yet?" She demanded.

"Nearly," Harry's groggy voice called back. His voice laced with sleep, his messy black hair stuck out in random directions from what I could see in the small lights the door aloud to sneak through.

"Well, get a move on! I want you to look after the bacon and don't you dare let it burn! Elizabeth you're to clean Dudley's room. I want everything perfect or my Duddy's Birthday." Harry and I let out a small groan of annoyance.

"What did you say?" She snapped through the door.

"Nothing!" We quickly called, a grimace on our faces. That was close. We couldn't stand Dudley, he's what you would call a spoiled brat. And if you don't believe me now you will after you spend ten minutes with the jerk.

Harry reached up grasping the chain dangling down and engulfing our tiny room with light. I was stretching my arms down trying to grasp my toes. Harry was closest to the door so he was able to reach off the side of the bed pulling up two pairs of oversized socks.

I tiredly look over at my twin brother. We didn't look anything alike though. He couldn't see so he needed to get glasses and I had somewhat perfect vison. I say somewhat because something my eyes go out of focus and I can't see super far away. My hair was red while his was black. The only thing we really shared was our eyes and a matching lightning bolt scar on our forehead. We had green eyes. It was pretty easy to tell us apart.

"Morning," I muttered tiredly my back ached for the upcoming job I was about to do. I could spend hours making that room spotless and Dudley destroys is in a matter of seconds.

Harry nodded rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Dudley's room again?" He asked though he knew I had to. I try not to show my true feeling of annoyance, if I wasn't careful I would wear it outside the room and get in major trouble.

'What do you have to be upset about? You should be grateful. If I wasn't a wonderful man you and that no good brother of yours would be on the streets!'

'We feed you, clothe you, the least you can do is help us!'

'You and that no good brother of yours should feel so lucky to be in such a wonderful home.'

'I should send you to Marge's. Maybe then you'll appreciate how lucky you two brats have it.'

Those were just some of the lines I've heard when I wasn't being careful. I haven't slipped up as much as I used to. I'm better now. Only person who knows how I feel anymore is Harry. He's my best friend, my only friend.

"I'll try to save some food for you." Harry whispered as we slipped out the door. Going our separate ways. I don't know what kind of disaster Dudley's room would be in, sometimes it could take an hour or sometimes it could take an entire day, what with it being Dudley's room and he could come in any time he pleases.

I don't get breaks, I get a glass of water and a snack after I'm done then I'm back to work.

I could only scream in my head when I saw his room. Broken glass embedded into the wall, food all over the ground, it smelled like a barn in here, books tossed and practically mutilated in all kinds of forms. His bedroom TV pushed to the ground, it looked like when he had his tantrum he swept the entire contents of his dresser to the ground and threw all his clean clothes in with his dirty. There was no way to tell the difference between clean and dirty.

Dudley walked out of the bathroom mischievous smirk on his lips. "Have fun!" he laughed as he bounded down the stairs, stomping his feet like an elephant while he did so. Good lord this would take a while.

Quickly I went to work, making his bed, gathering his clothes and shoving them in the dirty hamper that was outside the bathroom. I worked as fast as I could. Since it was Dudley's birthday Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia would most likely send us to Mrs. Figgs house. She was an elderly lady who lived across the street for as long as I could remember. She liked to show us all the photos of all the cats she'd ever owned. Before feeding the two of us boiled cabbage for lunch.

Mrs. Figg's home smelled like cat pee and feet, we've been over there so many times we were just used to it. And while being over at Mrs. Figgs house could be boring, at least we were able to get away from here for a while.

I grabbed the assortment of books that laid abandoned on the ground. There were some school books that looked worn out and a few that were a few thrillers, one fantasy (how he got it I'll never know), and one that was based off at a camp.

I think Dudley got these because he thought the covers were cool but I remember him yelling "There's no pictures!" every now and then because I've never seen Dudley pick up a book and read. I hold the books to my chest walking them over to wait for it, Dudley's second bedroom. That's right. Dudley has another bedroom. I placed the tattered books on the shelf above the bed.

It was so cluttered in this room that the only reason Dudley had it was so that he could put his extra things in it. There was another bedroom down the hall beside the master, that bedroom was usually for Aunt Marge. She wasn't really my Aunt but I was forced to call her that whenever she'd visit with her mean dogs.

I struggled with lifting the TV back in place, I didn't know if it would work or not but I just hoped it did. I just needed to sweep and vacuum and I'd be done. I was very surprised that it didn't have much left. Usually it would take longer. I swear it was worse when I first came in, it was almost like magic that the room was cleaner…that's not true though.

Magic isn't real, so there was no way it'd start to clean itself right? Then again I did have some strange experiences happen before. A while ago I was cleaning dishes and Aunt Petunia was complaining how they weren't clean enough and that she wanted to see her reflection in it, and the next second her face was stained blue.

Another time Harry and I were running away from Dudley and his group of friends I swear I saw Harry jump up and land on the roof of a building. That just wasn't possible.

Strange things happened around me and my brother, one time when we were younger Uncle Vernon had locked us in the cupboard under the stairs which again was our room. We were starving and couldn't hold out much longer and by some miracle the door open and we were able to sneak off and get some dinner.

I ran down the stairs ignoring my grumbling stomach, giving a brief glance at Harry to see he was trying to avoid being hit by Dudley. I grabbed the vacuum cleaner and lugged it up the stairs, plugging it in to one of the outlets. I picked up the broken glass cutting myself once by accident as I made my way toward the trash.

Now all I had to do was vacuum. I heard all sorts of stuff go up the hose into the bag, I pushed and pulled and fought with the machine till I was positive the floor was so clean you could eat off it. Which Dudley probably does, he can be such a pig.

Loud bangs and cries could be heard down stairs, I didn't have to take a guess to know it was Dudley. He must not have liked the answer or was upset over something. I could see Dudley now his face scrunched up as he let out his fake cries, somehow managing to produce tears at times as he wailed, for the whole neighborhood to hear trying and succeeding every time to get Harry or myself into trouble.

Grabbing the plug to the vacuum I quickly wrapped it up so it wasn't going to trip anyone and lugged it down the stairs. The vacuum went back in the kitchen hall closet. "Take the trash out." Aunt Petunia ordered sitting beside Dudley trying to calm him down from his fit.

"Yes, Aunt Petunia."

"Coffee." Uncle Vernon called holding his cup out. Harry was doing the dishes as I grabbed the coffee pot and poured another cup for Uncle Vernon. He needed at least two coffees in the morning to be pleasant around.

I grab the trash bag out of the can and rush outside toss the trash inside the can, run back inside grab the trash bags from Dudley's room and rush back outside to put in the trashcan. I felt myself pant as I walked back inside the house. I sighed in relief opening the cupboard door and falling on the lumpy mattress.

"Hey can I come in?" Harry called through the door, some excitement in his voice. After letting out a small yes the door opened and I could see the excitement on Harry's face.

"What's up?" I grab my belt looping it through my baggy pants. Everything we owned was baggy. Dudley was a hefty size boy while Harry and I were very small and skinny. The clothes we wore were Dudley's hand me downs. Funny enough, growing up Dudley would often triple in double in size very often making Aunt Petunia go out and buy him brand new clothes.

"We're not going to Mrs. Figgs today." My eyes widen in surprise. Seriously? Why not? We always go to Mrs. Figgs when Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia take Dudley and his friends somewhere. "One of her cats tripped her and she broke her leg!" I know it sounds horrible to be happy that she broke her leg but this was awesome! We wouldn't be forced to look at cat pictures!

"Are they going to let us stay here by ourselves?" Oh that would be amazing. We could watch whatever we wanted on the TV, eat enough that it would fill us up, do whatever we wanted, no one to watch us and tell us no.

"No, they think if we stay by ourselves we'll destroy the house." Of course they would think that.

"So wait. What do they want to do with us? They won't take us to the neighbors' homes, from what I heard, Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia talk about us like we're demons."

"We'll be going to the zoo with Dudley and Piers." Harry explained plopping down beside me on the bed with excitement.

"We're going to the zoo." I asked shocked. I couldn't believe it.




"The two of us? Us?"


"Get out of here!" Harry laughed nodding his head to my questions. We never get to go anywhere! This is so cool! I've never been to the zoo, I wonder what kind of animals they'll have there. "So that's why Dudley started throwing a fit!" I whispered realization finally hitting me.

"He's so mad, he think's we'll ruin his birthday." I couldn't help roll my eyes at that, how are we going to ruin his birthday? He probably got a million presents and is going to wreck them in a week tops.

We walk out of the room chatting amongst ourselves, practically gluing ourselves to the wall to avoid bumping into Piers Polkiss or his mother.

Piers was one of Dudley's school friends, he had a face like a rat and was really scrawny. Usually he was the one who help people's arms behind their backs while Dudley hit them over and over. So when Piers walked in Dudley stopped his fake crying and returned to what would be normal. He didn't want Piers thinking he was a cry baby or anything.

"Boy, get ready. We're leaving in a half hour." Harry nodded and ran up the stairs with a clean pair of clothes and a towel for the shower. "Fix your hair." He growled down towards me.

"Yes, Uncle Vernon." I ran right behind Harry and waited outside till he was in the shower before running in. I grabbed the small comb that had broken teeth that Harry and I shared because Aunt Petunia didn't want to give us a real brush.

Uncle Vernon hated when our hair happened to stick out or look not tamed. Aunt Petunia once gave Harry a horrible hair cut to the point where he almost was bald. Harry was so embarrassed and was so scared to go to school the next day but miraculously enough the next day his hair was completely the same before the haircut.

I use one of the strings that came from my shirt to tie my hair back. It didn't always work, sometimes it would last all day but usually it just lasted a few hours and my hair would fall back down towards the middle of my back.

"I'll keep an eye on the door." I called as I walked outside the bathroom. There was a quiet thank you as I closed the door. I sat at the edge of the stairs waiting for my brother wondering how today would go when I saw Dudley and Piers.

Reaching back I knocked on the door twice, it let Harry know they were coming.

"Just because you're coming to the Zoo doesn't mean anything." Dudley called glaring down at me.

"Yeah, you and your brother will still be losers!" Piers agreed.

"If you do anything today to embarrass me, I'll make you regret it." Dudley warned before he and Piers stormed into the bathroom with Harry's towel and clothes. Dudley and Piers laughed maniacally the entire way down the stairs and out the front door.

Slipping down the stairs and into my room I pulled out my towel and grabbed another pair of clothes. I ran as quietly as I could and slip back into the bathroom my back against the door listening for something. Incase Dudley and Piers came back.

The water was off meaning Harry was done. I threw the towel over the top letting it dangle off the edge waiting for it to disappear on the other side.

"Thanks Lizzy." Harry called opening the curtain to show him covered.

"Fresh clothes," I place them on the sink and slip out the door again taking my place on the stairs again. Dudley and Piers walked in, glancing up the stairs to see me picking at my nails. They laughed loudly and ran into the kitchen.

After Harry was dressed and his hair was somewhat manageable the two of us walked into the kitchen, the look on Dudley's and Piers face when Harry came back down fully clothed was priceless till they put two and two together. Dudley sent a wicked glare my way that just promised hurt.

Seeing as we were all ready to go, Uncle Vernon loaded everyone in the car beside Harry and myself.

"I'm warning you two. Any funny business, anything at all and you'll be in that cupboard from now till Christmas." Uncle Vernon threatened getting very close to our faces to prove how serious he was.

"I'm not going to do anything." Harry called.

"Honest." I finished for Harry grasping my brother's hand. I hated when Uncle Vernon got so close to my face, it freaked me out. Harry and I jump in the car squished between Piers and Harry. Harry and I were just so excited to go to the Zoo!

The drive to the zoo, Uncle Vernon was complaining to Aunt Petunia. Uncle Vernon loved to complain about all sorts of things. A few things would be the people he works with, Harry and myself, the council, Harry and myself, the bank, Harry and myself, and anything out of the ordinary. Today he was complaining about motorcycles.

"Roaring along like maniac, the young hoodlums." Uncle Vernon would say whenever a motorcycle passed in front of the car.

"I had a dream about a motorcycle." Harry called smiling to himself at a fond memory, Uncle Vernon rolled his beady eyes annoyed. Harry turned toward me and spoke lowly as not to get Uncle Vernon's attention. "It was flying."

I almost laughed in excitement had Uncle Vernon not heard what Harry had tried not to say too loudly. Uncle Vernon had almost crashed the car into the one in front of us. I clutch onto my brother's hand for dear life terrified.

Uncle Vernon spun around to face Harry and myself his face gone red as he screamed "MOTORCYCLES DON'T FLY!"

Dudley and Piers were snigg*ring in the background at Harry getting yelled at. "B-But it was just…" I tried to speak up for my brother. It was just a dream, nothing about dreams were normal.

"Watch your mouth!" Uncle Vernon screamed before shifting his fat body back into this seat and starting on the road again. Harry looked out the window depressed. All I could do was stare at the seat wide eyed. I hated being yelled at. My body was just frozen staring at the back of Uncle Vernon's seat.

The Dursley's hated a lot of things. Questions and anything not normal. Those were the two things you just don't do around them.

At the zoo Harry and I saw that it was crowded with families, must be because it's a warm sunny day. We don't get too many of those.

When Dudley and Piers got ice cream the lady behind the counter asked if Harry and I would want one before Uncle Vernon said no so Harry and I got a lemon pop! It might have been sour but it tasted really good.

Harry and I looked at all the animals around us avoiding Dudley and Piers in case they got bored and decided that Harry or I would make great entertainment.

And at lunch, we ate at the zoo's restaurant and Dudley had a tantrum because his Knickerbocker glory didn't have enough ice cream on top, so to get him to stop Uncle Vernon bought Dudley another one and gave me and Harry the first one!

Only problem is I should have known that the good times wouldn't last. Everything went downhill at the reptile house. The room was cool and dark, the windows were lit all along the walls. Behind the glass, there were all sorts of lizards and snakes that were crawling or slithering over bits of wood and stone.

Dudley and Piers wanted to see the huge, poisonous cobras and thick man crushing pythons. Dudley found the largest snake in the place. It so large that it could have wrapped its body around Uncle Vernon's car and crushed it into a trash can but right now it was fast asleep.

Dudley was standing with his nose pressed against the glass, staring at the glistening brown coils. "Make it move." He whined. Uncle Vernon tapped on the glass but the snake didn't budge. "Do it again." Uncle Vernon rapped smartly with his knuckles but the snake just snoozed away, ignoring the people in front of him.

The poor snake probably had to deal with this sort of treatment all the time, families pressing their stupid faces to the window disturbing its rest and making the animal feel like it has to do something to entertain the people.

'Bred in Captivity' the snake's never known what it's like to live on its own, depending on the handlers for its whole life.

"This is boring." Dudley moaned as he and Piers shuffled away to see another reptile. My brother and I stood there watching the snake rest, my eyes were traveling over the long body wondering how smooth the skin was or even how heavy it would be if it were out of the cage.

"Poor thing, can't even get a decent rest with all these people." I couldn't help sigh aloud leaning against the bar the body moved in its sleep, pulling closer to the middle like a ball.

"Having people drumming their fingers on the glass disturbing him all day long. It's worse than being in the cupboard." Harry agreed.

Suddenly the snake opened its beady eyes. Slowly, very slowly, the snake started to raise its head until its eyes were level with ours. My mouth dropped open when I saw the snake wink.

Did a snake just wink at us? What? Looking at my brother I saw his surprise but he winked at the snake!

The snake jerked its head toward Uncle Vernon and Dudley, then raised its eyes to the ceiling as if saying 'I get that all the time'.

"It must be really annoying," Harry called. Oh my gosh, Harry was talking to a snake. "Where do you come from, anyway?"

Looking down I read a brief description of the snake. "It says here, that he comes from Brazil." The snake nodded his head coiling its body again.

A snake just nodded at me as if agreeing with me. This was so strange but I liked it! "Was it nice there?" The constrictor jabbed its sign I had read earlier. "Oh I see, so you've never been to Brazil?"

The snake shook its head no. I yelp hearing a loud shout form Piers. "DUDLEY! MR. DURSLEY! COME AND LOOK AT THIS SNAKE! YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT IT'S DOING!" Piers and Dudley came waddling over as fast as they could. "Out of our way!" Dudley and Piers squeezed in between Harry and me, knocking the both of us on the floor.

I don't know what happened next, one second Piers and Dudley were leaning right up and close to the glass, and the next, they had leapt back with howls of horror. Harry and I stared shocked. The glass in front of the boa constrictor tank had vanished into thin air. The large snake was uncoiling itself rapidly, and slithering onto the floor.

People all around us screamed and started running for the exits. The snake looked toward me nodded his head, then at Harry and nodded his head again before slithering off. "Brazil here I come, thankssss amigosss." The snake had called. I might be going crazy. Snakes don't talk.

I had to have hit my head right? That didn't just happen.

The zoo keeper for the reptile house was completely dumbfounded spouting 'but the glass' and 'where did it go?' Even the Zoo director wasn't sure what had happened. The zoo director had given Aunt Petunia a strong, sweet tea while he apologized over and over again. Piers and Dudley could only tell their lies.

From what I saw, the snake didn't do anything except playfully snap at the heels but as soon as we got in the car Dudley was saying how it nearly bit his leg off, while Piers was swearing it had tried to squeeze him to death.

Worst of it was when Piers had calmed down he had to say "Harry and Elizabeth were talking to it, weren't you two?" A cold chill went down my spine. This was it. We were dead. He had to say that. He had to say we were talking to a snake before it escaped the zoo.

When Piers was safely out of the house all Uncle Vernon could say was "Go, Cupboard, stay, no meals!" He was so mad he could barely form sentences. I didn't have to be told twice. I dashed into the cupboard terrified, Harry right on my heels.

The two of us sat in silence thinking back what happened during the day, remembering every detail. I needed to write this down, to know I wasn't dreaming for the next day. Dudley didn't study. He didn't take notes and he didn't notice if pencils and a note book went missing.

The children at school hated it when they had to loan us a paper or pencil to write our notes or participate in school. Harry and I sat alone in our classes being the outcast thanks to Dudley and his group of friends.

Mrs. Jensen might have been nice to give me and Harry a note book to use but I couldn't help thinking she had ulterior motives. Like she wanted something more. I swear I saw her look through the notebook she gave me to use, shake her head and walk back to her desk when everyone went to lunch.

After that I stole one of Dudley's note books, fearing for my life if I ever got caught. I kept it hidden under the mattress. I wrote down important things that happened that day, not that I had a lot of special moments, but a few that couldn't be explainable. I write it down so that I can't forget. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon are quick to saying that it didn't happen and not to bring it up again.

Harry leaned against me as I wrote, shock still plastered across his face. I even put in the bit where the snake spoke to us. I still don't believe it.

"Lizzy…Did that really happen?" Harry didn't know if it was true or not, he hoped it was or maybe he hoped it wasn't. With what we were raised, what happened today shouldn't.

"Did you…did you hear the snake…" he whispered nervously.

"Thanks amigos…" I muttered staring ahead of me shocked. I wasn't crazy. I did hear a snake speak English. A freaking snake talked.

Oh boy, this was a strange day indeed.

Chapter 2: Letters?

Chapter Text

It was around the summer holidays when Harry and I were allowed out of the cupboard after the zoo fiasco. All we were able to do was get out in the morning, go to school, and go back in our cupboard.

Besides doing homework and the occasional job from the Aunt or Uncle, Harry and I spent most of our time in our room. Talking about the future, dreams we'd had the night before, think about what life would be like if we still had our parents.

The only reason we live with Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon was because some drunk driver hit our parent's car head on. Dad died first on impact. Mom only lasted a little longer, just enough time to explain where we'd go.

Harry joked that mom would make us wear matching outfits and spoil us nonstop. Wishful thinking helped but we knew that's all it was. Just wishful thinking.

After school was let out life has been much harder. With school in session we could easily avoid Dudley and his group of friends if we really wanted to, but now if either of us wanted to get away we'd be in trouble.

Dudley practically had his gang of friends over every single day. If they weren't egging Dudley on to do something they thought was cool, then they'd be pestering one of us. Throughout Dudley's gang of friends was Piers, Dennis, Malcom, and Gordon. They were all big and stupid but somehow Dudley being the biggest and the dumbest of the group he became the leader.

One of their favorite sports was 'Harry Hunting' or 'Elizabeth Spotting' though it was different. Harry hunting they would chase Harry down the street or all around. I don't know where they got the idea that if you spot Elizabeth you get to whack her with a stick. Where or where did that come into play? It used to be just being pushed or tripped. Now its stick hitting.

It's not like I could hide or anything. Aunt Petunia has me help her all day long with cooking and cleaning, making sure the house looked perfect for all the visitors. I hardly saw Harry during the days, Uncle Vernon had Harry working outside. Harry was always tending to the garden, mowing the grass, pulling weeds, clipping the hedges to make them look neat and orderly.

September was almost here I would think, when September comes I wouldn't have to deal with Dudley or his stupid friends! It would be the first time in my life actually. Harry and I would be at peace in secondary school while Dudley would be attending Smeltings. Smeltings was Uncle Vernon's old private school.

Harry and I would be attending Stonewall High, the local public school. Dudley thought it was hilarious. He would often chase either Harry or myself around the house trying to fill our heads with rumors of what may happen. Honestly I think we would be fine. Dudley wouldn't be there to egg people on, he wouldn't be the one causing us harm, and we'd probably blend in with the crowd. We had nothing to worry about.

The day Aunt Petunia had to take Dudley to get his uniform, she left us at Mrs. Figgs. She wasn't that unpleasant to be around. The house still smelled like cooked cabbage but ever since she tripped over one of her cats she hasn't been as fond of them. Mrs. Figg let us watch TV and even gave us a piece of chocolate cake. It might have tasted stale but it was really good. I've never had cake before, it was really sweet and delicious.

After we returned to the Dursley's that day, Dudley was prancing around the living room for the whole family to see him in his brand new uniform. I was trying my very best to keep quiet and so was Harry. Dudley wearing his brand new marron tail coat, orange knickerbockers, flat straw hat which they called boaters, while finishing the look with a long Knobbly stick. He looked like a big fat chicken waltzing around.

Uncle Vernon was saying how it was his proudest moment in his life while Aunt Petunia was crying saying that her Ickle Dudleykins looked so handsome and grown up.

I'm saying this again. He looked like a big fat chicken waltzing around trying to pick up hens. It took all we had not to burst out laughing at how ridiculous he looked.

The next morning Harry and I had it easy for a bit. We were able to sleep in twenty minutes longer than we usually were. We got dressed to work on todays chores. We walked into the kitchen and saw Aunt Petunia boiling something on the stove stinking up the entire room.

"What is it?" I scrunch my nose up thinking it was some sort of new punishment for us to eat.

"Your new school uniforms." Aunt Petunia scoffed tightening her lips as if he just asked the stupidest comment. I nodded knowing better than to argue.

"Oh…I didn't realize it had to be so wet…" Harry muttered staring at the gross clothes.

Aunt Petunia scoffed again glaring heatedly at Harry. "Don't be stupid!" She hissed hatefully. "I'm dying some of Dudley's old things gray for the two of you. It'll look like everyone else's when I've finished."

Somehow I doubt that but I couldn't really argue. I didn't have money to buy a uniform and I know well enough that they would never buy is one. So Harry and I took our seats sitting quietly beside one another.

Soon enough Dudley and Uncle Vernon came walking in the kitchen, they both scrunched up their noses at the horrid smell, glaring at the two of us as if it was our fault this was happening. While Uncle Vernon opened his newspaper like every early morning, Dudley would now start to band his Smelting stick. He carried it everywhere anymore.

"Get the mail, Dudley." Uncle Vernon said from behind his paper after hearing the small click of the mail slot.

"Make Harry get it." Dudley called as if Harry was his slave.

"Get the mail, Harry." Uncle Vernon called not a bother at all.

Harry glared at our blonde haired cousin. "Make Dudley get it." Harry called hoping that would work. No. It never did.

"Poke Harry with your Smelting stick, Dudley." Harry quickly dodged the stick to go get the mail.

"Dad! Harry won't let me poke him!" He whined already starting the fake tears.

"Poke Elizabeth with your Smelting stick," Uncle Vernon flipped the page of his newspaper. I cringe enduring the torture, the jabs and whacks. This is so much fun said no one ever.

"Hurry up boy!" Uncle Vernon called. "What are you doing? Checking for letter bombs?" Uncle Vernon chuckled at his own joke. Harry quickly walked back to the kitchen and gave Uncle Vernon the mail except for two. Harry dropped one letter in my lap and was looking over another.

I got a letter? I've never gotten a letter? Who would write to me? I don't have friends, and the only family I have is Harry and the Dursley's. Not like they would write me a letter.

Ms. E. Potter
The Cupboard Under The Stairs
4 Privet Drive
Little Whinging

Whoever sent this knew I lived under the stairs. It was kind of creepy if you think about it, who knew that? I never told anyone I lived under the stairs. The envelope itself was thick and heavy, it was made of yellowish parchment and the address was written in green ink. There wasn't a return stamp. The back had a wax seal with a 'H' on it.

I didn't get to open it though. "Dad! Harry and Elizabeth got something!" Dudley snatched the letter out of my hands making me jump to my feet. "Hey!" I yelled glaring hatefully at my cousin.

"That's mine!" Harry yelled trying to snatch his back too.

"Who'd be writing to you two?" Uncle Vernon sneered opening the letter with one hand and glancing at it.

"I would know if you let me read my own letter!" Uncle Vernon's face got red to green faster than a set of traffic lights. It didn't stop there though, within a matter of seconds his face turned a grayish white of some early stages of mold.

"P-P-Petunia!" he gasped struggling to breathe.

Dudley tried to grab the letter to read it but Uncle Vernon held both letters high out of his reach. Aunt Petunia took the letter curiously and read the first line. For a moment it looked as though she might faint, she was clutching her throat and made a choking noise.

"Vernon! Oh my goodness…Vernon!" They stared at each other seeming to have forgotten about us completely. Dudley who wasn't used to being ignored gave his father a sharp tap on the head with his stick.

"I want to read that letter." He said rather loudly.

"I want to read it." Harry said furiously.

"I do too! It's my letter!" I yelled hands balled into fists, nails digging into my palms. I was just so mad!

"Get out! Get out all of you!" Uncle Vernon croaked stuffing the letter back into the envelope yet none of us moved.

"I WANT MY LETTER!" Harry screamed.

"LET ME SEE IT!" Dudley demanded.

"ITS MY LETTER!" I shouted but with all three of us yelling at once it was just loud noise.

"OUT!" Uncle Vernon Roared grabbing Harry and Dudley by the scruffs of their necks, while Aunt Petunia dragged me by my ear into the hall with the boys. The door slammed behind us.

Harry and Dudley came to the same conclusion fighting each other over who could listen through the keyhole. Obviously Dudley won. Harry laid on the ground listening through the crack on the ground while I placed my ear on the wood. You could hear kind hear perfectly well. The walls were thin in this house.

"Vernon." Aunt Petunia spoke quivering her whole body shaking head to toe. "Look at the address! How could they possibly know where they sleep? You don't think they're watching the house?" She seemed terrified of something. They knew something and it sounded like they weren't willing to share.

"Watching, spying, might as well be following us." Uncle Vernon muttered wildly most likely looking back and forth. "But what should we do, Vernon? Should we write back? Tell them we don't want…" Someone was pacing. "No." Uncle Vernon's voice came out stern. "No we'll ignore it. If they don't get an answer…yes that's the best…we won't do anything."


"I'm not having one in the house, Petunia! Let alone two. Didn't we swear when we took them in, we'd stamp out that dangerous nonsense?" Dangerous nonsense? What was he talking about?

We weren't dangerous. And what did he mean by two, two of what? Harry and were just normal kids who ended up with some pretty bad luck.

Harry and I ended up walking into our room, now that we were no long able to hear what Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon were talking about. Harry was beyond angry, he was fuming. Glaring down at the ground. His hands balled into fists almost like he was going to hit something.

I grabbed my journal writing down what happened. Of course I was mad. I've never gotten a letter in my life and now I'll never know who sent it or what it said.

"This is so unfair." Harry growled punching our pillow annoyed.

"Why were they so angry? What were they talking about?" I groaned leaning against Harry's shoulder, my head ached. I had so many questions but no answers. Why did we always get treated this way? What did we do? "I didn't even get to open it." I couldn't help whine a little.

It was so unfair. "I only got one word and I don't even think it's a word to begin with." Harry sighed thinking over the word again. "Hogwarts? What even is a Hogwarts?" I could only shrug. I didn't have a clue when it came to that.

Maybe it was pig with warts? I don't know.

A few hours roll by when Uncle Vernon came to the cupboard for a visit. The door opened and Uncle Vernon didn't even get a word out before Harry demanded where our letters were.

"Where's our letters."

"Who's writing to us?" I ask jumping in wanting answers.

"No one, it was addressed to both of you by mistake." Uncle Vernon said quickly as if he was hiding something. "I've burned them." Uncle Vernon called making it seem like it was nothing.

"It wasn't a mistake though!" I couldn't help growl.

"It had our cupboard on it!" Harry informed our daft uncle. It had to be for us. No one else lived under the stairs.

"SILENCE!" Uncle Vernon screamed so loud that a few spiders fell from the ceiling of our room. We watched as he took a few deep breaths and forced a smile to his face…why did I get the sudden urge to run away screaming.

"Er…yes. Harry, Elizabeth…about this cupboard." Harry and I glance at one another. Was he going to make us sleep out back? "Your aunt and I have been thinking…your both getting bit for it…" he paused again thinking his words over in his head. "we think it might be nice if you moved into Dudley's second bedroom."

My eyes shot wide open. Living in a bedroom? We'd share a bedroom and have more space? Was this a dream? No…if it were a dream I'd be able to kick Dudley in the face.

"Why?" Harry asked suspiciously squinting his eyes.

"Don't ask questions!" Uncle Vernon snapped. "Take this stuff upstairs now!" he ordered stepping out of the way for Harry and me to get started. It didn't take long. It took us two trips to bring everything upstairs including our old mattress. Harry and I played rock, paper, and scissors for the bed in the bed post. Harry won.

It didn't matter though, I had the entire bed to myself! Plus this room had books, lots of books. I couldn't understand why they thought Dudley would like them. I've never seen him read but he keeps getting some sort of book for some occasion.

Down stairs you could hear Dudley bawling his eyes out at Aunt Petunia screaming 'I don't want them in there…I need that room…make them get out!' of course he would hate this idea, everything was changing and he didn't like it one bit.

There was one problem, while we might have gotten more room we still knew something was up. "I wish we were still in the cupboard." I couldn't help whispering in the dark that night.

"Especially with our letters." Harry agreed. "Why are they suddenly being nice to us? What's the point?" he asked staring up at the barren ceiling.

"I don't know…" I wish I knew, everything was giving me a headache anymore. What were they hiding?

The next morning at breakfast, everyone was rather quiet. Dudley was in shock. He's screamed, whacked his father with his stick, been sick on purpose, kicked his mother, and thrown his tortoise through the greenhouse roof and he still didn't have his room back. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia kept looking at each other darkly though, just waiting for something to happen.

When the mail arrived, Uncle Vernon made Dudley go get the mail. The shock on their son's face was priceless, what was Uncle Vernon up to? Dudley continued to bang his stick the entire way down the hall. "There's another one!" Dudley called excitedly I can already tell he was ripping at the paper. "Mr. H. Potter, The smallest bedroom, 4 Privet Drive…"

I've never seen Uncle Vernon run so fast, he jumped from his seat and dashed down the hall, he was wrestling Dudley to the ground desperate to get the two letters in Dudley's hand.

Harry quickly jumped into action, latching onto Uncle Vernon's back, hugging him by his neck to pull him away. I saw my opening, there was a small spot but if I was fast enough I could get a letter! I dove forward, bashing my fist into Dudley's face to push him away, I was so close. I yelled in pain as my hair was yanked back but I kept pushing forward I don't know who was pulling me.

Uncle Vernon pushed everyone off him and ripped the letters in front of our eyes. "Go to your cupboard! I mean your bedroom!" Uncle Vernon wheezed not having this much physical activity in lord knows how long. "Dudley, go, just go."

Harry and I grumble the entire way up the stairs but that didn't stop us. We were determined to get those letters. Even if it killed us. Someone knew we moved rooms. Someone knew we hadn't gotten our letters yet so they must probably send them again and again…right?

Six am came faster than we'd hope. Harry's plan was to wake up early and wait by the corner of Privet Drive to get our letters for us. Only Uncle Vernon was sleeping in the hall, he must have known! Ugh! He was one step ahead of us. I don't know how he did it. "Six letters came."

"Really? Whoever's writing to us must really want us to get these letters." I muttered sleepily.

"He ripped them up before I could say anything." He muttered annoyed. He woke up early for nothing.

"Bloody hell." I muttered just as annoyed. We needed to read those letters.

Uncle Vernon didn't go to work that day, instead he stayed home burning our letters in the fire and ended up boarding up the cracks around the front and back doors, and Saturday Aunt Petunia found twenty four letters in two dozen eggs while Uncle Vernon found twenty four letters in the tissue box.

Even Dudley was amazed he asked us "Who on earth wants to talk to you two this badly?" obviously we didn't know. We wished we could have at least one letter to look at. That's all. They would probably stop appearing all over the place if we just read our letters.

Sunday morning Uncle Vernon was just so pleased with himself, he sat at the breakfast table looking sickly and tired but pleased non the less. He kept reminding everyone "No posts on Sundays." while he spread marmalade on his newspaper. "No damn letters today." he practically sang.

Harry and I felt miserable. Everything we've done to try and get a letter, Uncle Vernon or Aunt Petunia were one step ahead of us. Ripping it up or burning it, heck even throwing it down the disposal we'd never get to see our letters.

Something whizzed down the kitchen chimney. Uncle Vernon stopped speaking, his eyes widen in surprise feeling something hit him in the back of the head. Next thing you know thirty to forty letters came pelting out of the fire place like bullets.

While the Dursley's leapt under the table, Harry and I shot up. Harry tried to catch some midair, I dove for the ones that landed on the floor. I had a small handful.

I had the letters! I had the letters! Looking all around I did the only thing I could think of. I shoved them down my shirt. Aunt Petunia struggled with me as I tried to run away, there was no way I'd be letting her have these without a fight.

"Out! Out!" Uncle Vernon seized Harry around the waist and tossed him in the hallway. Aunt Petunia dragged me and Dudley out into the hallway. As soon as we were out Uncle Vernon slammed the door shut. You could still hear the letters bouncing around the room.

"Vernon she got some!" Aunt Petunia yelled. I clutch my chest thinking of making a bee line for the door. It was my only option! I ran as fast as I could to open that bloody front door. Uncle Vernon slammed the door shut as I opened it just a crack.

Harry jumped on Uncle Vernon's back trying to pull him away. He got the letters in the end. Crumpled them up and held them high enough in the air that we couldn't reach.

"That does it!" Uncle Vernon panted, he tried to sound calm but his eyes were wild. "I want all of you back here in five minutes ready to leave. We're going away. Pack some clothes. No arguments!"

Harry and I dash into our rooms annoyed filling a bag with some clothes stomping on the way down. We were so close. So close to read our letters. Agh I felt so ashamed of myself right now. Of course Harry didn't blame me, he knew I tried.

Ten minutes later we were all in the car speeding towards the highway, Dudley was sniffling beside me, tear stained cheeks. Uncle Vernon had hit him around the head for holding us up while he tried to pack his TV, VCR, and computer in his sports bad.

Uncle Vernon drove and drove and drove. No one asked where we were going, fearing what Uncle Vernon might say. Though every now and then Uncle Vernon would simply say 'shake em off…shake em off.' To no one in particular as he changed direction for a while.

We never stopped to eat or drink, even when Dudley started to complain. Dudley was howling he'd never had such a horrible day in his life, he was hungry, he was bored. Wanting to watch his favorite programs and play his game.

After hours of driving Uncle Vernon finally stopped at last. He stopped outside a gloomy looking hotel on the outskirts of a big city. Dudley, Harry, and I shared a room and while Dudley was snoring so loud that the entire hotel could hear, we didn't sleep. We sat by the window staring at everything and yet nothing at all. Just thinking what had happened that day, what was going on that they weren't telling us.

We ate stale breakfast and cold tinned tomatoes on toast for breakfast, right when we finished the owner of the hotel came over to our table asking for a H. Potter and an E. Potter. There was about a hundred of the letters.

The owner held up two letters, H. Potter was in front.

Mr. H. Potter
Room 17
Railview Hotel

Harry made a grab for the letters but Uncle Vernon knocked his hand out of the way.

"I'll take them." Uncle Vernon said standing up from the table. After a few hours Aunt Petunia finally asked Uncle Vernon "Wouldn't it be better to go home dear?" She asked so timidly even she was afraid of him right now.

Uncle Vernon ignored her grumbling and looking over her shoulder every now and then very paranoid. Harry and I napped in the car. It was dark when we woke up again. Uncle Vernon was driving in the middle of the forest. He got out of the car looked around shook his head and got back in the car and drove off again. It happened again in a plowed field, halfway across a suspension bridge and at the top of a multilevel parking garage.

"Daddy's gone mad hasn't he?" Dudley asked his mom for some sort of conformation after Uncle Vernon left the car again. Aunt Petunia didn't speak, she didn't know what to think. "It's Monday." Dudley whimpered. "The Great Humberto's on tonight. I want to stay somewhere with a television." Dudley whined.

Today was Monday. Tomorrow was my birthday, I'd be eleven years old. But it's not like we'd do anything for our birthday. Harry and I usually just said happy birthday and that was all. We were taught very young that our birthday didn't matter. Last year Uncle Vernon gave us a coat hanger and a pair of old socks. Yeah truly wonderful birthday gift.

Uncle Vernon came back smiling carrying a long, thin, package and wouldn't answer Aunt Petunia when she asked what he bought.

"Found the perfect place!" he called very giddy all of a sudden. Rain pelted down hard on the car. "Come on! Everyone out!" It was freezing outside the car, Harry and I huddled together for warmth. Uncle Vernon had pointed somewhere in the distance at a little shack on a rock in the middle of the sea.

"Store forecast for tonight!" Uncle Vernon said gleefully, clapping his hands together. "And this gentleman's kind enough to lend us his boat."

A toothless old man came ambling up toward us, pointing with a rather wicked grin at the old rowboat bobbin in the water below us. "I've already got us some rations." Uncle Vernon called. "So all aboard!"

On the boat I was shivering head to toe. Sea water splashed up and blended in with the rain from above. Aunt Petunia was protecting Dudley from the water but she herself was shivering completely. It felt like hours on the water before we actually made it to the rock. My toes were numb and my fingers felt like they were about to fall off.

We slipped and sided the entire way up to the shack, everyone was wet to the bone, Harry's body warmth was replaced with icy cold sea water.

Inside the shack was dry and dirty. It smelled like seaweed mold. And there was only two rooms. My guess was Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon would get the one and Dudley would have to sleep out here with us. This didn't feel like a safe place to be, we'll probably die from hypothermia. That sounds optimistic right?

Uncle Vernon's rations turned out to be a bag of chips and five bananas. He tried to start a fire with the empty bags but they just shriveled up and smoked. "Could do with some of those letters now, eh?" Uncle Vernon said cheerfully. Mocking us.

I couldn't stop shivering, I was so cold. What I would do for a fire about now. I've never been this cold in my life, and yes I've slept cold before but this was something else.

Aunt Petunia found a few moldy blankets in the second room and made up a bed for Dudley on the moth eaten sofa. Harry and I were left with the floor. We tried finding the best spot and curled under the blanket.

We laid there shifting every now and then, shivering together, the smell and feel of this house made me uneasy. It didn't help when I started hearing a crunching noise. I hoped it was a rock falling into the water.

But just to be safe I clutched onto Harry's hand scared. "Happy Birthday Harry." I whispered just guessing it was midnight.

"Happy birthday Lizzy."


Harry and I bolted up staring at the door horrified. Someone was outside, knocking to come in. Oh gods this was not happening.

Chapter 3: Im A What?!

Chapter Text


If I was anywhere close to being tired before, forget it. I was wide awake and full of fear.

Whoever was on the other side of the door banged so hard that they woke Dudley from his deep sleep. "Where's the cannon?" Dudley's sleep driven mind called looking around confused. A loud crash sound banged around the empty room, I push myself into a standing position, clutching onto my brother's hand in fear.

If need be we were ready to run for our lives…I just hope it didn't have to come to that.

Uncle Vernon came rushing into the room, rifle in his hands. I swore I've never seen him carry a gun in all my years of knowing him. Thoughts raced through my mind. Who was there? Why did Uncle Vernon have a gun? Since when has he ever needed a gun? Who wanted to make that long of a horrible trek to get into this shabby house?!

"Who's there?" Uncle Vernon shouted thought you could tell how scared he was by the look of his face. Aunt Petunia shook behind Uncle Vernon terrified like the rest of us. "I warn you, I'm armed!" There was a slight pause making almost everyone relax somewhat. When SMASH!

The front door hit the floor. The force from whoever was banging on the door had swung the door clean off its hinges, the wooden plank bounced on the ground in loud thuds for a few moments, then lying still.

I felt the pull of my arm and quickly followed my brother to hide. From our spot in the corner of the room, Harry wrapped his arms around me. Trying to flatten us into the wall. Maybe if whoever was here couldn't see us, we'd be safe.

From our spot we could see the giant of the man, his face was almost completely hidden by a long, shaggy mane of hair and a wild tangled beard, I could still see his eyes. The giant was a man, with shiny black beetle like eyes hidden under all the hair.

We watched as he squeezed himself through the doorway, at his full height his head would be through the ceiling, so he had to slump over, even then his head still grazed the top of the ceiling. My eyes were wide as I watched him bend down and put the door back in place. The noise from the storm sounded muffled again.

When he turned to face everyone he uttered "Couldn't made us a cup o' tea, could ya? It's not been an easy journey…" his accent was West Country, something Uncle Vernon hated to hear when speaking to 'civilized' people.

Though I might have been scared I couldn't help feeling like I've seen this man before, like in a dream maybe. I couldn't place where I've seen him before. The man strode over to the soda where Dudley was sitting frozen with fear. "Budge up, yeh great lump." Dudley squawked in fear stumbling off the couch and into his mother, shaking head to toe. He'd probably be saying he was as close to death and could practically walk into the white light.

The man let his eyes wander around the shack, my heart sped up in my chest when his eyes roamed over us. To my fear he saw us again. "An'd here's Harry and Izabeth!" The giant beamed, looking pleased to see the two of us for some reason. Wait…HOW DID HE KNOW OUR NAMES?!

"Las' time I saw yous two, yous two were only babies." The Giant recalled. "Yeh look a lot like yer dad Harry, but yeh've got yer mum's eyes." He was looking Harry over, were there tears in his eyes? No. "Izabeth," He got my attention just then. "Yeh look just like yer mum."

Uncle Vernon was making rasping noises like he was about to have a heart attack. "I demand that you leave at once, tis instant! You are breaking and entering!" Uncle Vernon demanded snarling like a rabid dog.

"Ah, shut up, Dursley, yeh great prune." The giant reached over the back of the sofa, jerked the gun out of Uncle Vernon's hands, and to my amazement started to bend the rifle in a knot, almost as if the metal was made of plastic. When he was finished he tossed the now ruined gun in the corner of the room. This time Uncle Vernon made a noise that sounded like a terrified mouse squeaking.

"Anyway." The man turned his attention back to my brother and I. "Harry, Izabeth. A very happy birthday to yeh both. Got summant fer yeh here, I mighta sat on it at some point, but it'll taste all right." The man reached inside his large black overcoat pocket and pulled out a slightly squished box.

Harry took the box still blocking me from the giant, he still didn't trust the giant man very much. I really appreciated it.

I raise on my tippy toes peering over Harry's shoulder to see what the strange man had brought us, inside the box was a large, sticky chocolate cake that said "Happee Birthdae" written in green icing. "Thank you." I couldn't help feeling confused, happy, and scared all at once. I gave the man a smile to express my gratitude for his kind gift.

"Thank you," Harry was just as surprised as I was, looking over the cake completely surprised. "But who are you?"

The stranger laughed to himself. "True, I haven't introduced meself. Rubeus Hagrid Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts."

Rubeus extended his gigantic hand shaking Harry's entire arm, then extending it towards me. I felt obligated to shake the hand of the man who was kind enough to make my brother and I a cake. His hand engulfed mine in a second, the strength behind his arm, no wonder he was able to break down the door so easily.

"What about that tea the, eh?" Rubeus called, rubbing his hands together. "I'd not say no ter nummat stronger if yeh've got it, mind." His eyes looked around the small room, rubbing his hands together. His eyes landed on the empty grate with the shriveled bags of chips. He let out an annoyed snort, bent over the fireplace. I couldn't see what he could be doing but when he pulled away there was a roaring fire!

My cold body desperately wanted to be thrown in the flames to warm up, but that would have been stupid. I shifted closer to the flames warming my fingers with the heat so happy to have the warmth. "Thank you." I didn't care how he did it. Fire good. Fire always good.

Hagrid gave a soft chuckle saying something like 'yer welcome' but I wasn't sure. I hear the couch sag under his weight. Looking back at the man I saw him pulling out all sorts of things from his pockets. A copper kettle, a package of sausages, a poker, a teapot, several chipped mugs, and a bottle of some amber looking liquid. He took a swig then started to make tea.

It wasn't long till the shack was full of warmth and sizzling sausage smells. No one spoke I watched this man poke at some sausages, the smell made my stomach rumble. Everyone smelled so good. I clutch my stomach staring at the cooking food.

"Don't touch anything he gives you Dudley." Uncle Vernon said very sharply glaring at the nice man.

Hagrid snorted rolling his eyes. "Yer great puddin' of a son don' need fattenin' anymore, Dursley, don't worry." Hagrid passed some sausage to Harry and then one to me. I glance at Harry nervous to eat, should we? Though my stomach roared to life literally telling me to devour everything in site food wise I didn't know if I should. Harry was already digging in.

"Thank you, Rubeus." I said loud enough for him to hear. "Call me Hagrid, everyone one does." He nodded, a kind smile on his lips. Hagrid. I dove into eating and when I say it was the best thing I've ever eaten I'm not lying. This was by far the best thing I've ever eaten. I don't remember the last time I was this hungry.

"I'm sorry, but I still don't really know who you are." Harry called out looking confused at what to do. He had so many questions running through his mind.

"Like I told yeh, I'm Keeper of Keys at Hogwarts, yeh'll know all about Hogwarts o' course." What exactly is Hogwarts?

I stare at Hagrid confused. "Er…no"

"Um…" we tried to make it easy since we didn't. I tried to avoid eye contact now. We've probably upset him now, this is great, just great. "Sorry." I muttered looking back at my food.

"Sorry?!" He barked spinning around to stare at the Dursleys. I couldn't help cringing at the new tone. We did it now, we're in for it now. "It's them who should be sorry! I knew yeh weren't getting yer letters, but I never thought yeh wouldn't even know abou' Hogwarts, fer cryin' out loud! Did yeh ever wonder where yer parents learned it all?" Hagrid was desperate for the answer yes but we had to disappoint. I didn't even know what he was talking about.

"All of what?" I muttered confused.

"ALL OF WHAT?!" Hagrid's voice boomed, dust fell from the ceiling. "Now wait jus' one second!" Hagrid leapt to his feet. In his anger he seemed to fill the entire shack. The Dursley's were cowering in a corner of the wall. "Do you mean ter tell me," he growled at the Dursley's. "That this boy and girl, those two, knows nothin' abou', about ANYTHING?!"

I knew things, I was really good at Math and English. I wasn't completely in the dark about things. "We know some things." Harry called trying to ease the tension. "I can, you know, do math and stuff. And Lizzy gets top marks on everything."

"About our world, I mean your world. My world. Yer parents world." Hagrid sounded desperate for us to understand what he meant again.

"What world?"

Hagrid looked like he was about to explode. "DURSLEY!" He boomed looking like he was about to strangle my uncle. Uncle Vernon didn't look to good now, he was very pail you could see his body shaking as well as the others. "But yeh must know about yer mum and dad," he said as if that meant something. "I mean, they're famous. Yer both are famous."

"Were they?" Harry asked Hagrid confused.

"Why were they famous?"

"Yeh don't know…yeh don't know." Hagrid ran his fingers through his hair, giving us the biggest bewildered stare. "Yeh don't know what yeh are?" He finally said exasperated.

"STOP!" Uncle Vernon's voice screamed through the room, I clutched onto Harry in surprise. Our grip on each other was bone crushing. "Stop right there, sir! I forbid you to tell them anything!" A smarter man would have run away from Hagrid with the look Uncle Vernon got. Because when Hagrid spoke every word sent shivers down my spine. "You never told them? Never told them what was in the letter Dumbledore left fer them? I was there! I saw Dumbledore leave it, Dursley! An' you've kept it from them all these years?"

"Kept what from us?" I cried out, my questions bubbling to the surface, finally someone was willing to answer them.

"Stop! I forbid you!" Uncle Vernon screamed in his panic, I didn't understand why, what was so bad about us? We were good kids! We weren't spoiled. We were nice. What was so bad?! Aunt Petunia gave a gasp of horror staring at the man. Mentally begging this man to stop.

"Ah, go boil yer heads, both of yeh." Hagrid growled annoyed. When he faced us I wasn't expecting him to say this. "Harry, Izabeth…yer a wizard."

There was no way. He had to be lying. Wizards aren't real, they're just a spout of fiction…right?

"A what?" Harry whispered bewildered.

"A wizard an' witch, o' course," Hagrid sat back down on the couch, it groaned and sank even more than before. "Am' a thumpin' goo'un, I'd say, once yeh've been trained up a bit. With a mum an' dad like yers, what else would yeh be? And I reckon it's abou' time yeh read yer letters."

Hagrid pulled out two envelopes from inside his coat jacket and handed each one to the both of us. The emerald green writing changed again. 'Ms. E. Potter, The Floor, Hut on the Rock, The sea.' Was it actually possible that I could be a witch?

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwum, International Confed of Wizards)
Dear Ms. Potter,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31. Your's sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall,
Deputy Headmistress

July thirty first? Today's July thirty first. We missed it. And what did the letter mean by we await your owl. I don't have a pet rock, how am I supposed to owl?

"What does it mean, they await my owl?" Harry muttered confused, what does that mean?! More questions bubble up now.

"Are we too late? Todays the thirty first and this is the first we've seen our letters, and…"I could feel myself starting to talk fast, what was I going to do? We were late. We couldn't get in the school. Why couldn't we have gotten our letters earlier, why wasn't I fast enough? Agh. I could pull my hair out if I wasn't pacing.

"Gallopin' Gorgons, that reminds me," Hagrid smacked the front of his head, the smack could have knocked over a car. Hagrid dug into another pocket inside his coat and pulled out an owl…wait an owl? A real life, ruffled looking owl. He also pulled out a long quill and a roll of parchment. He stuck his tongue between his teeth as he scribbled a note.

A second later he rolled up the parchment and gave it to the owl…I can't believe I'm actually watching this happen. The owl clamped its beak on the note and flew out the door. Hagrid looked so natural doing this, like it was normal.

My mouth was dropped, eyes were wide. I couldn't believe that just happened. Did Dudley hit me in the head too hard and now I'm hallucinating? Am I in the looney bin?

"Where was I?" Hagrid asked himself about to speak again about what just happened.

"They're not going." Uncle Vernon's ashen face looked angry but still pale like he knew he was terrified but still wanted to make sure everyone knew he was in control and not Hagrid.

Hagrid let out a grunt. "I'd like ter see a great muggle like you stop them," Hagrid smirked like that was a big insult. What was a Muggle?


"A what?"

Harry and I both had our heads co*cked to the right with our confusion. "A muggle." Hagrid spoke "It's what we call nonmagic folk like them. An' it's your bad luck you two grew up in a family o' the biggest Muggles I ever laid eyes on."

"We swore when we took them in we'd put a stop to that rubbish." Uncle Vernon snarled, oh man if looks could kill either Uncle Vernon or Hagrid would be six feet under. "Swore we'd stamp it out of them! Wizard and Witch indeed!"

They knew. They knew what we really were?!

"You knew?" Harry demanded to know. "You knew I'm... That I'm a wizard?"

"How could you keep that from us?!" I yelled my temper rising. I've taken so much from them, the beatings, the bullying, the harassment. Everything! And for what? To be looked and treated like I'm some sort of freak!

Aunt Petunia glared down at Harry and I. "Knew!" she laughed. "Of course, we knew! How could you not be, my dratted sister being what she was? Oh, she got a letter just like that and disappeared of to that, that school. She came home every vacation with her pockets full of frog spawn, turning teacups into rats. I was the only one who saw her for what she was…a freak! But for my Mother and Father, oh no, it was Lily this and Lily that, they were proud of having a witch in the family!"

She stopped to draw in a deep breath and then went ranting on. It seemed she had been wanting to say all this for years. "Then she met that Potter at school and they left and got married and had you two, and of course I knew you both would be just the same, just as strange, just as abnormal, and then, if you please, she went and got herself blown up and we got landed with you two!"

My body went ridged. Blown up?

"Blown up? You told us they died in a car crash!" Harry accused. They could have told us something about our parents, anything.

"CAR CRASH?!" Roared Hagrid, jumping up so angrily that the Dursleys scuttled back to their corner. "How could a car crash kill Lily an' James Potter? It's an outrage! A scandal! Harry an' Elizabeth Potter not knowin' their own story when every kid in our world know their names!"

Wait how did people know us?

"Why Hagrid? What happened to our parents?" I could feel my body start to shake, it must have been bad. Harry was nodding his head beside me desperate to know the truth.

All the anger on Hagrid's face was whipped away like chalk on a chalk board. Now he just looked very anxious. "I never expected this." He muttered to himself louder than a whisper but not screaming. "I had no idea, when Dumbledore told me there might be trouble gettin' hold of yeh both, how much yeh didn't know. Ah Harry, Izabeth, I don' know if I'm the right person ter tell yeh…but someones gotta yeh can't go off ter Hogwarts not knowin'."

Hagrid threw a couple dirty looks at the Dursleys. "Well it's best yeh know as much as I can tell yeh, mind I can't tell yeh everythin', it's a great myst'ry, parts of it…" he sat down and stared into the fire, almost as if it had the answers to all the questions. "It begins, with…with a person called…but it's incredible yeh don't know his name, everyone in our world knows…"

"Who?" Harry asked watching Hagrid's face.

"Well I don' like sayin' the name if I can help it. No one does." Hagrid shuddered clenching his eyes tight for a moment.

"This person…he's that scary?" I muttered softly. I could tell it was really bothering him, he was nothing but nice to us. I didn't want him to be uncomfortable.

"Gulpin' gargoyles, Harry, Izabeth. People are still scared. Blimey, this is difficult. See there was this wizard who went…bad. As bas as you could go, worse…worse than worse. His name was…" Hagrid gulped a cold sweat taking over him.

"Maybe…maybe you could write it down so you don't have to say it." Harry suggested hoping not having to say the name would make him feel better.

"Nah, can't spell it. All right. Voldemort." Hagrid shuddered, glancing by the doors and windows. "Don't make me say it again. Anyway this-this wizard, about twenty years ago now, started lookin' fer followers. Got 'em, too some were afraid, some just wanted a bit o' his power, 'cause he was gettin' himself power, all right. Dark days guys. Didn't know who ter trust, didn't dare get friendly with a strange wizard or witches…terrible things happened. He was takin' over. 'Cause some stood up to him an' he killed 'em. Horribly. One o' the only safe places left was Hogwarts. Reckon Dumbledore's the only one You-Know-Who was afraid of. Didn't dare try takin' the school, not jus' then, anyway.

Hagrid paused as if reliving a tragic time of his life. His eyes clenched tightly. It was clear that he didn't like talking about this. "Now, yer mum an' dad were as good a witch an' wizard as I ever knew. Head boy an' girl at Hogwarts in their day! Suppose the myst'ry is why You-Know-Who never tried to get 'em on his side before…probably knew they were close ter Dumbledore ter want anythin' ter do with the Dark Side. Maybe thought he could persuade 'em…maybe he just wanted 'em outta the way. All anyone knows is, he turned up in the village where you was all living, on Halloween ten years ago. You two was just a year old. He came ter yer house an'…an'…" Hagrid couldn't finish.

Having to relive losing two good friends killed him inside. Harry and I watched him pull out a very dirty handkerchief and blew his nose. It sounded like an elephant and a car horn combined. "Sorry," He apologized. "But it's that sad…knew yer mum an' dad, an' nicer people yeh couldn't find…anyway. You-Know-Who killed 'em. An' then…an' this is the real myst'ry of the thing…he tried to kill you two as well. Wanted ter make a clean job of it, I suppose, or maybe just liked killin' by then. But he couldn't do it. Never wondered how you got that mark on yer forehead? That was no ordinary cut. That's what yeh get when a powerful, evil touches yeh…took care of yer mum an' dad an' yer house, even…but it didn't work on you two, an' he killed some o' the best witches an' wizards of the age…the McKinnons, the Bones, the Prewetts…an' you two was only a baby, an' you both lived."

Harry was staring at the ground surprised, unsure what to do or say. My head hurt, after finally learning the truth it just sounded ludicrous. This couldn't actually have happened…could it? "Took yeh both from the ruined house myself, on Dumbledore's orders. Brought yeh ter this lot…" Hagrid grumbled the last bit. Regretting ever given the two of us to them probably…I think.

"Load of old tosh," Uncle Vernon spat arms crossed over his chest.

I squeak with surprise completely forgetting they were there to begin with. "Now you listen here. I accept there's something strange about you two, probably nothing a good beating wouldn't have cured…and as for this about your parents, well, they were weirdo's. No denying it. And the worlds better off without them in my opinion, asked for all they got. Getting mixed up with these wizarding types, just what I expected. Always knew they'd come to a sticky end…"

Uncle Vernon was caught off guard having taken Hagrid as a blubbering cry baby after telling his story. He didn't expect Hagrid to leap from the sofa pulling out a battered pink umbrella from inside his coat. He was pointing it at Uncle Vernon like a sword. He spoke in a dangerous tone. "I'm warning you, Dursely…I'm warning you one more word." Uncle Vernon's courage shrank again.

His courage was like a rollercoaster that kept going up and down.

I didn't want to believe Uncle Vernon or any of the Dursley's. There was something different from them and Hagrid has been nice enough to tell us. Answering all our questions while before we'd be hit for asking the word why.

The only person I trusted was Harry and if he trusted Hagrid then I would too.

"But what happened to Vol…I mean You-Know-Who?" Harry asked going back to the story.

"Good question, Harry. Disappeared. Vanished. Same night he tried ter kill you two. Makes yeh even more famous. That's the biggest myst'ry, see…he was getting' more an' more powerful…why'd he go? Some say he died. Codswallop, in my opinion. Dunno if he had enough human left in him to die. Some say he'd out there, bidin' his time, like, but I don't believe it. People who was on his side came back ter outs. Some of 'em came outta kinda trances. Don' reckon they could've done it if he was comin' back. Most of us reckon he's still out there somewhere but lost his powers. Too weak to carry on. 'Cause somethin' about you two finished him. There was somethin' goin' on that night he hadn't counted on… I dunno what it was, no one does…but somethin' about you two stumped him, alright."

Hagrid started at Harry and I with something I'm not used to seeing. Something good, something like respect? That couldn't be. The way Hagrid was staring at us made me feel nervous, I wasn't sure what to do in this sort of situation.

"Hagrid…You must have made a mistake…" I muttered looked down at my feet. "We can't be magical…" I whispered not liking to say it but there was no way. And even if we were we'd never be able to go.

"We can't be wizards." Harry had come to the same conclusion. I was afraid we'd upset the man who was nice enough to feed us, treat us with care, and tell us something about our family. The story might have been ludicrous, but it was nice to have an idea of what our parents were like. Or were like.

To our surprise Hagrid started to laugh, like full on laugh. "Not a wizard, eh? Never made things happen when you was scared or angry?" I couldn't help glancing at Aunt Petunia and when her face turned blue for some reason.

"See?" Hagrid chuckled an easy grin on his face. "Harry and Izabeth Potter, not magical…you wait, you'll be right famous at Hogwarts."

"Haven't I told you they aren't going?!" Uncle Vernon hissed angrily. I guess the courage rollercoaster was going up again. "They are going to Stonewall High and they will be grateful for it. I've read those letters and they need all sorts of rubbish. Spell books and wands and…"

"If they want ter go, a great muggle like you wont stop them." Hagrid growled hatefully. "Stop Lily an' James Potter's kids goin' ter Hogwarts! Yer mad. They're name has been down ever since they were born. They are off ter the finest school in witchcraft and wizardry in the world. Seven years there and they won't know themselves. They'll be with youngsters of their own sort, fer a change an' they'll be under the greatest headmaster Hogwarts ever had Albus Dumbledore."


Hagrid seized his umbrella and whirled it over his head "NEVER" his loud voice thundered "INSULT ALBUS DUMBLEDORE IN FRONT OF ME!" He brought the umbrella down swishing through the air and pointed at Dudley. There was a quick flash and a sound like a firecracker. The next second Dudley was squealing like a pig and hopping around, his hands over his bottom while howling in pain. He turned around to run and I couldn't believe he had a curly pigs tail poking through a hole in his trousers.

Uncle Vernon roared gripping onto Aunt Petunia and Dudley and rushing them into another room, Uncle Vernon shot one more terrifiying look before the door slammed shut. Hagrid looked at his umbrella while stroking his bear. "Shouldn'ta lost me temper," he said regretfully. "but it didn't work anyway. Meant ter turn him into a pig, but I suppose he was so much like a pig anyway there wasn't much left ter do." Hagrid casted a sideway glance in our direction.

"Be grateful if yeh didn't mention that ter anyone at Hogwarts," he said sheepishly. "I'm…er…not supposed ter do magic, strictly speakin'. I was allowed ter do a bit ter follow yeh an' get yer letters to yeh an' stuff…one o' the reasons I was so keen ter take on the job."

That mostly confused me, why couldn't Hagrid use magic?

"But Hagrid, why aren't you supposed to do magic?" Harry asked. Just as confused as I was.

"Oh well…I was at Hogwarts meself but I…er…got expelled, ter tell yeh the truth. In me third year. They snapped me wand in half an' everything. But Dumbledore let me stay on as gamekeeper. Great man, Dumbledore."

"You were expelled?"

"It's getting' late and we've got lots ter do tomorrow," said Hagrid loudly, "Gotta get up ter town, get all yer books an' that." He took off his thick black coat and threw it to Harry I saw as his arms sagged slightly from the weight. "You can kip under that." He said "Don't mind if it wriggles a bit, I think i still got a couple o' dormice in one o' the pockets."

I nodded and slowly sat on the ground where we were before. Harry laid next to me and wrapped the large coat and felt all nice and warm I still couldn't believe what had just happened. How could I sleep now when I've just found out I'm a witch!

Chapter 4: School Supplies

Chapter Text

I'm not sure when I fell asleep, but when I woke up I felt so nice and warm I could hear a steady heart beat under my ear. I was lying on Harry's chest. It was quiet outside so that must mean the storm had to have stopped sometime while I was asleep. And finally, there was something large and heavy wrapped around me and my brother. A large heavy blanket of sorts.

Memories from last night came flooding back. Hagrid. Witch. Hogwarts. Hagrid told us we were wizards. I'm a witch, our parents were wizards, our parents were killed at the hand of a powerful wizard who tried to kill us, and he somehow disappeared.

It sounded farfetched, almost as if it was something out of a story.

I shot up staring wide eyed, my eyed regretted that though. As soon as I was up a bright blinding light surrounded me, it was painful. When my eyes adjusted I saw the sleeping giant on the couch, the charred logs in the fire place, a rapid tapping sound rang through my ears.

Everything that happened last night was real. I'm really a witch. I still couldn't believe it. This had to be a dream, or something.

'Tap. Tap. Tap'

Looking over I slowly walked toward the tapping sound. Hagrid's soft snores filled my ears. My feet walked on their own. At the window there was an owl. A small barn owl sat tapping on the window. A newspaper in its beak. As soon as the window was open the owl flew in and dropped the newspaper on Hagrid's chest. He fluttered toward the coat on the floor attacking the garment.

Harry stared at the Owl wide eyed completely surprised. "Don't do that," he tried to shoo the owl away, only, that just made him angry. The owl snapped its sharp beak at Harry returned to rummaging through the coat.

"Hagrid, there's an owl." I know it sounds stupid, but I didn't know what else to say. Glancing in the other room. The door was still shut tightly. I couldn't hear Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, or even Dudley. Was is possible they already left.

"Pay him." He grunted into the sofa "What?" Pay an owl? Pay him what? I glance at Harry utterly confused. What was he getting at?

"He wants payin' fer deliverin' the paper. Look in the pockets." Hagrid's coat seemed to be made of nothing but pockets! Harry took one side while I took the other. Keys, slug pellets, balls of string, peppermint mumbugs, teabags and finally Harry pulled out a handful of strange looking coins.

"Give him five Knuts." A sleepy Hagrid said. "Whats Knuts?" I asked staring at the strange coins. "The little bronze ones." I count out five little bronze coins and into the brown pouch tied to his leg. He hooted before flying out the open window. Having to tie a bag to a birds leg like a carrier pigeon from wars was something I never thought I would do.

Hagrid yawned loudly as he sat up and stretched. "Best be off, Harry, 'Izabeth, lots ter do today, gotta get up ter London an' buy all yer stuff fer school." We got to go school shopping?! Excitement bubbled up inside me. I've never gone back to school shopping for myself. The only time I had was because Aunt Petunia needed an extra pair of arms for Dudley's.

All my school supplies were always broken and torn. Not something to like to look at.

"We haven't got any money, and you heard Uncle Vernon last night…he won't pay for us to go and learn magic." Dread replaced my excitement. Harry was right. Uncle Vernon would never help pay for us to go away and learn magic. He hates anything like magic.

"Don't worry about that, D'yeh think yer parents didn't leave yeh anything?" Hagrid chuckled patting my head. It felt like someone was pounding a heavy book on my skull. I did my best not to make a face.

"But if their house was destroyed…" Harry called utterly confused. Just last night he told us our parents' house was destroyed.

"They didn' keep their gold in the house, boy! Nah, first stop fer us is Gringotts. Wizards' bank. Have a sausage, they're not bad cold…an' I wouldn' say no a bit o' yer birthday cake, neither." Harry and I grinned to ourselves diving in for the cold sausages and birthday cake. Strange combinations but it wasn't bad. Hagrid was a good cook!

We tried not to scarf our food down like we had the night before, only because it would be rude.

"Wizards have banks?" one of the cool things about have a twin is that they sometimes already have the same questions as yourself. I think the closer the relationship the stronger the bond.

"Just the one. Gringotts. Run by goblins." Harry dropped a bit of sausage he was holding.

"Goblins?" I asked staring at him confused. There were goblins too?

"Yeh'd be mad ter try an' rob it, I'll tell yeh that. Never mess with goblins. Gringotts is the safest place in the world fer anything yeh want ter keep safe…'cept maybe Hogwarts. As a matter o' fact, I gotta visit Gringotts anyway. Fer Dumbledore. Hogwarts business." Hagrid drew himself up proudly.

"He usually gets me ter do important stuff fer him. Fetchin' you gettin' things from Gringotts…knows he can trust me, see." I smile at him finishing the last of my breakfast "Got everythin'? Come on, then." We follow Hagrid out onto the rock. The sky was clear, and the sea gleamed in the sunlight. It was the first nice day since Dudley's birthday, something in my gut told me today would be great.

"Hagrid…" Harry called looking nervous as he did, so Hagrid glanced at Harry curiously. "How did you get here?"

"Flew." He said it as if it was the simplest thing in the world. Hagrid flew here? How do you fly? Can wizards fly? Do they have to use a certain spell or is it they get an object to etchant and use that? Is there flying cars? Skate boards? Do they fly on the stereotypical broomsticks? How do Wizards fly?!

"You flew here?" I repeat thinking I didn't get it right. I needed to know more about the wizarding world.

"Yeah…but we'll be back in this. Not s'pposed ter use magic now I've got yeh both." So, we wouldn't be seeing anymore magic? Aw man.

Harry helped me step on the rickety old boat, it wobbled with the added weight. But when Hagrid stepped on my body lurched his way, Harry gripped onto the side of the old boat when he fell while I fell on my bum. Hagrid laughed nervously "Sorry 'bout that."

"It's okay," And it really was, I wasn't hurting, and Hagrid was the nicest person to me and my brother magic or not. We settled down in the boat Hagrid's weight dipping into the water "Seems a shame ter row, though." He gave us a sideways look smirking slightly with that beard of his. I felt my excitement bubble at the thought. "If I was ter…er…speed things up a bit, would yeh mind not mentionin' it at Hogwarts?"

"Of course not!"


Harry and I desperately wanted to see more magic, we wouldn't ever jeopardize Hagrid using magic in front of us. Hagrid pulled out the pink umbrella again and tapped it twice on the side of the boat and we sped off toward land.

Within seconds the boat shot off, if you looked over you'd get sprayed with water, it was incredible. The oars sat in the middle of the boat for the next person to use. I wonder how the magic is doing this though. Was it pushing a jet of air behind us lurching us one way or was it working with the water to help move us. I couldn't see anything; no sparkles like in the children's books at school. And Hagrid didn't look like an old lady with warts and green skin. This was insane!

"Why would you be mad to try and rob Gringotts?" I hear Harry ask another question. I was still nervous Hagrid would get annoyed with our constant questions and get angry. But Hagrid just kept surprising me as he explained his answers for us.

"Spells, enchantments." Hagrid started to unfold his newspaper as he spoke. "They say there's dragons guardin' the highest security vaults. And then yeh gotta find yer way…gringots is hundreds of miles under London, see. Deep under the underground. Yeh'd die of hunger tryin' ter get out, even if yeh did manage ter get yer hands on summat."

Dragons? Dragons are real?! "They have dragons?"

"'Course we do. Yer third year at Hogwarts you can learn about all sorts of Magical Creatures." I think that would be my favorite class. Oh boy, I'm excited. I wanted to ask more about the magical creatures but noticed Hagrid was reading his paper.

Harry and I knew how Uncle Vernon got when it came to reading the paper. We sat quietly beside one another staring at the water move beneath us. It was incredible I kept expecting this to be an amazing dream and wake up back under the stairs with the spiders.

"Ministry o' Magic messin' things up as usual," Hagrid muttered turning the page. A low grumble in his voice.

"There's a Ministry of Magic?" Harry asked before he could stop himself. Instantly Harry regretted saying anything, he had a momentary thought of jumping off the boat to swim for it but was surprised when Hagrid just shrugged and answered his question.

"'Course, they wanted Dumbledore fer Minister o' course, but he'd never leave Hogwarts so old Cornelius Fudge got the job. Bungler if ever there was one. So, he pelts Dumbledore with owls every morning, askin' fer advice."

So, Dumbledore would be a better Minister than this Fudge guy? Was Dumbledore really that special?

"But what does the Ministry of Magic do?" I still felt the nervous bubble well up inside fearing that he would get annoyed eventually and snap at us.

"Well, their main job is to keep it from the Muggles that there's still witches an' wizards up an' down the country." So, their job is like the police department?


"Everyone'd be wantin' magic solutions to their problems. We're best left alone."

The boat bumped gently into the harbor wall. I watch as Hagrid folded up his newspaper as we climbed out of the boat and up the steps onto the street. "Hagrid…" he looked down at me "Don't you get…I don't know nervous when people just stare you down?" I ask as another person stared at Hagrid in this little town to the train station.

"Nah." I nodded at his short replay well he started to point at things and saying loudly "See that? Things these Muggles dream up, eh?" I try to ignore the stares, or the questioning looks Hagrid got when he called out some things.

"Hagrid, did you say there are dragons at Gringotts?" Hagrid shrugged at Harry's question.

"Well, so they say. Crikey, I'd like a dragon." So, Hagrid didn't know either, but he wants a dragon? Can people own dragons? Was that legal in the wizarding world?

"You'd like one?" Harry asked shocked. He never thought of having a dangerous creature as a pet.

"Wanted one ever since I was a kid…here we go." We just reached the station. There was a train to London in five minutes' time. Hagrid who didn't understand Muggle money as he called it gave the bills to Harry, so he could buy us the tickets.

"People own dragon's as pets?" Hagrid shrugged again thinking about how to answer.

"Not sure 'Izabeth, I'm sure some do but…" I nodded in understanding. You weren't supposed to have Dragon's as a pet because they could be dangerous but there were the few who did it under the radar.

"Thanks Hagrid…" Hagrid glanced down at me again confused. "For you know, putting up with our questions…"

"Not a problem." I felt happy, there were all sorts of things I could do. Ask as many questions as I wanted, talk about magical creatures, going away to school, go shopping for myself but the nagging feeling that it was all a dream kept bothering me. I know I've been going on a roller coaster going up and down when it comes to this magic stuff, but I can't help it.

Everything new and exciting was happening and I felt like it wasn't real. That I wasn't worthy of knowing about this. After Harry got back, Hagrid, Harry and I jumped on the train. We got even more stares when Hagrid had to take two seats. Hagrid even pulled out some knitting needles and yarn getting to work on what looked like a dirty yellow circus tent. "Still got yer letters?" He asked not stopping his knitting. I pulled out my letter from pants pockets. Even with the belt my pants still tried to fall down all the time. "Good. There's a list there of everything yeh need." The first piece was the acceptance letter which still made me happy. But the second piece of paper was a list.


First year students will require:

  1. Three sets of plain work robes (Black)
  2. One plain pointed hat (Black) for day wear
  3. One pair of protective gloves (Dragon hide or similar)
  4. One winter cloak (Black, silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupils' clothes should carry name tags.


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade1) by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginners Guide to Transfiguration by Emetic Switch

One Thousand magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble


Wand Cauldron (pewter, standard size 2) set

Glass or Crystal Phials

Telescope set

Brass Scales

Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad


"Can we buy all this in London?" Harry asked nervously. A lot of what was on the list seemed rather difficult to find.

"If yeh know where to go," Hagrid whispered looking pleased with himself. I've never been to London before, I was afraid I'd get lost and we'd have no idea where to go but Hagrid seemed to know where he was going. Obviously, Hagrid wasn't used to going places like the Muggles. He got stuck in the ticket barrier on the underground train and often complained that the seats were too small or that the train was too slow.

"I don't know how the Muggles manage without magic," he said as we climbed a broken-down escalator that led up in the bustling road lined with shops. We didn't have to worry about getting around the crowds. Hagrid was so huge that crowds just parted ways. All I had to do was stick close behind him.

We passed book shops and music stores, hamburger restaurants and cinemas, but nowhere that looked as if they sold magic related. It was just an ordinary street full of ordinary people. Could there really be piles of wizard gold underneath us? "This is it."

'The Leaky Cauldron.' It was tiny, grubby looking pub. If Hagrid hadn't pointed it out I would have missed it. The people hurrying by didn't glance at it. Their eyes slid from the big book shop on one side to the record shop on the other as if they couldn't see the Leaky Cauldron at all.

Harry and I walked in hand in hand staring at the dark shabby pub. A few old women were sitting in a corner drinking tiny glasses of sherry. One of them was smoking a long pipe. A little man in a top had was talking to the old bartender, who was quite bald and looked like a toothless walnut. The low buzz of chatter stopped when we walked in. Everyone seemed to know Hagrid. They would wave and smile at him.

I watched the Bartender reach over for a glass saying, "The usual, Hagrid?" but Hagrid shook his head.

"Can't, Tom. I'm on Hogwarts business." He said clapping his large hands on both our shoulders I felt my knees try to give out, but I forced my body to stay standing.

"Good lord…is this…can this be…?" he was staring at us. The entire pub went silent "Bless my soul," whispered Tom the old bartender. "Harry and Elizabeth Potter… what an honor."

My eyes widen in surprise when the bartender hurried out from behind the bar and rushed over toward us. He grabbed Harry's hand first then mind, tears in his eyes as he vigorously shook our hands.

He hurried out from behind the bar, rushed over to us and seized Harry's hand first then mine tears were in his eyes. "Welcome back, Mr. and Miss. Potter, welcome back." I wasn't sure what to say I glance around they all were staring at us and the next thing I see is people were rushing over and shaking our hands "Doris Crockford, can't believe I'm meeting you two at last."

"So proud, I'm just so proud."

"Always wanted to shake your hands, I'm all of a flutter."

"Delighted, Just can't tell you Diggles the name, Dedalus Diggle." Harry's eyes widen in surprise.

"I've seen you before!"

Now that I look at him closer he did seem familiar. "Didn't he bow at us in a shop?" I always wondered why that happened. Aunt Petunia was furious at us of course but we never knew if he was bowing at us or something.

Dedalis Diggle's hat fell off in his excitement. "They remember!" cried Dedalis Diggle, looking around at everyone "Did you hear that? They remember me!" I shook his hands again and again. Doris Crockford kept coming back for more. This was really weird, and I didn't know what to do or say. People kept talking at us like we were some sort of hero or something.

I get that Harry and somehow were able to defeat Voldemort but we were babies! Babies who are pretty defenseless and could have chucked out a window or something. 'Wow Liz, great thinking on how this evil guy could have killed us.'

A pale young man made his way forward, very nervously. One of his eyes was twitching. "Professor Quirrell!" Hagrid called out "Harry, 'Izabeth, Professor Quirrel will be one of your teachers at Hogwarts."

"Nice to meet you Professor." I held out my hand to shake, but he grasped onto it like it was something else. He was a strange man from what I could tell.

"P-P-Potters," he stammered before grasping Harry's hand "C-can't t-tell you how p-pleased I am to meet you." He stuttered, having trouble on some words but not others.

"What sort of magic do you teach, Professor Quirrell?" Harry asks his curiosity getting the better of him again.

"D-Defense Against the D-D-Dark Arts." He muttered as though he'd rather not think about it. "N-Not that you n-need it, eh, P-P-Potter?" he laughed nervously "You'll be g-getting all your equipment, I suppose? I've g-got to p-pick up a new b-book on vampires, m-myself." He looked terrified at the very thought.

It took us ten minutes at the lease to get away from all the people in the pub. Hagrid was able to make himself heard over the babble. "Must get on… lots ter buy." Doris Crockford shook my hand one last time before Hagrid led us through the bar and out into a small, walled courtyard, where there was nothing but a trashcan and a few weeds. Hagrid grinned down at us "Told yeh, didn't I? Told yeh you two was famous. Even Professor Quirrell was tremblin' ter meet yeh…mind you he's usually tremblin'."

"Is he always like that?" I couldn't help asking thinking back to how Professor Quirrell was constantly looking over his shoulder and acting like someone was going to kill him.

"Oh, yeah. Poor bloke. Brilliant mind. He was fine while he was studyin' outta books but then he took a year off ter get some firsthand experience… They say he met vampires in the black forest, and there was a nasty bit o' trouble with a hag…never been the same since. Scared of students, scared of his own subject now, where's me umbrella?" He asks himself ignoring the fact that he said Quirrell might have met Vampires. Blood sucking vampires who could kill. Good lord that's terrifying.

Hagrid started counting the bricks in the wall above the trash can. "Three up…two across." He muttered "Right stand back." he tapped the wall three times with the point of the umbrella. The brick he had touched quivered and wiggled in the middle, a small hole appeared, and it grew wider and wider until it turned into an archway large enough for the three of us.

To say I was stunned was an understatement, Diagon Alley was filled and cluttered with shops and items, witches and wizards were bustling around walking in and out. Some wearing the muggle like clothing I was used to seeing and others wearing fancy robes.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley." My mouth hung open as I stare at everything. Surely this was a dream, right? It couldn't be real could it? The archway behind us was now just a wall again. It was incredible. The sun shone brightly on a stack of cauldrons outside the nearest shop. Cauldrons. All sizes, Coper, brass, pewter, silver, self-stirring, collapsible, and a sign hanging over them.

"Yeah, you'll be needin' one, but we gotta get yer money first." Hagrid told us. I could just stay here looking at everything in amazement. It was incredible. The smells, the crowds, I could feel the pulse of some of the shops asking inviting me inside. Luring me in.

To my left I could see Eeylops Owl Emporium. I couldn't help looking over at all the owls that were on display. There was a Tawny, Screech, Barn, Brown, and Snowy.

Gringotts was a large snowy white building that towered over all the other little stores. Something was standing beside the large bronze doors. The uniform was scarlet red and gold. "Yeah, that's a goblin." Hagrid whispered as we walked up the white stone steps toward him. The goblin was about a head shorter than me. He had a swarthy, clever face, a pointed beard and long fingers and feet. I was surprised to see the Goblin bow at us as we walked inside.

Now we're facing a second pair of doors, silver this time, with the words engraved upon the.

Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed,

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn.

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.

"Like I said, Yeh'd be mad ter try an' rob it." I nodded walking in and staying quiet. A pair of goblins bowed us through the silver doors as we walked into the marble hall. I think I'd rather stay close to Hagrid when it came to being here. I felt very nervous now.

About a hundred more goblins were sitting on high stools behind a long counter, scribbling in large ledgers, weighing coins in brass scales, examining precious stones through eyeglasses. There were too many doors to count leading off the hall, and yet more goblins were showing people in and out of these I noticed as we made it to the counter.

"Morning," Hagrid said to a free goblin. "We've come ter take some money outta Mr. and Ms. Potter's safe." Hagrid spoke easily though even he seemed a little nervous to be near the goblin. I clutch onto the cuffs of my large shirt staring up at this goblin a fear spread through my body as I stare at him. I felt the urge to hide from everyone around me.

"You have their key, sir?" He asked Hagrid just waiting for the chance to send us out the front doors.

"Got it here somewhere," Hagrid called as he emptied his pockets on the counter, scattering a handful of moldy dog biscuits over the goblin's book of numbers. The goblin wrinkled his nose in disgust. Glancing over I saw so many other witches and wizards enter those rooms.

"Got it!" Hagrid pulled out a tiny golden key as the goblin looked at it closely. "That seems to be in order." Hagrid pulled out a letter from inside his coat pocket and spoke "An' I've also got a letter here from Professor Dumbledore." This seemed really important "It's about the You-Know-What in vault seven hundred and thirteen." The goblin read the letter carefully before nodding.

"Very well." He handed the letter back to Hagrid "I will have someone take you down to both vaults. Griphook!" Griphook was yet another goblin. Once Hagrid had crammed all the dog biscuits back inside his pockets, we followed Griphook toward one of the doors leading off the hall.

"Whats the You-Know-What in vault seven hundred and thirteen?" Harry asks his curiosity getting the better of him again. I won't lie I was curious too, Hagrid's been great when it comes to answering our questions.

"Can't tell yeh that," said Hagrid in a mysterious way "Very secret. Hogwarts business. Dumbledore's trusted me. More'n my jobs worth ter tell yeh that." That made some sense. I wouldn't want Hagrid to get in trouble for telling us something we shouldn't know.

Griphook held the door open for us yet I was surprised to see a narrow stone passageway lit up with flaming tortes. It was steeply sloped downward and there were little railway tracks on the floor.

A small cart came hurtling up the tracks toward us. Harry and Hagrid were in the back while I sat next to Griphook. Hagrid wasn't kidding that you'd starve to death before you could escape. It was maze of tunnels! I got lost after the first three turns I bit my lip how were we supposed to get to our vault? Griphook wasn't steering.

We went down across a lake where there were Stalagmites and Stalactites. "I never know…whats the difference between Stalagmite and stalactite." Harry asks over the roar of winds "Stalagmite's got an 'm' in it, an' don't ask my questions just now, I think I'm gonna be sick." I turn around my hair flying in my face, but I saw a green looking Hagrid.

When we finally stopped Hagrid got out and leaned against the wall to stop his knees from trembling. He took in a bunch of air. The cool wall seemed to help a little bit. "Better now that we're out of the cart?" Hagrid nodded, sweat clinging to the top of his head.

Griphook unlocked the door and a gush of green smoke came billowing out, and as it cleared I was amazed my jaw dropped. "All yours." Hagrid called. This couldn't possibly be all ours. There were mountains of gold coins, columns of silver, heaps of little bronze Knuts. If the Dursley's would have known it was here, all this would have been gone in a matter of seconds. This was incredible, we had money to buy our school supplies.

Hagrid gave us a small little pouch like the owl had where he helped us put money in "The gold ones are Galleons," he explained. "Seventeen silver Sickles to a Galleon and twenty-nine Knuts to a sickle, it's easy enough. Right that should be enough fer a couple o' terms, we'll keep the rest safe for yeh." Harry and I grabbed two Galleons each just in case we would need it for school supplies.

We were both excited, grinning and practically bouncing.

Hagrid faced Griphook "Vault seven hundred and thirteen now, please, and can we go more slowly?" the goblin walked back to the cart "One speed only." Hagrid started to turn green again. We all settled back in the cart and went deeper and were gaining speed. The air got colder and colder as we hurdled around tight corners I was afraid we would be falling off Harry was curious to look down, but Hagrid pulled him back by the scarf of his neck.

Vault seven hundred and thirteen had no keyhole. "Stand back." Griphook ordered importantly he stroked the door gently with one of his long fingers and it simply melted away. "If anyone but a Gringotts goblin tried that, they'd be sucked through the door and trapped in there." Said Griphook.

"How often do you check?" I couldn't help asking. My hands went to my arms trying to warm them up, It, was insane how this was really under London. Please someone don't wake me up if I'm dreaming.

"About once every ten years." My eyes widen in surprise at the nasty grin he gave us.

"Makes you really want to rob Gringotts doesn't it?" I muttered, Harry nodded in agreement. An uneasy feeling settling in his stomach. Who would be stupid enough to rob Gringotts? I know I wouldn't want to be stuck down here for ten years because I was stupid. When the door opened you couldn't see anything in it. At first, I thought it was just empty and that we made a trip down here for nothing, but a closer look showed there was a grubby little package wrapped up in a brown paper lying on the floor.

Hagrid walked in, picked it up, and tucked it deep into one of his many pockets, then walked out. I felt bad for Hagrid he was green and holding back from throwing out the contents of his stomach after every turn or hill we went down. Once we exited the bank Hagrid was looking better knowing he was out of that cart and wouldn't have to go back.

Now that we were outside again, I felt the urge to tackle Harry into a hug. We could go shopping for our school supplies now! "Might as well get yer uniforms." Hagrid said nodding toward Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. "Listen Harry, 'Izabeth, would yeh mind if I slipped off fer a pick me up in the Leaky Cauldron? I hate them Gringotts Carts." He still looked a bit sick.

"No problem,"

"Feel better Hagrid."

Hagrid said his thanks and left us alone in Diagon Alley. Harry and I exchanged looked and I couldn't help the squeal escape me. "Come on!" I urged grabbing Harry's hand and running us toward Madam Malkin's.

Madam Malkin was a squat, smiling witch, dressed all in mauve. "Hogwarts, dear?" she asked us when we walked in. "Got the lot here…another young man is being fitted up just now, in fact."

Madam Malkin led us in the back of the shop where we saw a boy with a pail, pointed face standing on a footstool while a second woman pinned up his long black robes. He had this 'I know I'm cute' vibe coming off him. And he was cute. He had his platinum blonde hair slick back out of his eyes, he held his head high. There was just something compelling about him.

Madam Malkin put me on one side of the boy and Harry on the other. A woman walked up placing a long black robe over my head. I moved my hair out from inside my robe while the new woman started to pin my robes.

"Hello." The boy called he sounded charming too. "Hogwarts too?" he asked. He glanced at my brother and gave a nod in greeting. "My father's next door buying my books and my mums up the street looking at wands." The boy said to me. "I was going to drag them off to look at the racing brooms when Im done, I don't see why first years can't have their own." I laughed nervously. Was he talking to me? Or Harry? Why was he staring at me like that? Like I did something wrong.

The boy faced Harry, looking him over "Do you have a broom?"

Harry shook his head. "No." he muttered.

"Play Quidditch at all?" He smirked to himself. I glance at my brother and saw him staring at the ground not sure what to say or do in this sort of situation.

"What about you?" He looked me over again like before. What was he talking about?

"No..." He snorted looking ahead again.

"I'm not surprised. You Weasley's don't even have the proper funds to own a broom." Weasley's? Whats that supposed to mean.

"Weasley's?" I wondered glancing at Harry. He shrugged not sure what he meant at all.

"Your surname isn't Weasley?" The boy called surprised.


"Oh..." He flushed staring at me again for a moment "I do." The boy went back to his original topic. "Father says it's a crime if I'm not picked to play for my house, and I must say, I agree. Know what house you'll be in yet?" he glanced at both of us. We both said no. He shrugged his shoulders. "Well, no one really knows until they get there, do they, but I know I'll be in Slytherin, all my family have been. Imagine being in Hufflepuff, I think I'd leave, wouldn't you?"

I look out the window seeing Hagrid grinning and holding three ice cream cones to show why he wasn't inside with us.

"I say, look at that man!" the boy called noticing Hagrid.

"That's Hagrid," I called glancing his way.

"He works at Hogwarts." Harry added glad to know something this boy didn't most likely.

"Oh." The boy looked him over a disgusting look crossed his face. I didn't like that. "I've heard of him, he's some sort of a servant, isn't he?"

"No, he's the gamekeeper." I argued feeling very defensive when it came to Hagrid.

"Yes, exactly. I heard he's a sort of savage…lives in a hut on the school grounds and every now and then gets drunk, tries to do magic, and ends up setting fire to his bed." He started to laugh at that.

"Don't you think that was rude? How would you feel if someone was talking that way about you?" I snapped annoyed. I heard Harry snort to himself a grin trying to make its way to his face.

The boy wasn't happy with Harry, he glared at my brother "I don't think it's rude. He's a poor disgrace to the wizarding world." Okay he's no longer cute. He's a jerk and now looked like an albino toad.

"I think he's brilliant." I was happy to have Harry here. At least I wasn't alone with this jerk!

The boy sneered with his disgust. "Do you? Why is he with you? Where are your parents?" He called looking around expecting to find two adults waiting outside or by the window with Hagrid.

"They're dead." Harry said shortly.

"Oh…sorry." He sounded like he meant it.

The boy faced me asking the same question. "They're dead, he's my brother." I say pointing to Harry. The boy seemed to have felt bad now. His grey eyes locked on me.

"I'm sorry," he apologized now. "But they were our kind, weren't they?" I stare at him like he got two heads.

"If you mean they're a witch and wizard, then yes." The boy's shoulders slumped as he let out a sigh of relief.

"I really don't think they should let the other sort in do you? They're just not the same, they've never been brought up to know our ways. Some of them have never even heard of Hogwarts until they get the letter, imagine. I think they should keep it in the old wizarding families, what's your surname anyway?"

"Uhh…" I felt relief fill my system when Madam Malkin interrupted us. "You are done, my dear." The boy shrugged hopping down from the step stool.

"Well, I suppose I'll see you two at Hogwarts. Hopefully we'll be in the same house." He called giving a wink my direction before walking out the door.

After a few seconds to let everything register I heard Harry start laughing.

"Harry!" I whined hating that what happened just happened.

"I'm sorry but did he just wink at you?" He wheezed clutching his sides. Madam Malkin paused in her work staring at my brother amused. "He thinks he can get with you, ha!" he laughed even harder.

"Dang it, Harry! It wasn't funny. It was weird!" My voice went high as I started to whine. Harry continued to chuckle through the rest of the fitting. That kid reminded me too much of Dudley, the arrogant manner or way he put down Hagrid. I just wanted to hit him the entire time he spoke.

When we were finished we walked outside to see Hagrid with our ice cream. Surprisingly enough the ice cream had yet to melt. "Thanks Hagrid," I called accepting the ice cream treat. It was chocolate and raspberry with chopped nuts on top.

"Whats up?" Hagrid asked after a bit of silence from both of us.

"Nothing." Harry lied looking at his feet.

"Some kid in the store was just making us feel like we don't know anything." Hagrid nodded remembering the boy easily. "Whats Quidditch?"

"Blimey, I keep forgettin' how little yeh know. Not knowin' about Quidditch!" we were now shopping for parchment and ink.

Harry cringed while I looked at my feet. He made me feel like I didn't belong at Hogwarts. Like it was my fault we grew up with the muggles.

"Don't make me feel worse," with the look Hagrid gave Harry, harry told him everything that happed while we were in Madam Malkin's. "and he said people from Muggle families shouldn't even be aloud in."

"Yer not from a Muggle family. If he'd known who you two were…he's grown up knowin' yer names. If his parents are wizarding folk. You saw what everyone in the Leaky Cauldron was like when they saw yeh both. Anyway, what does he know about it, some o' the best I ever saw were the only ones with magic in 'em in a long line o' Muggles…look at yer mum! Look what she had fer a sister!"

"So, what is Quidditch?" I ask very confused at the word let alone what it was. Harry seemed better now.

"It's our sport. Wizard sport. It's like…like Football in the Muggle world…everyone follows Quidditch…played up in the air on broomsticks and there's four balls…sorta hard ter explain the rules."

"So, what are Slytherin and Hufflepuff?" Harry asked. "That kid wanted to me and Lizzy in his house." Harry grumbled at the idea. He didn't want to be near that kid again.

"School houses. There's four. Everyone says Hufflepuff are a lot o' duffers, but…" Harry frowned.

"I bet I'm in Hufflepuff." He muttered knowing he wasn't that special.

"Better Hufflepuff than Slytherin. Not a single witch or wizard who went bad wasn't in Slytherin. You- Know-Who was one." I was shocked Voldemort was a Slytherin?

"Vol- sorry, You- Know- Who was t Hogwarts?" Hagrid nodded to Harry's question.

"Years an' years ago." Hagrid shuddered as if thinking about it.

"Hagrid what house was our parents in?" I asked wondering what house they might be in. We might be in their house.

"They were both in Gryffindor. Just like meself."

Hagrid made sure we were happy and excited again before we got our books. There was so many to choose from. All I wanted to do was just sit in the corner and read everything.

The books were stacked to the ceiling, bound in leather the smell of new books ran through my nose and I sighed in content I found a book on a subject called Alchemy. I flip read the inside it was Nicholas Flamel and his teachings of Alchemy it was one of six! I bought it with my other school books for a bit of light reading and I'll buy the others later. I even got a book called Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. It looked really interesting and I liked the idea of learning what creatures could be out there.

Hagrid had to pull Harry away from this one book Bewitch your friends and Befuddle your enemies with the latest revenges by Professor Vindictus Viridian. "I was trying to find out how to curse Dudley." Harry had tried to explain himself.

"I'm not sayin' that's not a good idea, but yer not ter use magic in the Muggle world except in very special circ*mstances, an' anyway yeh couldn' work any of them curses yet, yeh'll need a lot more study before yeh get ter that level."

When we were off to get a cauldron, Harry wanted the fanciest one. "Harry do you really need a solid Gold cauldron?"

Harry gave me that cheeky grin "Yeah."

"Try to pick it up." He did so with a struggle "It's too heavy come on the list says Pewter." I called in my best know it all tone, only because it bugged him.

Harry tried to mimic but it ended up with us both laughing at each other.

Hagrid got us a nice set of scales for weighing potion ingredients and a collapsible brass telescope.

We visited the Apothercary which was fascinating enough to make up for it's horrible smell. A mixture of bad eggs and rotted cabbages. Barrels of slimy stuff stood on the floor; jars of herbs, dried roots, and bright powders lined the walls; bundles of feathers, strings of fangs, and snarled claws hung from the ceiling. While Hagrid asked the man behind the counter for a supple of basic potion ingredients for Harry and me, I looked around the store staring at all sorts of ingredients for potions.

Once outside I took a deep breath of fresh air before checking off my list to make sure I didn't need anything else. "Just yer wands left…a yeah, and I still haven't got yeh a birthday present." My jaw dropped in surprise. He wanted to get us a gift?

"Hagrid you really don'…"

"You don't have to…" Harry was cut off.

Harry and I have a bad time speaking simultaneously sometimes but Hagrid cut us both off.

"I know I don't have to. Tell yeh what, I'll get yer animals. Not a toad, toads went outta fashion years ago, yeh'd be laughed at…an' I don't like cats, they make me sneeze. I'll get yer an owl. All the kids want owls, they're dead useful, carry yer mail an' everythin'."

When we walked in Eeylops Owl Empoium Harry was busy looking over all the animals. There were all sorts of owls, large and small. All sorts of colors flared to life, some enchanted to change color every other day.

I squeak in surprise feeling something land on me. Sharp talons dug into my shoulder. Glancing up I saw straight into a pair of intimidating yellow eyes. We had a stare off, the soft feathers fluttered against my cheek. They were so soft. The redish brown around his eyes looked so pretty. I think I'm in love.

I let out a small eep when his head rubbed against mine, I wasn't sure if he was trying to scratch an itch or cuddle, but I loved every second of it. This was the owl for me.

Twenty minutes later we left Eeylops Owl Empoium, Harry was carrying a large cage that held a beautiful snowy owl, fast asleep with her head under her wing. I had gotten a great horned owl. He was looking around excited. I was super excited to have an owl. What do you do with an owl?

I couldn't stop saying thank you to Hagrid this was an amazing birthday present I really didn't ever expect to get a present. Harry he was stammering his thanks so much that he was reminding me of Professor Quirrell.

"Don' mention it," Hagrid said gruffly "Don' expect you've had a lotta presents from the Dursleys. Just Ollivanders left now…only place fer wands, Ollivanders, and yeh gotta have the best wand."

We walked inside it was tiny but not tiny if that made any sense, crowded but open. The place was empty except for a single, spindly chair that Hagrid sat on to wait. I was amazed looking over all these wands there was over thousands of wands here on one wall.

"Good afternoon." said a soft voice. I jumped closer to Harry in surprise. Harry and Hagrid must have jumped too because there was a loud crunching noise and Hagrid was quickly off the spindly chair.

An old man was standing before us, his wide, pale eyes shining like moons though the gloom of the shop

"Hello." Harry said awkwardly.

"Hi." I tried to smile at the man.

"Ah yes," the man said "Yes, yes. I thought I'd be seeing you two soon Harry and Elizabeth Potter." It wasn't a question. "You have your mothers eyes Harry, Elizabeth you look just like your mother. It was only yesterday she was in here herself, buying her first wand. Ten and a quarter inches long, swishy, made of willow. Nice want for charm work."

I looked like my mom. That's what everyone seems to think. Mr. Ollivander moved closer to Harry "Your father on the other hand, favored a mahogany wand. Eleven inches. Pliable. A little more power and excellent for transfiguration. Well I say your father favored it…it's really the wand that chooses the wizard, of course."

He moved over to me and got very close "And that's where…" I felt him touch my scar on my forehead and glance at Harry to see he had done the same to him. "I'm sorry to say I sold the wand that did it," he said softly "Thirteen and a half inches. Yew Powerful wand, very powerful, and in the wrong hands…well, if I'd know what that wand was going out into the world to do…"

He shook his head then spotted Hagrid. "Rubeus! Rubeus Hagrid! How nice to see you again…Oak, sixteen inches, rather bendy, wasn't it?"

Hagrid nodded "It was, sir yes,"

"Good wand, that one. But I suppose they snapped it in half when you got expelled?" Mr. Ollivander said suddenly stern.

"Er…yes, they did, yes." Hagrid said shuffling his feet. "I've still got the pieces though." He added brightly.

"But you don't use them?" Mr. Ollivander said sharply. "Oh, no, sir." Hagrid said quickly. I notice how he gripped his pink umbrella very tightly as he spoke.

'His wand's pieces must be in that umbrella since they snapped it. That must be why he's still able to do magic.' Mr. Ollivander gave Hagrid a piercing look "Well; now…Mr. Potter let my see."

He pulled out a long tape measure with silver markings out of his pocket. "Which is your wand arm?" I scrunch my eyebrows together. Wand arm?

"Er…well I'm right handed." Harry said confused just like myself.

"Hold out your arm. That's it." He measured Harry from shoulder to finger then wrist to elbow, shoulder to floor, knee to armpit, and around his head. As he measured he said "Every Ollivander wand has a core of powerful magical substance, Mr. Potter. We use unicorn hairs, phoenix tail feathers, and the heartstrings of dragons. No two Ollivander wands are the same, just as no two unicorns, dragons, or phoenixes are quiet the same. And of course, you will never get such good results with another wizard's wand."

I cover my mouth to hold in a laugh when the tape measure was measuring between his nostrils while Mr. Ollivander was flitting around the shelves, taking down boxes. "That will do." He said, and the tape measure flew over to me and fell to the floor in a heap on the floor. "Right then Mr. Potter try this one. Beechwood and Dragon heartstring. Nine inches. Nice and flexible. Just take it and give it a wave.

I watch Harry take the wand and wave it around a bit, but Mr. Ollivander snatched it out of his hand almost at once. "Maple and phoenix feather. Seven inches. Quite whippy. Try…" Harry tried but he had hardly raised the wand when it too was snatched back by Mr. Ollivander. "No, no, here ebony and unicorn hair, eight and a half inches, springy. Go on, go on, try it out." Harry tried and tried.

I lean against the wall as the pile of wands grew higher than the chair. "Tricky customer, eh? Not to worry, we'll find the perfect match here somewhere…I wonder, now…yes why not…unusual combination… holly and phoenix feather, eleven inches and a nice supple."

I watch as Harry waved the wand above his head and bring it down in a swishing motion and a stream of red and gold sparks shot through the end of the wand like a firework. I yelp at the sparks, that had to be a bad thing, right? But when Hagrid whooped and clapped, and Mr. Ollivander cried I knew it wasn't. "Oh bravo! Yes, indeed, oh very good. Well, well, well…how curious…how very curious."

He put Harry's wand back into its box and wrapped it in a brown paper still muttering "Curious…curious."

Harry and I glance at one another confused, of course what was so curious about Harry's wand?

"Sorry, but whats curious?" Mr. Ollivander fixed Harry with his pale stare.

"I remember every wand I've ever sold, Mr. Potter. Every single wand. It so happens that the Phoenix whose tail feather is in your wand gave another feather, just one other. It is very curious indeed that you should be destined for this wand when it's brother why, it's brother gave you and your sister that scar." I gasped.

"Yes, thirteen and a half inches. Yew. Curious indeed how these things happen. The wand chooses the wizard, remember…I think I must expect great things from you Mr. Potter… after all, He- Who- Must- Not-Be-Named did great things…terrible, yes, but great." He explained while doing his measurements on me.

My first five wands ended up destroying a table, a bench, singing Hagrid's beard, and breaking two pots. I just didn't feel right when I used them.

"Try this, Willow wood with a Unicorn hair core 11 ¼" and Slightly Yielding flexibility." I grasp the handle and gave it a wave unlike the others I felt like something was coursing through my system. A calm feeling over took me, I felt like I was at a river, feeling the water run through my fingers. I felt so happy and at peace.

"Beautiful!" I could hear Mr. Ollivander call, extremely happy. "The unicorn hair is the most faithful of all the wands." My wand chose me, Mr. Ollivander didn't give me a strange speech like he did my brother, he did tell me that only those with good hearts could effectively use the wand. My wand was curved like a branch and the handle had markings of runes wrapping around the entire base of my wand.

Harry and I paid Fourteen Galleons total for both wands and headed out. It was time to return to 4 Privet Drive and stay with the Dursley's for the rest of the summer till school started. Harry and I were quiet dreading going back to them.

This has been the best day of our lives and we had to return to the Dursleys.

"Got time fer a bite to eat before yer train leaves." Hagrid called noticing the sad faces. I nodded following Hagrid and Harry where we got a hamburger. We sat on some plastic seats to eat, my owl was looking around fluffing his wings every now and then, warning off any muggle who got too close.

"You alright Harry? Yer very quiet," Hagrid asked concern lacing his voice. His eyebrows scrunched together in thought. He wanted to help Harry feel better before he left.

"Everyone thinks we're special," he finally said after a few moments "All those people in the Leaky Cauldron, Professor Quirrell, Mr. Ollivander…but we don't know anything about magic at all. How can they expect great things? I'm famous and I can't even remember what I'm famous for. I don't know what happened when Vol- sorry I mean, the night my parents died."

Harry was right. Everyone we've met so far beside that boy, knew who we were and were expecting great things. I don't know a thing when it comes to magic. For all I know I'm going to be horrible and flunk out. I wasn't feeling too hungry anymore.

Hagrid leaned across the table looking down at both of us. He had a kind smile and no worry in his eyes at all. "Don' you worry, Harry. You'll both learn fast enough. Everyone starts at the beginning at Hogwarts, you two will be just fine. Just be yerself. I know it's hard. Yeh've been singled out, an' that's always had. But yeh'll have a great time at Hogwarts…I did…still do, 'smatter[KH1] of fact."

Hagrid seemed to understand what we were going through, he always had the best advice for us and he didn't treat us like we already knew what we were doing. He was kind and patient and he answered our questions as best as he could.

Hagrid helped us onto the train to the Dursley's and handed Harry an envelope. "Yer ticket fer Hogwarts." He said "First o' September, Kings Cross, it's all on yer ticket. Any problems with the Durselys, send me a letter with yer owl, they'll know where to find me…see yeh soon Harry, 'Izabeth." When the doors closed we turned around to watch Hagrid until he was out of sight, but he was already gone.

We took our seats and leaned against one another each looking at our owls. "What are you going to name her?"

"I'm not sure yet…what are you going to name him?" Harry asked glancing over at my owl.

"Not sure, he sure is pretty though." My owl seemed to love that, his feathers fluffed with pride like he knew what I was saying.

"Just think. In a months' time we'll be headed to Hogwarts." Harry whispered, I could hardly wait.

Chapter 5: Platform 9 ¾ we go!

Chapter Text

When Harry and I had walked into the house holding our things, I was expecting the worst. Screaming, hitting, disownership, something along those lines but they ignore us. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon acted like we didn't even exist. Was this a blessing? Or a curse? I wasn't sure. We took our belongings up the stairs and to our shared room.

Harry placed his items on his bed in the air while I placed mine on the floor bed. Both our owls were placed beside one another on the desk by the window where they could look out.

My body was exhausted after a day of shopping and eating amazing food.

"We have so much stuff." Harry muttered looking over everything. A grin on his face, he's never been this happy for school before. "We never have stuff." he muttered again keeping his voice low incase the Dursley's changed their minds about ignoring us.

"It's so cool!" I squealed plopping on my bed, bad idea. Bed's on floors with no box spring or up off the ground just make you feel like the floor is just a smidge softer than it really is. "Owww." Harry laughed at my whine of pain. We got ready for bed and quickly feel asleep.

Cold. It was cold. Looking around I found my brother and I in a pitch black corridor dressed in our Hogwarts Uniforms...but they didn't look fresh and new, they looked scuffed, ripped, stained with something I couldn't tell. It felt spooky, almost like something bad was at the end.

Harry had grabbed onto my hand tugging me forward. I knew I didn't want to go further but Harry was too strong, dragging me to my death it seemed. He stopped when the corridor shifted to a dark room holding only a mirror. I started to struggle now. There was a man standing in front of the mirror looking within it. I couldn't recognize him. The man had short brown hair and he looked between sixteen or seventeen. The guy was even wearing a Hogwarts uniform. But he was giving off bad vibes.

This man, whoever he was was scaring me. I wanted nothing more than to run away. Harry's grip turned to a shackle. My body shook in fear, when I tried to reach for my brother. He was missing. Where was he?! I needed him! I couldn't find him anywhere. Harry was gone! Where was he! What was going on?!

"Elizabeth Potter." I whimper in fear when the man turned to face me. His voice was hoarse and low and when he said my name he hissed it like I was his worst enemy.

I couldn't speak, I could feel the tears forming threatening to fall. Where was Harry? "Come at last I see." I cringe tugging harder and harder on the shackle, wanting nothing more than to run away like the coward I was. "Leaving so soon?" The man made a tsk noise shaking his head with his distaste. "You'll miss the show."

Show? Fearfully I watched as my older brother appeared. He appeared out of thin air beside the man, cuts and scrapes. Harry. Blood staining his now white skin. He looked as dead as a ghost. The tears fell freely now. He looked as good as dead, a large slash to his throat started to appear, Harry's eyes widen in surprise. I scream feeling sick to my stomach watching the blood gush out of the fresh wound. Harry's once vibrant green eyes started to lose the life. I screamed trying to rush to his aid. Chains wrapped around my body, keeping me in place the more I struggled. Breathing was becoming an issue. "Harry!" I cried.

I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move. I had to watch as my brother fell to the ground unmoving. Sobs wracked my body as I fell. My heart felt like it was being ripped out of my chest. Not Harry. Why him of all people. Why couldn't he have just killed me.

"W-why?" I cried my face pressed against the cold stone floor. Fire suddenly appeared around us in a circle. The man chuckled to himself as if I said the funniest joke.

"He was in my way." All I felt was pain, I wasn't sure if this was magic or not but no one could stop my sobs. "Do you want him back?" the man was beside me now. I felt his cold clammy hands where the chains once were. "Would you like them all back?" he pulled my face toward the mirror. I saw Harry and two more adults. The woman had long red hair, and red eyes. She looked maybe a few years older than the man beside me. The man standing next to the redhead had dark messy black hair and glasses. Both had their hands were on Harry's shoulders.

It was my parents. Or at least I think it was my parents.

"Who are you?" I whispered horrified. There was no way they could be here. My parents were dead. You can't just raise the dead. Magic or not there was no way.

"I'll give you one hint as to who I am. Who is the greatest wizard of all time?" The man stepped away, walking in long strides toward my family. Pinching Harry's cheek a look of disgust in his red eyes.

According to Hagrid the greatest Wizard of all time is Dumbledore but Dumbledore wouldn't do this. He wouldn't hurt my family. One person has, the one who couldn't even beat two babies. "You're Voldemort." it felt as if the room rumbled like an earthquake, cracks ran through the ceiling dust and debris fell, echoing in the large room.

"Indeed I am." Voldemort chuckled giving off his sinister smile, I was scared, I was trapped, I was hurt. What more does he want from me? He's taken my Mum and Dad, he took my best friend.

"Join me." I stare at him not sure what to make of that. Why would he want me to join him, he tried to kill me. He killed everyone precious to me. "All you need to do is join me, and I'll bring them back." Was Voldemort that powerful? Could he bring them back for me? "There is no good and evil, there is only power and those who are too weak to use it." Voldemort explained. Looking over my family again.

"…" I laid curled up on the ground. I saw the anger course through his red eyes and a sneer set on his face.

"Pathetic indeed." His ripped out his wand and all I saw was a bright neon green overtake my vision.

I jump awake staring at my brother wide eyed. He was sitting on my bed looking me over concerned. "Lizzy," Harry said my name. That dream felt too real. I lurch myself into his arms. Hugging with all my strength. He was here, he was real.

"It's okay, it was only a dream." He ran his fingers up and down my back in soothing motions. "You want to talk about it?" I shake my head scared that if I do, it'll come real. My stomach was twisted in knots. I could still see the pools of blood.

Ten minutes of sitting, breathing in Harry's scent I was sure it was all good again. I was terrified to go to sleep again. I didn't want to have that dream ever again. It was too scary. Harry laid beside me, holding me to his chest. I felt more at ease now, I didn't feel so alone anymore.

But the thought kept coming back, seeing Harry fall to the ground dead. Watching the life drain from his eyes. It made me sick to my stomach. I never wanted to see that. I never wanted to feel that pain again. Even if it was a dream it was too real.


The next month with the Dursley's wasn't all that bad. They didn't continued to treat me and Harry as if we weren't real. Dudley would run out of any room we were in screaming while Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon treated us like we were invisible.

It wasn't all that bad, I didn't have to clean Dudley's room anymore and I wasn't being harassed by my cousin. Harry and I spent the remainder of the month in our room reading or playing with our new owls. I finally found a good name for my barn owl. Godric. As soon as I saw the name in 'A History of Magic' it just stuck. Godric my handsome owl sat perched on my shoulder looking over at Hedwig, Harry's beautiful snowy owl. Harry also found her name in 'A History of Magic' and the name just stuck with him.

Godric hated being stuck in his cage, he loved being able to let his wings stretch and loved being on shoulders. I think it was because of the warmth but I'm not sure. I know I have the cuts to prove that he liked being on my shoulder, not that I minded. I loved Godric, he was so sweet and affectionate and kept Dudley out of our room.

Godric hated Dudley, my cousin tried to come in the room for something , probably for some of his old stuff but my Godric scared him away, screeching and launching claws at the ready.

Closer to the end of August, Harry and had come to the realization that we needed to go to Kings Cross and soon. More like tomorrow. They've been ignoring our existence for so long that I feared they'd say no, or say we'd have to find our own way to go to that bloody school.

Harry had offered to go and ask. The worry and fear that they'd say no was all I could think of when Harry was gone. But when Harry came back up he had a smile on his face and excitement in his eyes. "All set!" I let out a loud squeal hugging my brother excitedly. We were going to Hogwarts!

"Dudley's getting his tail removed tomorrow and Uncle Vernon said he'd drop us off on the way." I nodded my head looking over all our magic books and robes.

"Lets pack." Harry and I spent the remainder of the night packing our trunks full of what we would need and a few others. We decided to leave the bathroom objects for last and tuck them in the trunk in the morning after we were done.

Around seven in the morning Harry and I jumped awake getting ready for the day. We brush our teeth, comb our hair, and pack the last bits away. All that was left was putting Godric and Hedwig in their cages for the trip. Godric hated the idea of going back in his cage while Hedwig didn't care. She hopped in knowing she'll be let out sooner or later. I ended up having to bribe Godric with some treats to get him in the cage, he didn't like it at least he was in.

Two hours roll by and Harry and I are loading our heavy trunks in Uncle Vernon's car. Hedwig and Godric rode in the back with us. We arrived at Kings Cross at half past ten. Uncle Vernon who was being very nice had dumped our trunks onto a cart and wheeled it into the station for us. I was surprised, I've never seen him like this before. That is he was being nice for a reason. He stopped at Platform Nine and Platform Ten.

"Well, there you are. Platform nine...Platform ten. Your platform should be somewhere in the middle, but they don't seem to have built it yet, do they?" There was no Platform nine and three quarters. "Have a good term," Uncle Vernon called with an even nastier smile. He left us without another word.

Harry and I watched them drive away everyone in the car was laughing at us. I knew there should have been something going on, he wasn't taking us to be nice. He did it to make fun of us.

"What are we going to do?" Harry moaned slumping his shoulders. I felt his head land on my shoulder. I could see all the weird looks the people were giving us because of our owls.

"Let's ask someone," I move forward forcing myself to stay calm. We had some time to figure out where to go right? We could do this. We walked around asking a guard if they knew where the Hogwarts train was but they had no idea what we were talking about. Time ticked by faster and faster. Now we only had ten minutes to find our train. I was starting to freak out. We would miss our train!

I was pacing back and forthing thinking over anything and everything that Hagrid told us, but he never said anything when it came to the train! I could see how worried Harry was. We didn't have time to freak out, we needed to find our train!

My heart was hammering in my chest with nerves. This wasn't good at all.

"Packed with muggles, of course…" That word. Muggles! Harry and I spun around watching a slightly plump woman talking to four boys and a little girl. Every one of them had flaming red hair and carts like ours! Harry and I raced over them with our carts.

When they stopped we did too. "Now, what's the platform number?" the woman said looking at her sons for the answer.

"Nine and three quarters!" The little girl called tugging on her mother's hand. "Can't I go mom?" the little girl begged.

"You're not old enough, Ginny, now be quiet. Alright Percy, you go first." The oldest boy marched towards the platforms nine and ten, my eyes bulged out their sockets watching as the boy just disappeared! He just vanished when he hit the wall!

"Alright, Fred you next." the woman called to one of the twin boys. "I'm not Fred, I'm George." the boy she was talking to said pushing his cart forward. "Honestly woman, you call yourself our mother?" The boy jokes.

"Sorry, George dear." The woman smiled apologetically.

"Only joking, I am Fred." I couldn't help laughing at that. That was adorable. Fred spun staring at me and my brother. He gave a smile and a wave and he and his brother were gone as soon as they hit the wall.

"Excuse me!" I called rushing forward with my cart.

"Excuse me, Ma'am!" Harry called rushing forward with me. The woman stared at us giving us a warm greeting. She looked so kind, maybe she would help us.

"Hello dears, first time at Hogwarts? Ron's new too." She pointed to the last red head boy. Ron was taller than me and Harry, he was thin with gangling arms. Freckles were all over his face, he had large hands and a big nose. But he looked like a nice guy.

"Yes…" Harry glanced at me not sure what to say. "You see...the thing is...we don't know how to…" Harry looked embarrassed to have to ask how to do this in front of another witch. The only other magical person he's met was Hagrid and he didn't know if this lady was nice like Hagrid.

"How to get onto the Platform?" she asked kindly, Harry had a faint blush as he stared at her. "Not to worry, all you have to do is walk strait at the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Don't stop and don't be scared you'll crash into it, thats very important. Best do it as a bit of a run if you're nervous. Go on before Ron."

I nodded very confused. I had to run into a wall to get to the train?


"Good luck." I whisper nervously. What if this was some sort of joke? What if he got hurt. I watched Harry push his cart around till he was straight with the wall. He used all his strength to push the cart to go faster and faster. I cringe fearing that I'd hear a crash sound. But it never happened. Harry was gone. I felt so relieved that it was the true entrance.

"Thank you, Ma'am." I called pushing my cart like Harry had, forcing my body to go into a run. The split second that I swear I was going to crash came right as I hit the wall. Instead of pain I was greeted with a different sight.

A magnificent train was a scarlet steam engine. It was packed with people and a sign over head that said Hogwarts Express, Eleven o'Clock. We walked until we found an empty compartment near the end of the train. Harry took Godric after placing Hedwig inside. We struggled heaving Harry's trunk toward the train door. "Need a hand?" it was one of twins from earlier.

Harry and I nodded. "Oy, Fred! C'mere and help!" The other red headed boy named Fred rushed over and grabbed my trunk with his brother. After a bit of maneuvering the four of us, got our two trunks onto the train.

"Thank you!" I panted my arms ached, I haven't lifted something that heavy in a while.

Harry brushed some sweaty hair out of his eyes, panting to himself. "Thanks."

"Whats that?" One of the twins suddenly started pointing at Harry's scar. Nerves ran through me as I reached out and fixed his hair so that it was covering his scar again.

"Blimey!" The one twin called. "Are you?"

"He is." The other called smirking to himself "Aren't you?"


"What?" Harry and I were both confused on what to say or do in this sort of situation.

"Harry and Elizabeth Potter." They spoke simultaneously.

"Oh them," I muttered looking back at my brother.

"Yes, we are." I watched as the twins in front of us, their mouth just drop, eyes wide with shock. They were making us out to be some sort of overly complicated science project just moments away from going wrong.

"Fred? George? Are you there?" I felt relief when I heard the woman calling for her sons. They'd have to leave soon.

"Coming mom." They called, they looked us over one last time before hopping off the train and rushing to their mother. Harry and I relaxed, slumping down in the seat, glad that was over.

"Ron you've got something on your nose." The youngest boy Ron was trying to jerk away from his mother's wet handkerchief.

"Mom…" He struggled shifting in every direction "Geroff!" He yelled finally able to wiggle free.

"Aaaaah, has ickle Ronnie got somefink on his nosie?" One of the twins teased.

"Shut up." Ron hissed blushing and glaring at his brothers.

"Where's Percy?" The mother's voice was filled with concern.

"He's coming now,"

The oldest boy in the group came striding into sight, he had changed into his Hogwarts robes and had a shiny silver badge on his chest with a P on it.

"Can't stay long, mother." Percy called. "I'm up front, the Prefects have got two compartments to themselves…" One of the twins cut him off.

"Oh, are you a prefect Percy?" He called surprised. He even made his eyes wide. "You should have said something, we had no idea."

"Hang on, I think I remember him saying something about it." The other twin called. "Once."

"Or twice."

"A minute."

"All summer." They went off one another smirking to themselves.

"Oh shut up." Percy the prefect called showing his annoyance.

"How come Percy gets new robes?" one of the twins asked.

"Because he's a Prefect." Their mother said very fondly. "All right, dear, well have a good term. Send me an owl when you get there." She kissed Percy on the cheek, Percy nodded and walked off saying his farewell. The mom turned to the twins. "Now, you two. This year you behave yourselves. If I get one more owl telling me you've blown up a toilet or…"

The twins cut her off mischievous smiles spread across their handsome faces. "Blown up a toilet? We've never blown up a toilet." The one remarked.

"Great idea though, thanks mom!"

"It's not funny! And look after Ron."

I glance at Harry thinking how nice it would have been if Mom and Dad could have dropped us off, telling us to write whenever we could, to study hard, make friends. They were lucky to have a mom who worried over them, would miss them while they were away.

"Don't worry, ickle Ronniekins is safe with us."

"Shut up." Ron yelled embarrassed his face flushed a bright red.

"Hey mom guess what? Guess who we just met on the train?" I shifted my body closer to the ground. Just great. Just what I needed, everyone knowing we're here.

"You know that black haired boy and that girl with the long red hair who was near us in the station? Know who they are?"

"Who?" Their mom seemed to be somewhat interested in what the twins were saying.

"Harry and Elizabeth Potter!" I didn't miss hearing the little girl squeal with excitement.

"Oh, mom! Can I go on the train and meet them, Mom please!"

The mother shook her head sighing to herself. "You've already seen them Ginny, and the poor dears aren't something you can goggle at in a zoo. Are they really, Fred? How do you know?"

"Asked him. Saw their scars. Elizabeth has hers over her left eye and Harry has his over his right eye. Though Elizabeth started covering Harry's up after we saw it." one of the twins said shrugging his shoulders.

"Poor dears, no wonder they were all alone, I wondered. They were ever so polite when they asked how to get onto the platform." I wanted to glance over and see them again. I wanted to see the mom's face.

"Never mind that, do you think they remember what You-Know-Who looks like?"

I felt my body go over the month I had the same recurring dream, having to deal with Voldemort and watching my brother die over and over again. Each night it was getting harder and harder to say no.

"I forbid you to ask them, Fred. No, don't you dare. As though they need reminding of that on their first day at school." The mother became very stern and her tone was threatening.

"Alright, keep your hair on." Fred tried to calm him aggravated mother.

The train's whistle blew telling everyone the train was about to leave. "Hurry up!" Their mother said goodbye to her kids giving each of them a kiss goodbye. The youngest, Ginny, started to cry.

"Don't, Ginny, we'll send you loads of Owls."

"We'll send you a Hogwarts toilet seat."


"Only joking mum!" The train started to move, I watched the parents wave to their children, Ginny raced the train half laughing and half crying. Watching it made me wish I had my parents, I wonder who I'm like, would they be proud of us? So many questions raced through my head. I needed to calm down or at least take my mind off of everything. So I pulled out my potions textbook.

I know it's for school but the idea of mixing ingredients together and making a potion that could help you in some way was amazing. Fascinating. It was as close to Muggles could get to magic.

"You're already studying potions?" Harry stated staring at his sister confused. I felt my face flush he was going to make fun of me I already know it. "Why?"

"It's interesting, I like it."

Harry just laughed shaking his mop of messy black hair, she had an idea of what he was thinking. 'Of course she would find that interesting' Or 'Man, my sister is so weird.' She knew it was something along those lines. "You'll just have to help me in Potions then."

I grinned. Glad he knew I really liked it, he already thought I'd be passing Potions, this was going to be so much fun, I could hardly wait to see the school.

The door to the compartment slid open, it was the youngest redhead, Ron. "Anyone sitting there?" Ron asked motioning to one of the empty seats "Everywhere else is full." He explained.

"All yours." Ron walked in, he looked over both seats thinking whether to sit by Harry or myself. "You want the window seat?" I couldn't help asking. He looked so nervous.


I stood up, smiling at the boy, he seemed nice and looked like he needed a break from his brothers. I quickly sat beside my brother throwing my legs on his lap. Harry shoved my legs off his lap with a roll of his eyes. "Rude."

"I'm not a footstool."

"Sure you are, you're the prettiest footstool in all the lands." I joked pulling my legs to my chest and leaning with my back to the door.

"Thank you," we nodded. Harry going back to looking out the window like Ron did, while I went back to my book. It wasn't another five minutes when the compartment door opened to reveal the twins from earlier.

"Hey, Ron." one said. I wasn't sure if that was Fred or George.

"Listen, we're going down the middle of the train...Lee Jordan's got a giant tarantula down there." The idea of a giant spider being on the train sent shivers down my spine. I was okay with spiders as long as they weren't super close to me.

"Right." Ron muttered, he sounded like he didn't like the idea of spiders either.

"Harry, Elizabeth." The other one called so I'm guessing that was Fred. But then again I wasn't sure. "Did we introduce ourselves? Fred and George Weasley. And this is Ron our brother. See you later then...Hope you guys get into Gryffindor." The compartment door closed behind them.

"Are you really Harry and Elizabeth Potter?" Ron asked nervously. Harry and I nodded. "Oh...well I thought it might be one of Fred and George's jokes." Ron muttered looking away. It took him a minute to ask another question. "And have you two really know…" He motioned to his forehead.

Harry pushed his bangs up while I parted my hair out of the way. "So thats where You-Know-Who…"

"Yes...But I can't remember anything." Harry murmured looking away. It's not like we could tell him anything. We were babies, we just learned we were wizards a few weeks ago. Everything was so new to us.

"I can't recall anything back that far."

"Nothing?" Ron was eager like everyone else who would bug us eventually.

"I remember a lot of green light, but nothing else...what about you Lizzy?" Harry recalls thinking over something. All I could remember was my dream.

"I can't think of anything…"

"Wow." Ron was just staring at us, I felt myself get nervous again and start staring at my book even though I wasn't reading.

"Are all your family wizards?" Harry asked looking at Ron with interest.

"Er...yes i think so, I think Mum's got a second cousin who's an accountant, but we never talked about him."

Harry grinned staring at Ron. "So you must know loads of Magic already."

"Sort of,"

"That's incredible!" Ron's face flushed with embarrassment. He must not be used to this sort of treatment, but it really was incredible, I wish I could see more magic.

"I heard you both went to live with the muggles. What are they like?"

I glance at Harry unsure on how to answer that. Should we tell him that our family is horrible? Harry nodded, he seemed to trust Ron. "Well… they're kind of horrible. Not all of them are but just our Aunt and Uncle and cousin are."

Harry nodded shrugging his shoulders like he's used to it. Only because he was. "Wish we had three wizard brothers." Honestly that would be fun, being able to run with my brothers and just torment the Dursleys. It would be so much fun. I could imagine it now.

"Five," though Ron seemed look really upset at that. "I'm sixth in our family to go to Hogwarts. You could say I've got a lot to live up to. Bill and Charlie have already left. Bill was head boy and Charlie was captain of Quidditch. Now Percy's Prefect. Fred and George mess around a lot, but they still get really good marks and everyone thinks they're really funny. Everyone expects me to do as well as the others but if I do, it's no big deal, because they did it first. You never get anything new either, with five brothers. I've got Bill's old robes, Charlie's old wand, and Percy's old rat."

Ron reached inside his jacket and pulled out a fat gray rat which was asleep, he didn't bother waking up or anything. "His names Scabbers but he's useless, he hardly ever wakes up. Percy got an owl from my dad for being made a Prefect but they couldn't aff...I mean I got Scabbers instead."

Ron's ears were pink, he must have thought that he said too much, because now he was staring out the window clearly upset.

"He's actually kind of cute." I called reaching over petting the little sleeping rats head. As Ron said, Scabbers didn't do anything. "Also handmedowns aren't so bad. We're wearing them now." I laughed seeing Ron perk up a bit.

"If we hadn't got into Hogwarts we'd be wearing our cousin's clothes to school. We didn't have a lot, it was just me and Lizzy. Our cousin Dudley got everything." We explained to Ron what it was like living with Dudley to an extent, but it made Ron feel better.

"If it wasn't for Hagrid we wouldn't know anything about being a wizard, or our parents, or even Voldemort." Ron gasped horrified.


"You said You-Know-Who's name!" He was amazed and horrified all at once "I thought, you two of all people…"

"I'm not trying to be brave or anything, saying the name."

"I didn't know you shouldn't…" I muttered looking away, what's the point? Why can't you say his name?

"See what I mean? We've got loads to learn." Harry shrugged looking out the window this time. "I bet I'm the worst in class…" He muttered mostly to himself. But Ron and I heard him.


"You're not going to be the worst. Muggle born kids are sent to Hogwarts too they probably think they'll be bad too." I could kiss Ron for being so sweet to my brother. Trying to cheer him up. "There'll be loads of people who come from Muggle families and they learn quick enough."

"Besides Harry, you aren't the only one who's going to be lost and confused, I'm just as confused as you are when it comes to magic." I try to cheer up my brother hugging his arm and resting my chin on his shoulder.

"Come on, you've been studying nonstop since we got those books."

"I've just read the potions book." I counter, when it comes to the other subjects I'm just as confused.

"You're the smart one when it comes to school." Harry countered giving me a pointed look.

"Not necessarily, I'm alright when it comes to school. Everything will be fine Harry."

We all had been talking for about an house, watching every now and then as the trees zipped past us being carried away from London. The boys were watching the fields of cows and sheep zoom past us as I read my book, there was a great clattering outside the corridor, a smiling dimpled woman slid the door back asking "Anything off the cart, dears?"

Harry and I leapt to our feet. My stomach churned for some sort of food. Ron muttered something about having sandwiches. Everything we bought cost eleven silver Sickles and seven bronze knuts. We tossed all the treats in the empty seat between us.

"Hungry, are you?" Ron mused staring at the large pile of snacks.

"Starving." we agreed, my stomach growled and rumbled begging for some food.

Ron took out a lumpy package and proceeded to unwrap it to show four sandwiches inside. He was pulling one of them apart and grimaced. "She always forgets I don't like corned beef." Harry and I grinned at one another before facing Ron. I will not lie, they looked amazing.

"Swap you for one of these." Harry held out a pumpkin pastry. "Go on," Harry urged.

"I'll trade you this Licorice wand for one."

"You guys don't want this, it's all dry. She hasn't got much time." Ron muttered quickly, "You know with five of us."

I let out a hum sound making it seem like I was thinking it over. "Yeah no, still looks good." I grinned. "Come on Ron, we have more than enough to share."

"We really don't need much." Harry agreed. After that Ron forgot his sandwiches and quickly joined in. The three of us talking and sharing and eating our way through all the pastries, cakes, and candies. "What are these?" Harry asked pulling up a pack of Chocolate Frogs.

"They aren't...real frogs are they?" I muttered nervously, the idea made me sick to my stomach.

"No, but see what the card is. I'm missing Agrippa." Ron called looking excitedly for the card, but that didn't make any sense. What was he talking about?


Ron smacked his head in realization. "Oh, of course, you wouldn't know. Chocolate Frogs have cards inside them, you know to collect famous witches and wizards. I've got about five hundred, but I haven't got Agrippa or Ptolemy."

"So this is Dumbledore!" Harry called amazed. Harry and I look over the card amazing. The man with half mooned glasses, a long crooked nose, flowing silver hair, and a mustache.

"Don't tell me you'd never heard of Dumbledore!" Ron called surprised. "Can I have a frog? I might get Agrippa." Harry and I nodded reading over the card.


'Albus Dumbledore, currently headmaster of Hogwarts, considered by many the greatest wizard if niderb tunesm Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of Dragon's blood, and his work on Alchemy with his partner Nicolas Flamel. Professor Dumbledore enjoys chamber music and tenpin bowling.'

"Nicolas Flamel? I've heard of him, he's in my alchemy book and talks about how to create things and something about this stone that can help Alchemists do a type of magic without a transmutation circle." I mused thinking about going back into my trunk and look through my books.

Harry turned over the card only to be shocked. "He's gone!"

"Well you can't expect him to hang around all day, he'll be back. No I've got Morgana again and I've got about six of want it? You can start collecting." I couldn't help smiling to myself, I was so glad Harry got a friend. This Ron guy, he seemed like a really great guy and I was so relieved that he was the one to sit in our compartment.

Though right now, Ron was staring at the pile of chocolate frogs just waiting to be unwrapped. "Help yourself, but you know in the muggle world people just stay in photos." Harry explained.

We didn't miss the look of pure amazement on Ron's face at the thought that the pictures stood completely still. "Do they? What, they don't move at all? Weird!" It was as if someone just explained to him what electricity was.

While Harry and Ron were looking over their new cards, I couldn't help looking over the carnival tented colored box that read 'Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans' on the top there was a face of either a clown or a toy soldier I couldn't tell.

"You want to be careful with those," Ron called suddenly. Looking up I saw the strange look on Ron's face "When they say they mean every flavor." Glancing down again I looked for the sheet of what it might be. But there wasn't any. "They've got the ordinary ones like chocolate and peppermint and marmalade, but then you can get spinach and liver and tripe. George reckons he's had a booger flavored one once." To prove his point Ron reached over pulled a random bean over. Looked it over and popped it in his mouth.

"Blegh!" Ron spat the bean out into a napkin making a disgusted face. "See? Sprouts!" I couldn't help laughing with Harry, the three of us started to cracking up. We started to play with them, figuring out what one was what. I had Toothpaste, Salt, Chili, and Dog Food as just a few. They really weren't as bad as I thought it would be. I was lucky I didn't get vomit.

Someone knocked on the door and a round faced boy stuck his head in. "Sorry, but have you seen a toad at all?" He looked really worried, a wild frantic look on his face.

"Sorry," We muttered feeling bad for the guy.

The boy started to wail. "I've lost him! He keeps getting away from me!"

"He should turn up eventually," I tried to comfort the boy, his distressed look bothered me, I don't know what I'd do if I lost Godric.

"If you see him…" he muttered staring at me hopefully.

"We'll find you right away. I'm sure he's around here somewhere." The round faced boy nodded his shoulders slumped as he walked away to ask the next compartment.

"Don't know why he's so bothered, if I brought a toad I'd lose it as quickly as I could. Mind you, I brought Scabbers so I can't talk." Ron's rat still was snoozing away on his lap. "He might have died and you wouldn't know the difference." Ron seemed disgusted by his pet rat. But I think that if anything did happen to his pet rat, he'd be devastated. "I tried to turn him yellow yesterday, to make him more interesting but the spell didn't work. I'll show you, look…"

Ron started to rummage around his trunk and pulled out a worn down wand that had some chips in odd places and you could see that it was glistening at the tip. "Unicorn hair's nearly poking out. Anyway." The door opened again and it was that round faced boy again, but this time a bushy haired girl stood beside him.

"Has anyone seen a toad? Neville's lost one." She said in a bossy sort of tone.

"We already told him we haven't seen it." Ron huffed glaring at the girl for interrupting him. But this girl wasn't listening to Ron, instead she was looking at the wand in his hand.

"Oh, you're doing magic? Lets see it then." She sat down beside Ron, Ron was too surprised to even come up with a response.

"Er...alright." Ron cleared his throat. "Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow!" Ron waved his wand but nothing happened. Scabbers was still gray and fast asleep.

"Dang you weren't kidding, it would be easier to wake the dead." Ron nodded in agreement an annoyed look on his face. I could just picture what he was thinking. 'Stupid rat.'

"Are you sure that's a real spell?" The bushy brown haired girl asked. "Well it's not very good is it? I've tried a few simple spells just for practice and it's all worked for me. Nobody in my family's magic at all, it was ever such a surprise when I got my letter, but I was ever so pleased of course, I mean it's the best school of witchcraft there is, I've heard. I've learned all our coursebooks by heart, of course, I just really hope it will be enough. I'm Hermione Granger by the way, who are you?" Wow. Hermione talked a lot really fast.

"Who else do we know that memorized her course book?" Harry wondered aloud to Ron. Ron snickered to himself.

"Oh shush, don't come running to me when you need help with Potions." I huffed rolling my eyes. He could really be just a pain.

"I'm Ron Weasley." Ron introduced himself.

"I'm Elizabeth, but everyone calls me Lizzy. This is my twin brother." I poked Harry's cheek a few times feeling his hand smack mine away.

"Harry Potter."

"Are you really?" Hermione gasped her eyes going wide. "I know all about you two, of course I got a few extra books." I couldn't help grinning to myself, I got extra books too. "For background reading, and you're both in Modern Magical History and The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts, and Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century." Why were we in so many books? There couldn't be much on us we were one when the You-Know-Who killed our parents.

"We are?"

"Mind if I borrow one?" I asked the girl, I wanted to know what the wizarding world knew about us.

"Of course! If it were me, I'd have found out everything I could." Harry and I scooched closer together, I just didn't know we were in books. Why would they write about us if they didn't know us?

"Is that our Potions book?" Hermione picked up my book looking it over carefully.

"Well yes, I find potion making interesting. I just can't get to my alchemy book." Hermione's eyes lit up with excitement.

"I have yet to read any alchemy books. What do you think of it? I know Hogwarts teaches Alchemy during the sixth and seventh year's, do you think you'll take it?" She asked me very interested in the subject.

"I mean, maybe but I need to know if I like the subject or not. So far I do but maybe down the line I grow bored of it. It all depends really." I couldn't help shrugging my shoulders while explaining to this girl my thought process. I mean I might like it now but I might hate it later.

"Do any of you know what house you'll be in? I've been asking around, and I hope I'm in Gryffindor, it sounds the best; I hear Dumbledore himself was in it, but I suppose Ravenclaw wouldn't be too bad. Anyway, we'd better go look for Neville's toad. You three better go change, you know. I expect we'll be there soon."

"Good luck," Harry and I called as Neville and Hermione walked out the door. Ron shuddered to himself showing us how annoyed he was.

"Whatever house I'm in, I hope she's not in it." Ron threw his wand back in his trunk. "Stupid spell. George gave it to me, bet he knew it was a dud." I couldn't help feeling bad for Ron, Hermione must have embarrassed him in some way. I found her interesting, I feel like Hermione and I could have great conversations about school and classes. Heck maybe we could become friends.

"What house are your brothers in?" I asked Ron, hoping to change the subject so he would feel better.

"Gryffindor, Mom and Dad were in it too. I don't know what they'll say if I'm not. I don't suppose Ravenclaw would be too bad but imagine if they put me in Slytherin." Ron shuddered at the thought.

"Thats the house Vol...I mean You-Know-Who was in?"

Ron nodded to Harry's question as he flopped back into his seat looking depressed.

"Look at Scabbers!" I called looking at Scabbers in Ron's lap. Both Ron and Harry stare down at the rat.

"What about him?"

"I think the end of Scabbers whiskers are a bit lighter." Harry added studying Ron's rat. Ron shrugged not seeing anything different from before but at least you could see the small smile on his face.

"You said earlier you had two other brothers, what do they do now that they aren't in school?" I wonder what there is to do after you get out of school, was it possible to have a normal job once you finish?

"Charlies in Romania studying Dragons and Bill's in Africa doing something for Gringotts." Bill worked for Gringotts? Thats awesome! "Did you hear about Gringotts? It's been all over the Daily Prophet, but I don't suppose you get that with the Muggles. Someone tried to rob a high security vault."

Someone tried to rob Gringotts? Thats insane? Who would be so stupid to even try that?!

"What happened to them?" Harry urged just as shocked and confused as I was.

"Nothing, thats why it's such big news. They haven't been caught. My dad says it must've been a powerful Dark Wizard to get around Gringotts, but they don't think they took anything, thats whats odd. 'Course, everyone gets scared when something like this happens in case You-Know-Who's behind it."

Couldn't the guy be in the bank still? When Harry and I went to Gringotts I lost track after the first five twists! No one would be stupid enough to try and rob Gringotts.

"Whats your Quidditch team?" Ron changed the subject again.



Harry and I glanced at one another before facing Ron again. "We don't know any." Harry confessed, all I could do was nod along. Quidditch was the game everyone loved in the wizard of world. I'm sure when I watch it or maybe play I'll love it like everyone else.

"Oh, you wait! It's the best game in the world!" Ron proceeded to explain the rules and the point of the game. My excitement bubbled just hearing him talk about it, all the players chasing after one another Flying high on brook sticks. It sounded like so much fun! Ron was in the middle of telling Harry and I about one specific match when the compartment door opened again.

It wasn't Hermione or Neville. Instead it was three boys, I easily recognized the boy in the middle. It was that jerk from Diagon Alley.

"So is it true?" The jerk asked looking over the three of us. "They're saying all down the train that Harry and Elizabeth Potter is in this compartment." He looked straight at me "So it's you two is it?"

The two boys standing next to the boy from Diagon Alley looked fat and mean, they were like two Dudleys waiting to attack.

"Yes…" I leaned closer to Harry in fear, those two were creeping me out.

"This is Crabbe and this is Goyle." The pale boy introduced before taking my hand in his smirking to himself "And my names Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." he placed a kiss on the back of my hand, what the heck was happening. I'm so confused. Wait does he like me? Why? I saw him once!

"Heh...thanks…" I muttered awkwardly pulling away. Ron coughed a few times trying to hide his laughter.

"Think my names funny do you? No need to ask who you are. My father told me all the Weasleys have red hair, freckles, and more children than they can afford." My eyes widen in surprise. I knew he said stuff about Hagrid in the background but how could he say that to Ron straight to his face! Who does that?!

Draco looked over to Harry "You'll soon find out some wizarding families are much better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there."

Harry and I gave him a 'Are you serious' look while Draco extended his hand for Harry to shake. "I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself thanks."

"No thanks." Draco's cheeks turned a slight pink tinge. Shock soon replaced humiliation that was replaced with anger.

"I'd be careful if I were you Potter, unless you're a bit politer you'll go the same as your parents. They didn't know what was good for them either. You hang around riffraff like the Weasley's and that Hagrid, and it'll rub off on you."

Harry and Ron stood up in the best threatening way they could. What did he just say? Did he just threaten us because we didn't want to be his friends with him? What kind of spoiled brat threatens people because they don't want to be friends?!

"Are you insane?! Whats your problem? My brother doesn't want to be your friend and you start spouting off threats. Because that totally works." He isn't Dudley. His friends aren't Dudley, I'm not home, I have to stand up for myself and not take the abuse. "Would you and your friends please leave now. It's very clear we aren't going to get along."

"No." a one word answer. Draco Malfoy you stubborn git. His pride was damaged, He couldn't understand it! "We don't feel like leaving, do we boys? We've eaten all our food and you still seem to have some." Goyle reached toward the Chocolate Frogs next to Ron.

Ron leapt forward to hide our sweets from the big oaf, though it was amazing, before Goyle could so much as touch Ron, Goyle started wailing in pain. Hanging off his finger was Scabbers, his sharp little teeth had sank deep into Goyles knuckle.

Malfoy and Crabbe had backed away as Goyle swung Scabbers around and around, howling and wailing desperate to get the rat off him.

The rat flew free soaring towards the window, it was either try and catch the animal or let it slam into the window and get a serious concussion or something. I reached my hand up just in time and felt his furry body land safely, his sharp claws dug into my skin clinging for life.

"It's okay Scabbers," I whispered I missed the three boys escaping like a bunch of cowards, Scabbers was so terrified he passed out.

"What has been going on?" Hermione was back.

"Some annoying prat was insulting our families because we didn't want to be friends," Ron took his rat back, looking him over with Harry.

"Is everyone okay?" she asked me, I nodded standing up, I just couldn't believe that happend!

"Yeah, I think so. Scabbers should be fine." I saw the worried expression on Hermione's face, it didn't hide her annoyance but she was relieved everyone was okay. "Can you show me to the girls room, I need to change still." Hermione nodded.

"Of course, I just spoke with the conductor and he says we'll be arriving any minute."

Hermione and I walked down the corridor, students were racing back and forth in their excitement. "Any luck finding Neville's toad?" Hermione shook her head frowning to herself.

"We looked all over but we weren't able to find his toad."

I felt so bad so for Neville I don't know what I'd do if I lost Godric, he was my baby, I would feel devastated. It didn't take long for me to get changed, Hermione was nice enough to wait for me outside, I really didn't want to have another encounter with a Mr. Draco Malfoy. He was so creepy and weird.

"We will be reaching Hogwarts in five minutes time. Please leave your luggage on the train; it will be taken to the school separately." I'm guessing the conductors voice explained over the loudspeakers.

I felt the butterflies explode in my stomach, what if I wasn't good enough? What if I messed up? What if I don't deserve to be here and it was a whole big lie.

"Nervous?" Hermione must have seen my worry. Lord I'm so scared.

"A little,"

"I am too...we can do this together." my nerves got the better of me and I just couldn't help clutching onto her hand. Hermione was so sweet that she didn't pull away, she helped guide me back to my compartment. Giving me an encouraging grin.

"I'll see you when we get to Hogwarts." I nodded she had to get back to her compartment. I just had to put everything back in my trunk and they'd be here when I got to my room. God my heart was pounding hard in my chest. I was just expecting Uncle Vernon or Aunt Petunia to be standing outside and make fun of us for thinking we were special.

Harry and I held hands walking out of the train and onto the dark platform. The night air was actually a little chilly but it felt good for my nerves.

"Firs' years! Firs' years over here! All right there Harry?" I felt relieved to see Hagrid.

"Hagrid!" I felt my hand slip through Harry's as I ran towards the giant man. "It's so good to see you again!" It was true, I practically threw myself at him in the biggest hug I could give. I missed him.

"'Izabeth, it's good ter see yeh too." He laughed placing a hand on my back in a one sided hug. He was so strong but it felt great to be with him again. "C'mon, follow me, anymore firs' years? Mind yer step, now! Firs' years follow me!"

All the first years slipped and stumbled following after Hagrid down what seemed to be a steep narrow path. It was dark on each side of us with the large patches of trees.

Neville could be heard sniffling every now and then, I kept my eyes open looking for his toad, Hermione at my side we ended up helping each other when it came to falling and slipping. We heard loud croaking "Is that Neville's toad?" I muttered motioning over towards the croaking sound.

"It might be," Hermione slipped back to Neville and it took a few seconds before Neville let out a loud exclamation "Trevor! Oh thank you!" he was practically crying now.

"Ye' all get yer firs' sight o' Hogwarts in a sec." Hagrid called over his shoulder "Jus' round this bend here." There was a loud "Oooooh!" The narrow path had opened suddenly onto the edge of a great black lake. Perched atop a high mountain on the other side, it's windows sparkling in the starry sky, was a vast castle with many turrets and towers.

"No more'n four to a boat!" Hagrid called pointing to a fleet of little boats sitting in the water by the shore. In our boat it was Harry, Ron, Hermione, and myself "Everyone in?" Hagrid shouted, Hagrid had a boat to himself "Right then…FORWARD!" after he said this the boats moved off all at once! Gliding across the lake which was as smooth as glass. I stare at the castle and thought how beautiful it was just thinking I was going to live there for an entire year!

"Heads down!" Hagrid yelled as the first of the boats reached the cliff. We all bent our heads and the little boats carried us through a curtain of ivy that hid a wide opening in the cliff face. We went through a dark tunnel which seemed to take us under the castle.

We climbed up the passageway in the rock after Hagrid's lamp, coming out at last onto smooth, damp grass right in the shadow of the castle. They walked up a flight of stone steps and crowded around a huge oak front door. "Everyone here?" Hagrid asked before knocking three times on the castle door.

This was it! I bit my lip and felt my stomach knot up inside as I waited for what was to come next.

Thats it for this revised chapter! Hope you all liked it! I don't own anyone so far except Elizabeth.

Chapter 6: Sorting

Chapter Text

The doors swung open to the reveil a tall black haired witch in emerald green robes. She had a very stern face and had this composer that screamed 'do not test me.'

"The firs' years, Professor McGonagall," Hagrid called beaming to himself.

"Thank you Hagrid. I will take them from here." Professor McGonagall nodded she had a polite voice and seemed to be excited for this years new house sorting. Professor McGonagall pulled open the door wide enough for everyone to see inside. I couldn't help gasping in amazement the entrance hall was so large you could fit the entire Dursley's house inside it. The stone walls were lit with flaming torches like in Gringotts bank, the ceiling was so high that it was hard to make out, and the staircase was facing us was made out of marble leading towards the upper floors.

Everyone followed Professor McGonagall across the flagged stone floor, there were hundreds of voices in the hall, the other students must already be inside waiting. Instead of joining the other students Professor McGonagall took us into a small empty chamber. In the end everyone was crowded together Harry and I gripped each other's hands in nerves.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," she started off. "The start of term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory, and spend free time in your house common room."

I hope I get along with my housemates and I really hope it'll be better than at the Dursley's. Maybe Hogwarts would be my home that I would never want to leave.

"The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours."

I'm so excited to start learning, it'll be so much fun. Challenging and exciting. "The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting." I glance down at myself trying to get the wrinkles out of my robes. I just got this how did it already have wrinkles?! Harry was trying to flatten his hair his glasses askew.

"I shall return when we are ready for you, please wait quietly." Professor McGonagall called before leaving the chamber we were in.

"Harry." He glanced at me I reached up fixing his glasses while he pushed my ribbon back in place. My hair crinkled having to move back up. I fixed my hair as best as I could. Oh lord we'd have to stand in front a bunch of people and be the center of attention.

"Hey uh, Hermione." I called gaining the bushy haired girls attention. "Do you know how they sort us into the houses?" I muttered softly, I didn't want everyone knowing how nervous I was.

Hermione thought over the question for a moment or two before answering. "I think they do a sort of test but I should know this, I remember in one of my books they talked about how they were sorted but only briefly." I nodded but that didn't help me at all. I didn't know any spells. "I've tried loads of spells and they all worked nicely for me." Hermione boasted again. Oh lord I was going to fail. I wish I knew more spells.

A group of kids screamed making the group I was by turn around. Staring wide eyed I saw what had scared them. Ghosts. Ghosts were floating through the back wall. They were talking to each other or more like arguing, not even paying attention to the lot of us first years.

"Forgive and forget, I saw we ought to give him a second chance." A fat monk like ghost called tiredly.

"My dear Friar, haven't we given Peeves all the chances he deserves? He gives us all a bad name you know, he's not really even a ghost." The ghost wearing a ruff and tights argued back when he noticed us. "I saw what are you all doing here?" Everyone just started stunned unsure what to do or say.

"New students!" The Fat Friar called smiling at us. "About to be sorted, I suppose?" A few of the lot of us nodded speechlessly. "Hope to see you in Hufflepuff!" The Friar called excitedly "My old house, you know."

"Move along now, the Sorting Ceremony is about to start." Professor McGonagall suddenly returned. I spun to stare at the elder teacher wide eyed. We all watched as one by one the ghosts floated away through the opposite wall. "Now, form a line." Professor McGonagall instructed. "And follow me."

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I stood in line close to one another. We couldn't see much as we walked out of the small chamber and back across the hall through the pair of double doors and into the Great Hall.

It was called a Great Hall for a reason! The hall was lit by thousands and thousands of candles that were literally floating in mid air over four long tables where the rest of the students were sitting. The tables were covered with glittering golden plates and goblets. At the top of the hall was another long table where the teachers were sitting. Professor McGonagall had led us towards the front only to stop so the entire school could see us. My heart pounded as I tried to shrink myself into Harry's back. The teachers were behind us, while the hundreds of faces were staring at us with interest. There were too many people staring at us.

Harry held my hand in a sort of comfort I guess but he wasn't having any trouble being in front of so many people like I was! "Look up." Harry muttered amazed, glancing up I could understand why, the ceiling didn't look like a regular ceiling. It looked like a night sky with stars twinkling down at all of us.

"It's bewitched to look like the sky outside. I read about it in Hogwarts A History." I couldn't help nod at Hermione's amazing fact. Magic was so cool.

Professor McGonagall had placed something on a four legged stool and pointed wizard hat on top of it. The hat was patched, frayed, and extremely dirty. I was going to ask why it was there when the hat ripped near the brim, it was wide enough like a mouth and, oh my god it started to sing.


"Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find

A smarter hat then me.

You can keep your bowlers black,

Your top hats sleek and tall,

For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head

The Sorting Hat can't see,

So try me on and I will tell you

Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave heart,

Their darling, nerve, and chivalry Set Gryffindor's apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff,

Where they are just and loyal,

Those patient Hufflepuff's are true and unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw.

If you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning,

Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin,

You'll make your real friends,

Those cunning folk use any means,

To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!

And don't get in a flap! You're in safe hands (Though I have none)

For I'm the Thinking Cap!"

The whole hall burst into applause as the Hat finished it's song, while it bowed to each of the four tables I couldn't help stare at it completely dumbfounded. My mouth hung open as I stare at the old rubby hat.

"So we've just got to try on the hat?!" Ron whispered angrily. "I'll kill Fred, he was going on about wrestling a troll."

The tables were still again, ready to see who would be in what house. I just really wish we didn't have to be the center of attention. Professor McGonagall walked in front of our small group and had a long roll of parchment.

"When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted." She called staring at each of our faces before beginning. "Abbott Hannah!" A pink faced girl with blonde hair and pigtails stumbled out of line, put the hat on, the hat fell right down over her eyes as she sat on the stool. There was a moment of silence when the hat screamed "HUFFLEPUFF!"

The table on the right cheered and clapped as Hannah went to sit at the Hufflepuff table.

"Bones, Susan!" Susan repeated the process and not even a second latter it screamed "Hufflepuff." as well. Susan scuttled off to sit next to Hannah.

The next two students went to Ravenclaw, and after that Lavender Brown was sent to Gryffindor, I hoped I could get into Gryffindor, thats where Hagrid was.

Everyone over in the Slytherin table screamed that they were mean and just gave me the creeps. "Granger, Hermione!" Professor McGonagall called. I saw her grow tense with nerves.

"Good luck," I whispered. Hermione practically ran up to the front, jumped on the stool and shoved the hat on her head.

"GRYFFINDOR!" Ron let out a groan of annoyance, Hermione was just so giddy. She got to be in the house she wanted.

When Neville was called he accidently tripped over his robes on the way to the stool. The talking Hat thought long and hard before shouting Gryffindor. Neville ran off to the Gryffindor table only to have to run back and give the hat to Morag McDougal. Next was Malfoy but no shock he landed in Slytherin. The hat had barely touched his head when it screamed Slytherin too.

Professor McGonagall was getting closer to the 'P' names. "Potter, Elizabeth!" Oh why did my name have to start with an E first. Harry pushed me forward. I could hear the whispers all around me. I bit my lip hard and force myself to march forward to the front. I took my seat on the stool and felt the hat fall over my eyes.

I forced myself to take a few deep breaths. 'Hmmm, lets see not a bad mind no. Right amount of courage I say, hmmm but where to put you.' I heard the hat talk. I'd be happy in any house except Slytherin. 'Not Slytherin? But you could do great things in Slytherin.' The Hat tried to reason with me.

Slytherin had its advantages, though the people there were just so mean. I didn't want to be anywhere near Draco Malfoy. And as if reading my mind the Hat started speaking to me again. 'Hmmm, yes, yes I see now, I know just where to put you.'

I feared for the worst but my heart exploded with joy when I heard "GRYFFINDOR!" My shoulders relaxed as I hopped off the stool.

I could hear the Weasley Twin's screaming 'WE GOT POTTER! WE GOT POTTER!' I took my seat at the table completely relaxed now. I felt so much better.

"Potter, Harry!" Whispers erupted again and we all watched as my brother sat on the stool, the hat went over his eyes and I could tell he was having trouble. He was too tense. He visibly relaxed when the Hat screamed Gryffindor.

Fred and George screamed with the rest of the table going 'WE GOT POTTERS!' now. Our table was the loudest out of all of them. It was really funny too. I hugged my brother excitedly, we were in the same house!

"Thomas, Dean." a black boy that was taller than Ron joined up in Gryffindor, next was a girl named Lisa Turpin she went to Ravenclaw. All I wanted was for Ron to join Gryffindor with us. I could see how scared he was. When he stepped up he was a pale green, he was so nervous.

"GRYFFINDOR!" We all visibly relax and erupt in cheers for Ron. Ron ran over to the table extremely happy with himself.

"Well done, Ron, excellent." Percy called with that pompous act as Professor McGonagall rolled up her scroll and took the Sorting Hat away. I felt as if someone was staring at me though. Glancing around I noticed up at the teachers table that a man with shoulder length greasy hair, a long crooked nose, and dark tunnel eyes was staring directly at me.

He looked stunned like he was seeing a ghost from his past or something.

"Welcome," Professor Dumbledore called gaining everyone's attention including my own. Professor Dumbledore had gotten to his deet and he was positively beaming at the students. He opened his arms wide as if nothing could please him more.

"Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are, Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!" I stare at the old professor completely confused as he sat back down. Was that normal? Everyone clapped and cheered the great Professor. "Is that normal?" I called to one of the twins.

"Is he...a bit mad?" Harry asked Percy just as confused as I was.

"Oh yeah, Dumbledore does that sort of thing every year." One of the twins called back in my direction.

"Mad? He's a genius! Best wizard in the world! But he is a bit mad, yes. Potatoes Harry?" Potatoes? Everything was empty just a second ago. I jumped in surprise seeing the table full of delicious smelling foods. There was roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops, lamb chops, sausages, bacon, steak, boiled potatoes, roast potatoes, fires, Yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, gravy, ketchup, and for some strange reason there were some peppermint humbugs.

I couldn't help being shocked, I've never seen this much food in my life. At the Dursleys we never had the opportunity to eat as much as we felt like! There was always Dudley getting the larger portion of the meal. Harry and I got maybe an eighth of everything Aunt Petunia made. Aunt Petunia had often yelled at both Harry and I for eating too fast but that was only because Dudley would have stolen our food when he was more welcome for seconds.

I piled my plate full of everything around me, everything except those Humbugs, I can blame Mrs. Figg for that. "That does look good," A ghost spoke in the rug sadly. I jumped back in surprise. The ghost had a look of longing in his eyes.

"I'm sorry…can't you…" Ghosts can still eat right? Is it possible?

"I haven't eaten for nearly four hundred years." The ghost replied as if it was okay. "I don't need to, of course, but one does miss it. I don't think I've introduced myself? Sir Nicolas De Mimsy-Porpington at your service. Resident ghost of Gryffindor tower." He was our house ghost? That's amazing! He could be able to help us if we needed it.

"I know who you are!" Ron suddenly spoke up. "My brothers told me about you…you're Nearly Headless Nick!" He exclaimed excitedly. But Sir Nick didn't seem to like being called that. Not at all.

"I would prefer you call me Sir Nicholas De Mimsy…" He said distastefully only to be interrupted by Seamus Finnigan.

"Nearly Headless? How can you be nearly headless?" Sir Nicholas looked extremely miffed, as if our chat wasn't going the way he wanted it to.

"Like this." He spoke irritably seizing his left ear and pulled. His whole head hung off his neck and fell onto his shoulder. I felt my stomach twist and groan. My hand covered my mouth in disgust I could still see the blood, eyes widen. Horrified is this what happens when you die?!

My appetite no longer there. I could feel myself growing sicker by the second. Blood. My body shuddered. The sight of blood from anything could send me to the ground sick to my knees. Little scrapes made my stomach flip, but I could handle that. I've gotten tons of scrapes but the worse one. They really messed me up. The one-time Marge brought her dog over chasing Harry in a tree…thus starting my fear of blood.

I gripped Harry's hand clenching my eyes trying to get a few deep breaths. It's okay Lizzy. It's okay. Looking around I saw that a Ghost was sitting next to Malfoy, they both seemed to be upset.

I was so happy when he fixed his head."So new Gryffindors! I hope you're going to help us win the house championship this year? Gryffindors have never gone this long without winning. Slytherins have got the cup six years in a row! The Bloody Baron's become almost unbearable, he's the Slytherin ghost." Nicholas nodded his head towards the Bloody Baron beside Malfoy, explained upon our confusion.

"How did he get covered in blood?" I felt a cold sweat overtake me again. My stomach flipped and turned I feared my dinner would come up if I saw anything bloody again.

Sir Nicholas glanced over at the Blood Baron again getting a look on his face that he wasn't comfortable. "I've never asked." Seamus gave a pout having not figured out why but went back to eating. Sir Nicholas left to speak more to other students.

Harry and I ate quietly listening to everyone chat among themselves. As soon as everyone had finished eating and their stomachs were full, the remainder of the food had faded away from the plates leaving them as sparkling clean as they were before.

A moment later desserts appeared. Blocks and blocks of ice cream of over flavor you could think of appeared with apple pies, treacle tarts, chocolate eclairs, Jam doughnuts, trifle, strawberries, Jell-o of all flavors, rice pudding and so much more!

I thought I was full before but the sight of those pies I felt my stomach growl all over again. I grabbed a slice of blueberry pie as well as some strawberries and whipped cream on top. I was in heaven.

"I'm half and half," Seamus called to the boy beside him. "Me dad's a Muggle. Mum didn't tell him she was a witch 'til after they were married. Bit of a nasty shock for him." The other students our age laughed at the idea. Beside me, Hermione was talking to Percy about lessons.

"Percy, who's that sitting next to Professor Quirrell?" Harry asked looking up at the teachers. Looking towards the teachers myself I saw that it was that strange guy from earlier he was talking about.

"Oh, you know Quirrell already, do you? No wonder he's looking so nervous, thats Professor Snape. He teaches Potions, but he doesn't want to. Everyone knows he's after Quirrells job. Knows an awful lot about the Dark Arts, Snape."

The Potions Professor doesn't like Potions? How weird was that? Why doesn't he like potions? Potions was incredible!

Hermione got back to talking to Percy about classes and how excited she was to learn magic but I couldn't help being confused. Potions. How could Snape not like Potions?

The desserts disappeared and Professor Dumbledore rose to his feet again. The hall grew silent. "Ahem, just a few more words now that we are all fed and watered. I have a few start of term notices to give you. First years should note that the forest on the grounds are forbidden to all pupils. And a few of our older students would do well to remember that as well."

Dumbledore gave a knowing look in the direction of the Weasley twins. "I have also been asked by Mr. Filch, the caretaker, to remind you all that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors. Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of term. Anyone interested in playing for their houses should contact Madam Hooch. And finally, I must tell you that this year; the third floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death."

My eyes widen in surprise. Death?! Looking around everyone besides Harry had a look that 'Okay that's fair' but Harry was just as confused. Why would Dumbledore have something that could kill the students?!

"He's not serious is he?" I muttered unsure what to do or say.

"Must be, it's odd, because he usually gives us a reason why we're not allowed to go somewhere, the forests full of dangerous beats, everyone knows that. I do think he might have told us prefects at least." Percy explained never taking his eyes off the headmaster.

"And now, before we go to bed, let us sing the school song!" Dumbledore grinned trying to get everyone back to being happy. The teachers beside him smiled or rather forced as Dumbledore gave his wand a little flick and a long golden ribbon flew out of it raising high above the tables and twisted itself into words.

"Everyone pick their favorite tune," a few students moved and adjusted themselves singing a few notes. "And off we go!" The school shot into song.

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,

Teach us something please,

Whether we be old and bald

Or young with scabby knees,

Our heads could do with filling

With some interesting stuff,

For now they're bare and full of air,

Dead flies and bits of fluff,

So teach us things worth knowing,

Bring back what we've forgot,

Just do your best, we'll do the rest,

And learn until our brains all rot."

It was at different times people ended the song, so soon enough it ended with the Weasley Twins singing along to the tune of a very slow funeral march. Dumbledore conducted their last few lines with his wand. When they finally finished, Dumbledore was the one who clapped the loudest.

"Ah, music." Dumbledore wiped his eye brushing the tear away. "A magic beyond all we do here! And now, bedtime. Off you trot!" Percy raised from his seat it was his job to show the first years the way to the our house I suppose. An arm wrapped around my shoulder, I felt my body jump out of its skin!

"Eep!" I couldn't stop it. Someone that wasn't my brother randomly touching me freaked me out. Looking up it was one of the Weasley twins. I couldn't tell which one it was.

"Like our singing, Elizabeth?" Whoever it was asked grinning. To my surprise the other twin had wrapped their arm around Harry's shoulder. He didn't seem too comfortable at that just now.

"What about you Harry?" the other twin called grinning down at Harry.

"" Harry muttered shifting away from the red haired twin holding his shoulder.

"Oh, um...Yes. It was the best I've ever heard." I muttered keeping my head down. Fred and George glanced at one another before pulling away from the two. Noticing something was off.

"So glad you two got into Gryffindor." I'm guessing Fred called smirking with his brother.

"Oh yes, you see we wouldn't have had as much fun if you two weren't here." the other called. Why would they say that? It's not like we know anything. We don't do much.

They must have seen the weird look on my face before continuing again. "You'll love it here! We have quite the reputation around here, you wouldn't believe it." Harry and I nodded as we looked around the halls. The portraits were moving along the walls through other portraits!

Glancing behind us I noticed Ron was staring at his brothers, his face rather red rather embarrassed of his brothers right now. I could just imagine hearing him thinking 'What are they doing here?'

"Peeves is at it again…" George sighed shaking his head. He caught our confused stares.

"He's a poltergeist. He likes to cause trouble all throughout the castle." Fred explained shrugging his shoulders.

"Thats our job." I couldn't help laugh a little at that one, it just slipped out. A little man appeared from the ground and floated high in the air for everyone to see him. He had extremely dark eyes and a wide mouth. His outfit looked like a modern style jester's outfit. Bright yellow shoes, a dark red overcoat, and blue pants. He even had high green knee socks with yellow stripes. Around his neck was one of those puffy white things that Shakespeare would wear in all those pictures.

All the primary colors making him stick out like a sore thumb.

The little man was floating cross legged, grinning down at the lot of us in the most mischievous way he could. "Ooooooh!" He called cackling to himself. "Ickle Firsties! What fun!" Peeves swooped down at all of us. Harry and I ducked close together.

Peeves had dropped some of these walking sticks on Neville's head. I couldn't stop cringing at the sound of every little bang on the ground. Poor Neville. His whimper of pain echoed through my ears.

"You'll want to watch out for Peeves, the only one who can control him is the Bloody Baron." George explained annoyed with the ghost, poltergeist, thing already.

Our group walked for another ten minutes, marching up stairs, going around twists and turns, I'm already lost and I'm afraid I'm going to forget how to get to the dorm already! I almost thought Percy wasn't sure where to go when he stopped us all in front of a large portrait. In the portrait there was a larger woman in a pink silky dress.

"Password?" She drawled looking down at all of the new kids. Her face stern.

"Caput Draconis." Percy called loud enough for all of us to hear. The portrait opened up to show a hidden room behind it!

As soon as I walked inside I felt how nice and warm it was inside, the cozy feeling wrapping around my body like a warm blanket. There was a roaring fire, couches and armchairs, and tables. There was two sets of stairs and a balcony separating the two sides.

"Why did you come with us when you knew the way?" Ron called after sobering up from his astonishment of the common room.

"Well you see…" George called smiling to himself again.

"We wanted to…" Fred added.

"They're so small and…" George continued.

"And the red hair, you have the right idea." Fred snickered pulling on a few of my red strands.

"Who wouldn't want to be? It makes us devilishly handsome." I laughed nervously pulling my hair free from their grasp. Okay this was weird and I really just wanted to go to bed. Get some rest.

"Night Harry…"

Percy told everyone what side was the girls and which was the boys. I quickly caught sight of Hermione and raced behind her. She grinned over at me but I just really wanted to get to bed. I found my things in the same room as Hermione. We'd be roomies which was exciting.

Besides Hermione, I shared a room with girls named Lavender Brown, Samantha Mix, and Abigail Martin. I felt so relieved to see Godric perched on the top of my headboard. "Godric." I rush over to my owl feeling a certain form of safety return to me, Godric was here. Who knew that in a month I'd feel so dependent on an owl.

"Why'd you name your owl Godric?" Samantha called looking over at my beautiful barn owl. Her nose wrinkling at the sight of him.

"I was reading and found the name...I like it." She let out an unlady like snort and moved back to her bed. It looked like a Maine Coon. The only reason I could tell was because of Mrs. Figg. All her cats. Samantha's cat was so fluffy and looked around the large room lazily.

"Well I think it's a charming name." Hermione called in a nasty tone. It wasn't even the first day of school and she was sticking up for me. Or well my owl.

"I wasn't aloud to get an animal this year what with all the books I got, Mum and Dad said I might be able to next year." Samantha and I were the only ones with a pet in this room. I wondered what kind the others had.

"I had to leave Binky back home, rabbits weren't on the list, but I'm sure he would have loved it here." she grinned plopping down on her bed.

"I really wish Winnie could be here, she's loves exploring." Abigail sighed before digging through her trunk and pulling out a still picture of a bulldog covered in brown and white. Her face looked like it was smashed but she was on her back exposing her belly and looked really happy.

Abigail pinned her picture of her pup up on one of the bed posts making it stick so it wouldn't fall.

"Why isn't the picture moving?" Lavender asked confused.

"I live in the muggle world." Abigail explained grinning excitedly almost too energetic to sleep.

"Pictures in the muggle world don't move! Really?" She gasped shocked. I felt like I was about to have the same conversation with Ron again about what it was like in the Muggle world.

Samantha and Abigail explained things to Lavender about how the Muggle world worked. "Elizabeth you know all about the Muggle world too right? I heard you grew up there after what happened with You-Know-Who." Abigail was the only one confused.

I hated that I was now the center of attention. "I guess.."

"Who's 'You-Know-Who'?" Abigail asked confusing both Samantha and Lavender.

"You don't know about You-Know-Who? He's only the evilest wizard all around!" Samantha cried wide eyed.

"I hear he even went to this school. Was a Slytherin mind you so that should have proved to everyone he was bad from the get go." Lavender explained looking at everyone but mostly Abigail. "He had this army of followers who went dark and just…" She shivered thinking about what she knew. "My parents told me some stories. He really was a scary guy."

"So how'd they stop him?" Abigail asked wide eyed, she could see how uncomfortable Lavender was getting. But her curiosity was getting the best of her.

Lavender looked at me this time. "The Ministry couldn't stop him. But he went to Elizabeth's house. They stopped him. Everyone who didn't follow You-Know-Who was always killed but somehow Harry and Elizabeth Potter stopped him."

Samantha and Abigail looked at me. Samantha looking me over like she didn't believe me and Abigail looking at me with wide eyes. Shock and surprise over features.

"How'd you do it? What was he like?"

I look at my bed not sure what to do. "I don't remember anything...I was a baby when this happened…"

There was an awkward silence filling the room. "Well I doubt Elizabeth wants to talk about that anyway, Samantha what's your home like?" Hermione quickly changed the subject. I felt so grateful towards her in that moment. She made me feel so much better.

I found out that Lavender was born and raised in the wizarding world both her parents were wizards, Abigail was a muggle born like Hermione, and Samantha was somewhat familiar with the wizarding world. Her dad was on the council and her mom was a school teacher.

Both Hermione's parents were dentists, Lavender's dad was an Obliviator which I found out was someone who erased some or all kinds of memories while her mom was a saleswizard. Which was a witch or a wizard who just sold magical items. Abigail lost her Mum a while back when she was seven to a type of brain cancer. Her Dad was a male nurse, working extra shifts at the hospital so that he could make the extra funds to help send her to Hogwarts and get the required books for this year.

After learning about Abigail's home life Lavender, Hermione, and Samantha gave their condolences. "It's okay, it was a while ago. What does your family do Elizabeth?"

"My Uncle works at Grunning's as a Drill salesman, my Aunt takes care of the house." There really wasn't much to tell about them. My family besides Harry wasn't anything spectacular.

The conversation quickly turned back to what it was like in both the muggle world and wizarding world, I just felt so tired after eating everything. I didn't even bother changing like the other girls did. I just crawled under the covers and fell asleep. So much happened today, it really didn't take long to asleep. I was fully expecting to wake up and be under the stairs again...or committed in an asylum somewhere. Boy was I wrong.

The Other Potter - Kiragirl23 - Harry Potter (2024)
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Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.