What Should You Do In The Intermediate Steps Of A Numerical Calculation?Include An Error Estimate At (2024)

Physics High School


Answer 1


The answer is "Keep at least a couple of extra digits beyond those needed for determining significant figures."


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Los músicos de una sinfónica siempre ""calientan"" sus instrumentos de viento soplándolos antes de un concierto. ¿Para qué sirve esto?


El calentamiento del instrumento viento antes de un concierto asegura que todos los instrumentos estén afinados y existan un mejor sonido, debido al cambio de frecuencia del instrumentos por los cambios de velocidad del aire debido al cambio de temperatura

Los instrumentos musicales trabajan por procesos de resonancia, ya sean de cuerda o viento; en los instrumentos de viento la frecuencia que emites esta dada por la relación

fₙ = [tex]n \ \frac{v_s}{2L}[/tex] n = 1, 2, 3, ...

Donde f es la frecuencia emitida, L la longitud del tubo n es una constante entera y v_s es la velocidad del sonido

La velocidad del sonido en el aire depende de la temperatura del aire, según la relacion

vs = vo + 0,6 T

Donde v₀ es la temperatura del aire a 0ºC, v₀ = 331 m/s y T la temperatura en grados centígrados.

De esta dos expresiones podemos ver que la frecuencia que emite el instrumento de viento depende de la temperatura del aire, además en los instrumentos con boquilla la frecuencia de resonancia de la boquilla también depende de la temperatura de la boquilla que por ser liviana cambia fácilmente.

En conclusión el calentamiento del instrumento antes de un concierto asegura que todos los instrumentos estén afinados y existan un mejor sonido, debido al cambio de frecuencia del instrumentos por los cambios de velocidad del aire debido al cambio de temperatura

aprende mas acerca velocidad sonido aquí:


Which terms both represent scalar quantities?
A. displacement and velocity
B. distance and speed
C. displacement and speed
D. distance and velocity


The answer should be B

The terms that both represent scalar quantities are distance and speed. Thus, the correct option for this question is B.

What is meant by Scalar quantities?

Scalar quantities may be defined as the types of physical quantities which are significantly demonstrated with the help of only magnitude. Some examples of scalar quantities include density, speed, distance, energy, volume, time, mass, etc.

The opposite of scalar quantity is known as a Vector quantity. Vector quantities may be characterized as the types of physical quantities that are significantly demonstrated with the help of magnitude and direction both. Some examples of vector quantities include force, velocity, displacement, momentum, acceleration, etc.

Therefore, the terms that both represent scalar quantities are distance and speed. Thus, the correct option for this question is B.

To learn more about Scalar and vector quantities, refer to the link:



A woman on a bridge 90 meters high sees a raft floating at a constant speed on the river below. She drops a stone from rest in an attempt to hit the raft. The stone is released when the raft is 6 meters from being directly under the bridge. Unfortunately, the stone landed 2 meters in front of the raft. What was the speed of the raft?



thanks v I have a few more days before we get to do the do it and I have been trying to get a hold of the guy who was just at the gym now so I can get the answer to that question was just wondering if you have any questions


I will be there at masaya Rin and I will be there at masaya email me back or call me at masaya email me back or call me at masaya email me back or call me at masaya email me back or call me at masaya email me back or call me at masaya email me back or call I can get it and I have to go get my heart is it and what I can find the answer I can get it to me by my best friend and trying to get a new phone and lost all my numbers

A car travels at a rate of 25 km/hr for 1.5 hours, then is stopped behind a train for .50 hours, and finally at 21 km/hr for 1.25 hours.


The average speed of the car is 19.62 km/hr.

'Your question is not complete, it seems to be missing the following information'

find the average speed of the car

The given parameters;

initial velocity of the car, u = 25 km/hr

time of motion of the car, t= 1.5 hr

final velocity, v = 21 km/h

time of motion, = 1.25 hr

The average speed of the car is calculated as follows;

[tex]average \ velocity = \frac{total \ distance }{total \ time} \\\\average \ velocity = \frac{(25 km/h \times 1.5h)+(21km/h\times 1.25hr)}{(1.5h + 0.5h + 1.25h)} \\\\average \ velocity = 19.62 \ k m/hr[/tex]

Thus, the average speed of the car is 19.62 km/hr.

Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/17289046

Describe an instance where you might use standard rounding. Describe an instance where you might use order of magnitude estimation.



Without doing exact calculations, you can round the price of a bag of candy to $2 (rounding up is your safest bet, since it takes sales tax into consideration and gives you an estimate on the high side) and quickly determine that 3 bags of candy would be about $6 and 4 bags would be about $8.Order of magnitude is usually written as 10 to the nth power. The n represents the order of magnitude. If you raise a number by one order of magnitude, you are basically multiplying that number by 10. If you decrease a number by one order of magnitude, you are basically multiplying that number by 0.1

Hope you got the answer

Light travels in a straight line at a constant speed of 3.0 x 10 8 m/s for 4.1
years to reach the earth from the nearest star 3.9 x 10 13 km away. What is
its acceleration?




As the velocity of light is constant so the acceleration of the light is equal to zero.




If light travels in a straight line at a constant speed of 3.0 x 10 8 m/s for 4.1 years to reach the earth from the nearest star 3.9 x 10 13 km away then its acceleration would be zero meters/second².

What are the three equations of motion?

There are three equations of motion given by Newton

The first equation is given as follows

v = u + at

the second equation is given as follows

S = ut + 1/2×a×t²

the third equation is given as follows

v² - u² = 2×a×s

As given in the problemLight travels in a straight line at a constant speed of 3.0 x 10 8 m/s for 4.1 years to reach the earth from the nearest star 3.9 x 10 13 km away.

As we know that acceleration is only possible when there is change in velocity, given that light is travelling with constant speed therefore the acceleration of the light must be zero.

Thus, the acceleration of the light would be zero .

Learn more about equations of motion from here,



An object moving in the +x direction experiences an acceleration of +2. 0 m/s2. This means the object: _________

a. is increasing ins velocity by 2.0 m/s every second.
b. travels 2.0 m in every second.
c. is traveling at 2.0 m/s.
d. is decreasing is velocity by 2.0 m/s every second.


This question is related to the concept of acceleration, and velocity, and . It can be solved by using the basic definition of acceleration.

The correct answer is "(d) is increasing its velocity by 2.0 m/s every second".

The acceleration of an object is defined as the rate of change of its velocity over a given interval of time. Mathematically, acceleration is defined as the change in velocity of an object divided by the time interval taken for that change in velocity.

[tex]Acceleration=\frac{Change\ in\ Velocity}{Time\ Interval}[/tex]

The Positive sign of the acceleration means the change in velocity is positive and the velocity is increasing, while the negative sign indicates a decrease in velocity.

Hence, an acceleration of 2 m/s² means that the velocity of the object is increasing by 2 m/s every second.

Learn more about acceleration here:


The attached picture describes acceleration.

four cars are designed to be protect passengers in a 16m/s crash. the characteristics of the cars are shown below. which car is most likely to do the best job of protecting passengers inside?​



car 1


Which statement is always true when nuclear fusion occurs?(1 point)

A) The total number of protons and neutrons in each nucleus remains constant.

B) The number of protons in the resulting nucleus is less than in each starting nucleus.

C) The number of protons in the resulting nucleus is double that of a starting nucleus.

D) The combined number of protons and neutrons remains constant.


I believe the answer is A



Took the test

If the acceleration remains constant and the mass decreases by 5, the force required will ____ by _____



The force will be decreased by 5


Maria rides a bicycle at a velocity of 8 m sl. She brakes suddenly and stops after a distance of 2 m. What is the acceleration of Maria and her bicycle?​


But I can help you if you need to answer this question


Object A travels at a constant velocity of 2.0 m/s right, and object B travels in the same direction at a
constant velocity of 3.0 m/s. If object B starts 1.0 min after object A from the same position, how
many seconds will it take object B to catch object A?


==> Object A travels for 60 seconds before Object B starts out.

==> Object A moves at 2 m/s.

==> So Object A has a lead of 120 m when Object B starts out.

==> Object B moves at 3 m/s . . . 1 m/s faster than Object A.

==> So Object B catches up on Object A by 1 m every second.

==> Object B closes up Object A's lead of 120 m in 120 seconds.

why triple point of water is taken standard fixed point in modern thermometry??​



It is because of the fact that triple point of a substance is unique I.e it occurs at one particulars set of a values of pressure and temperature. the melting point of ice and boiling point of water are not unique. the change with change value of pressure or due to the presence of impurities in water

Which new jump rope skill uses a side to side motion?
A - Skier
B - Skater
C - Swing
D - Slide





i took the test

How long will it take the satellite with mass 1500kg and
travels at 6.8 x 103 m/s, 8,500km above the center of the
Earth, of mass 5.97 x 1024 kg to orbit the Earth?


The time taken by the satellite to orbit the Earth is 1.51 seconds.


The satellite with mass 1,500 kg and travels at [tex]6.8\times 10^3 m/s[/tex] , 8,500 km above the center of the Earth.

The mass of the Earth is [tex]5.97\times 10^{24} kg[/tex].

To find:

The time taken by a satellite to orbit around the Earth.


The mass of the satellite = 1500 kg

(Under the action of zero gravity, the effect of the mass of the satellite on the orbital time becomes negligible)

The mass of the Earth = M = [tex]5.97\times 10^{24} kg[/tex]The distance of the satellite from the center of the Earth = r = 8,500 km

[tex]1 km = 1000 m\\\\r=8,500 km= 8,500\times 1000m=8.5\times 10^6 m[/tex]

The orbital period of a satellite is given by:

[tex]\frac{T^2}{r^3}=\frac{4 \pi}{GM}\\\\\frac{T^2}{( 8.5\times 10^6 m)^2}=\frac{4\times 3.14}{6.67\times 10^{-11} m^3 kg^{-1}s^{-2}\times 5.97\times 10^{24} kg}\\\\T^2=\frac{4\times 3.14\times ( 8.5\times 10^6 m)^2}{6.67\times 10^{-11} m^3 kg^{-1}s^{-2}\times 5.97\times 10^{24} kg}\\\\T^2=2.28 s^2\\\\T=1.51 s[/tex]

The time taken by the satellite to orbit the Earth is 1.51 seconds.

Learn more about the orbital period here:



The population of bobcats in northern Arizona since 2008 can be modeled using the function b(t) = –0.32t2 + 2.7t + 253.



In the given function b(t), the variable t represents the number of years after 2008. The domain of this function is . The range more than 258.7 would not make sense. The graph of the function is always continuous

The given function b(t) shows the population of bobcats in northern Arizona since 2008. Therefore the variable t represents the number of years after 2008.

Since t represents the number of years after 2008, which is either positive or zero, therefore the domain of this function is .

The given function is a quadratic function and the coefficient of is negative, so it is a downward parabola. The range above the y-coordinate of the vertex doesn't make any sense.

The vertex of parabola is defined by .

Vertex of the given function is (4.2,258.7).

Thus, the range more than 258.7 would not make sense for this function.

Since the given function is a polynomial function and polynomial functions are always continuous, therefore the graph of the function is always continuous


what is cos-1 (0.34)?



70.12312593 rounded is 70.1


cos-1(0.34)= 70.1

acceleration has both magnitude and direction. what kind of quality is it ?


Acceleration is a vector quantity as it has both magnitude and direction it is also the second derivative of position with respect to time or it is the first derivative of velocity with respect to time

Convert the Metric measurements below.
76km =



47.2242 is what I think

Which one of the following is the correct option for fill in the
blank: mechanical, electrical, chemical?
The (blank) advantage of a machine is the factor by
which the machine changes the input force.

20 points!!



mechanical advantage!


The Mechanical advantage of a machine is the factor by which the machine changes the input force.

When a a machine multiplies an input force, that's called a mechanical advantage.


Defenition of Mechanical Advantage



Hope this helps! <3

What is everything we see around us made of….energy,matter, or light





Everything is made up of mater.




trust me slime

White billiard ball had an head on collision with the red ball what kind of collision occurred between the white billiard ball and the red ball?



I think it is a Kinetic Collison




It is A when the firework explodes it creates heat and which makes different colors


Two forces of 7 N and 10 N act at a point so as to produce a
resultant of 14 N. Find the angle between the resultant and the
7 N component.



[tex]f(resultand) = \sqrt{ {f1}^{2} + {f2}^{2} + 2f1f2 \cos( \alpha ) } \\ 14 = \sqrt{ {7}^{2} + {10}^{2} + 2 \times 7 \times 10 \cos( \alpha ) } \\ {14}^{2} = 49 + 100 + 140 \cos( \alpha ) \\ 196 = 149 + 140 \cos( \alpha ) \\ 196 - 149 = 140 \cos( \alpha ) \\ 47 = 140 \cos( \alpha ) \\ \cos( \alpha ) = \frac{47}{140} = .99 \\ thank \: you[/tex]

18 A bus travels 1425 m in 75
a) What is its speed?​


Answer: Assuming you meant 75 seconds and 1425 meters, the answer would be 19meters per second

Explanation: 1425/75

4. A car with a mass of 1000 kg is travelling at an acceleration of 25 m/s2 and hits a wall. What is
the amount of force applied to that wall?"



25,000 N


The force acting on an object given it's mass and acceleration can be found by using the formula

force = mass × acceleration

From the question we have

mass = 1000 kg

acceleration = 25 m/s²

force = 1000 × 25 = 25,000

We have the final answer as

25,000 N

Hope this helps you

which of Newton’s laws did Nikolas use to have to calculate this force



the second force


this is the answer i hade for mine

Complete this sentence: Only the most reactive metals in the chart
react with______.


Completing the sentence given ; Only the most reactive metals react with water

Reactivity of metals is a chemical property that measures the rate at which metals easily loses their electrons in substances to form a positive ion in a substance.

The most reactive metals react vigorously with water while the least reactive metals does not react with water and dilute acids vigorously but they slowly react with oxygen.

Examples of very reactive metals are :

Potassium sodium and Lithium

Hence we can conclude that Only the most reactive metals react with water.

Learn more : https://brainly.com/question/24866635

Define upthrust simply (don't copy)​


Upthrust is the force that is pushing you up. Kinda to stop you from sinking right into the Earth. Upthrust is simply any force that is causing something to be pushed upwards. Kinda like the opposite of gravity, which is pulling you down =]

Hope this helps ❤️

The mass of piece of a wood is 48g. Of the volume the wood is 96 cm^3 , what is the density of the piece of wood?



0.5 g/cm3



Here given,

mass of wood=48 g

volume of wood = 96 cm^3

density = ?


density =mass/ volume

= 48/96

=0.5 cm^3




the density of a substance is it Mass divided by it volume.

mass =48g

volume =96cm³

Density =mass/volume

Density =48g/96cm³

Density =0.5g/cm³.

What Should You Do In The Intermediate Steps Of A Numerical Calculation?Include An Error Estimate At (2024)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.