Does anyone have a 950 credit score? (2024)

Does anyone have a 950 credit score?

Is a 950 credit score possible? In most conventional credit scoring systems, such as FICO and VantageScore, a credit score of 950 is not possible, as they typically have a maximum score of 850. However, some custom or industry-specific scoring models might use a different scale, but they are not as widely used.

Has anyone ever had a 900 credit score?

While older models of credit scores used to go as high as 900, you can no longer achieve a 900 credit score. The highest score you can receive today is 850. Anything above 800 is considered an excellent credit score.

Who has a credit score of 1000?

A credit score of 1,000 is not possible because the standard credit score range used by FICO and VantageScore is 300 to 850. Other credit scoring models have a high of 900 or 950, but they are industry-specific and only used by certain financial institutions.

Has anyone gotten a 850 credit score?

Although a lot of people might like the idea of a perfect credit score, they'd likely have a hard time actually achieving it. In the U.S., only about 1.7 percent of the scorable population had a perfect 850 FICO credit score in April 2023, according to FICO data.

What is the highest credit score ever recorded?

The highest credit score you can have on the most widely used scoring systems is an 850. The widely-used FICO 8 scoring model and the VantageScore 3.0 both use a 300-850 scale. Credit scoring company FICO says about 1% of its scores reach 850.

How rare is 900 credit score?

It's exceedingly rare for anyone to have a credit score over 900, as most credit scoring models have a maximum limit of 850, and even achieving that score is uncommon.

What is the lowest credit score possible?

FICO & Vantage both set the lowest possible credit score at 300. However, almost nobody has this low of a score. In fact, according to FICO, the average credit score in America is 704. A bad FICO credit score ranges from 300-579, while a bad Vantage score ranges 300-499.

What is the average US credit score?

The average FICO credit score in the US is 717, according to the latest FICO data. The average VantageScore is 701 as of January 2024. Credit scores, which are like a grade for your borrowing history, fall in the range of 300 to 850.

Is 720 a good credit score to buy a house?

Assuming you have enough income, a 720 credit score is likely high enough to help you get a government-backed mortgage such as an FHA for VA loan. However, it's probably not high enough to get the lowest interest rates available.

What is a good credit score to buy a house?

Generally speaking, you'll likely need a score of at least 620 — what's classified as a “fair” rating — to qualify with most lenders. With a Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loan, though, you might be able to get approved with a score as low as 500.

Will my credit score go down if I pay off my house?

A mortgage paid in full will remain on your credit reports at the three national credit bureaus (Experian, TransUnion and Equifax) for 10 years as a "closed account in good standing." At the end of that time, if you haven't taken out a new mortgage, your credit scores may drop slightly because of a reduced credit mix ...

What is the average credit score by age?

Average FICO 8 score by age
Age groupAverage FICO 8 score
1 more row
Mar 7, 2024

Will paying off debt lower my credit score?

Paying off your only line of installment credit reduces your credit mix and may ultimately decrease your credit scores. Similarly, if you pay off a credit card debt and close the account entirely, your scores could drop.

What is the biggest killer of credit scores?

5 Things That May Hurt Your Credit Scores
  • Making a late payment.
  • Having a high debt to credit utilization ratio.
  • Applying for a lot of credit at once.
  • Closing a credit card account.
  • Stopping your credit-related activities for an extended period.

What is the riskiest credit score?

A bad credit score is a FICO score below 580, meaning it falls in the poor credit range. Along the same lines, a bad score in the VantageScore model is one below 601, which would belong in the poor or very poor credit ranges.

Does paying off car help credit score?

While your credit scores might take a hit initially if you decide to pay off your car loan early, your scores could recover as you continue making other payments on time. And if you're not planning on borrowing money or applying for other credit anytime soon, the score drop might not make as much of a difference.

What is a good credit score for my age?

FICO Average Credit Score by Age Bracket and Year, 2022
Age Bracket2022
18–25679 (Good)
26–41687 (Good)
42–57706 (Good)
58–76742 (Very Good)
1 more row

What is a perfect FICO score?

A perfect FICO credit score is 850, but experts tell CNBC Select you don't need to hit that target to qualify for the best credit cards, loans or interest rates.

How rare is 825 credit score?

Membership in the 800+ credit score club is quite exclusive, with fewer than 1 in 6 people boasting a score that high, according to WalletHub data.

What's the worst credit score you can have to get a mortgage?

You can get a mortgage with a credit score as low as 620, 580 or even 500, depending on the type of loan.

What credit score do you need to buy a car?

Key Takeaways. Your credit score is a major factor in whether you'll be approved for a car loan. Some lenders use specialized credit scores, such as a FICO Auto Score. In general, you'll need at least prime credit, meaning a credit score of 661 or up, to get a loan at a good interest rate.

What's the lowest credit score to rent an apartment?

In general, landlords are unlikely to approve you with poor credit history, but might consider you if you can demonstrate current financial stability. The bottom line is that the score you need varies by location, but you're likely to get approved in most places if your score is at least 650.

What is the credit score for Gen Z?

A breakdown of younger generation credit scores

That score is considered to be right at the top of the “good” credit band, just a few points shy of an “excellent” credit score. Millennials and Gen Zers, however, average lower credit scores. Millennials average a credit score of 690, and Gen Zers come in at 680.

What is a respectable credit score?

Although ranges vary depending on the credit scoring model, generally credit scores from 580 to 669 are considered fair; 670 to 739 are considered good; 740 to 799 are considered very good; and 800 and up are considered excellent.

What is the average credit score for a 33 year old?

Given that the average credit score for people aged 18 to 25 is 679, a score between 679 and 687 (the average for people aged 26 to 41) could be considered “good”.

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Author: Rubie Ullrich

Last Updated: 28/02/2024

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